Harrison County
May 21, 2024 1:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Special Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Carey
2. Approval of Construction Bids
Chairperson Carey
3. Approval of Revised BG-1 Form Based on Accepted Bids
Chairperson Carey
4. Approval to Adopt a Resolution
Chairperson Carey
5. Approval to Temporarily Adjourn the Meeting of the Harrison County Board of Education
Chairperson Carey
6. Call to Order of the Harrison County School District Finance Corporation
Chairperson Carey
7. Approval to Confirm Harrison County School District Finance Corporation Officers
Chairperson Carey
8. Approval of District Finance Corporation Meeting Minutes
Chairperson Carey
9. Approval to Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Issuance of Revenue Bonds
Chairperson Carey
10. Request to Adjourn the District Finance Corporation
Chairperson Carey
11. Request to Reconvene the Harrison County Board of Education Meeting
Chairperson Carey
12. Request for Adjournment
Chairperson Carey