Harrison County
December 14, 2010 7:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Special Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Stephens
2. Information: Audit Report
Mr. Rupert White
3. Information: Good News Report
Board Members
4. Presentation: Eastside's Annual SBDM Council Update
Ms. BJ Maggard
5. Presentation: Westside's Annual SBDM Council UPdate
Mr. Jon Hoskins
6. Approval of Minutes, November Financial Report, Payment of Bills Due, and Fundraisers
Chairman Stephens
7. Approval of HCHS Band Trips/Travel
Mr. John Merz
8. Information: Month Four Attendance Report
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
9. Approval of the 2011-2012 School Calendar
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
10. Approval of the 2010 Nutrition and Physical Activity Report Card
Ms. Tammy Klapheke
11. Approval to Add a District-Wide Food Service Position
Ms. Tammy Klapheke
12. Approval of a Revised BG-1
Mr. David Case and Mr. John Gilbert
13. Approval of Bids
Mr. David Case and Mr. John Gilbert
14. Approval of Material Testing Proposal with CSI
Mr. David Case and Mr. John Gilbert
15. Approval to Accept Resignation
Mr. David Case
16. Approval to Appoint Member to LPC
Mr. David Case
17. Approval to Add Wrestling Assistant Coach (1/2) Position
Mr. Andy Dotson
18. Information: Employment
Chairman Stephens
19. Approval/Information: Emergency and Miscellaneous
Chairman Stephens
20. Request for Executive Session in Accordance with KRS 61.810 (1) (f)
Chairman Stephens
21. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session
Chairman Stephens
22. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Stephens