Harrison County
August 23, 2011 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Stephens
2. Information: Good News Report
Chairman Stephens
3. Approval by Consent of: Minutes, Financial Report, Payment of Bills Due, Fundraisers
Chairman Stephens
4. Approval: HCHS Ag Department Field Trips
Todd Brannock and Nikki Jones
5. Approval: HCHS Breds to Travel during Spring Break
Brad Allison
6. Approval: HCHS Boys Basketball to Travel
Brad Allison
7. Approval: HCHS Band Overnight & Out-of-State Trips
John Merz
8. Approval: HCMS FFA Field Trips
Mike McIntire
9. Approval: Levy Compensating Tax Rate
Julie Asher
10. Approval: Transportation Rates
Julie Asher
11. Information: End of Fiscal Year Financial Reports
Julie Asher
12. Approval: Appoint Ed Taylor as Legislative Liaison
Chairman Stephens
13. Approval: Assurances of Compliance document
Dee Gee Fischer
14. Information: Enrollment Numbers for First Eleven Days of School
Lloyd Ogden
15. Information: Employment
Chairman Stephens
16. Approval/Information: Emergency & Miscellaneous
Chairman Stephens
17. Approval: Request for Adjournment
Chairman Stephens