Harrison County
July 22, 2024 6:00 PM
Board of Education Special - Video Teleconference Conference Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Carey
2. Pledge of Allegiance
Dr. Harry Burchett
3. Presentation: McDowell Farm Operators
Russ Arnold/Farmers/Admin. Officers
4. Approval to Add Teaching Position
Steven Fowler
5. Approval of an Emergency Certification
Steven Fowler
6. Approval of Trips for Harrison County High School FFA
Steven Fowler
7. Approval of School Based Mental Health Agreements
Jenny Lynn Hatter
8. Approval of Doctoral Candidate Research
Jenny Lynn Hatter
9. Approval to Accept Bids
Alex Barnett
10. Approval of Consent Items: Board Minutes and Fundraisers
Chairperson Carey
10.A. Approval of Board Minutes
Chairperson Carey
10.B. Fundraisers
Chairperson Carey
10.B.I. Approval of Harrison County High School Fundraiser Requests
Chairperson Carey
10.B.II. Approval of Harrison County Middle School Fundraiser Requests
Chairperson Carey
10.B.III. Approval of Eastside Elementary School Fundraiser Requests
Chairperson Carey
11. Approval of Financial Reports
Chairperson Carey
12. Approval to Apply for 3M Grant
Mary Grubb
13. Approval of 2024-2025 School Resource Officer Contracts
Mary Grubb
14. Approval of Pledge of Collateral Agreement for Public School Funds
Mary Grubb
15. Information: Construction Update
Scott Noel/Travis Curry
16. Approval of Construction Pay Application #1 of Phase 2 Construction
Bill Blackburn
17. Approval to Declare Items for Surplus
Bill Blackburn
18. Approval of 2024-2025 Policy Procedure and Associated Policy Updates to Handbooks
Dr. Harry Burchett
19. Approval of Employee Leave of Absences
Chairperson Carey
20. Information: Superintendent's Report of Personnel Actions
Chairperson Carey
21. Request to Convene in Executive Session
Chairperson Carey
22. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session
Chairperson Carey
23. Information: Public Statement from Board Members Regarding the Superintendent's Evaluation
Chairperson Carey
24. Information: Superintendent Comments
Dr. Harry Burchett
25. Approval of Emergency and Miscellaneous Items
Chairperson Carey
26. Request for Adjournment
Chairperson Carey