Henderson County
August 15, 2016 5:45 PM
Board of Education Special Meeting - Public Hearing
I. Call to Order
Lisa Baird
II. Public Hearing to hear comments regarding a proposed general fund tax levy to begin at 5:45 p.m.
Lisa Baird

The General Fund tax levied in fiscal year 2016 was 58.5 cents on real property and 58.5 cents on personal property which produced revenue of $14,487,597.83.  The proposed General Fund tax rate of 61.1 cents on real property and 61.1 cents on personal property is expected to produce $16.458,321.13.  Of this amount $2,939,633.80 is from new and personal property.  The compensating tax rate for 2017 is 58.8 cents for real property and 58.8 cents for personal property and is expected to produce $15,838,777.13.

The general areas to which revenue above 2016 revenue is to be allocated are as follows:  Cost of collections, building fund, instruction, transportation and maintenance of plant.

III. Close Public Hearing
Lisa Baird
Actions Taken

Order #15 - Motion Passed:  A motion to close the Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. passed with a motion by Mrs. Jennifer Keach and a second by Mrs. Tracey Williams.