Harrison County
January 25, 2011 7:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Stephens
2. Presentation: "What Does a Board Member Do?"
Video of Harrison County Schools' Students
3. Information: Good News Report
Board Members
4. Approval of Minutes, December Financial Report, Payment of Bills Due, and Fundraisers
Chairman Stephens
5. Information: Month Four Attendance Report
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
6. Approval of Out-of-District Student Contracts
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
7. Approval of the Draft Budget for 2011-2012
Ms. Julie Asher
8. Approval to Advertise for Services
Mr. David Case
9. Information: Achievement Gap Data Summary
Ms. Jenny Lynn Hatter and Ms. Cindy Hill
10. Request for Executive Session in Accordance with KRS 61.810 (1) (f)
Chairman Stephens
11. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session
Chairman Stephens
12. Election of 2011 HC Board Chairperson
Ms. Dee Gee Fischer
13. Election of 2011 HC Board Vice-Chairperson
Chairman Stephens
14. Appointment of Secretary
Chairman Stephens
15. Appointment of Treasurer
Chairman Stephens
16. Appointment of Board Attorney
Chairman Stephens
17. Approval to Set Time, Date, and Place of Monthly Board Meetings
Ms. Dee Gee Fischer
18. Information: Employment
Chairman Stephens
19. Approval/Information: Emergency and Miscellaneous
Chairman Stephens
20. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Stephens