Harrison County
August 24, 2010 7:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Stephens
2. Presentation/Approval: HCHS Cheerleaders Trip to Nationals
Ms. DeDe Shirley, Ms. Summer Whitaker, Ms. Julie Henson, and Ms. Niki Whalen
3. Approval to Adopt Resolution
Mr. Joe Nance
4. Request for Adjournment of the Harrison County Board of Education Board Meeting
Chairman Stephens
5. Call to Order of the Harrison County School District Finance Corporation Meeting
Chairman Stephens
6. Approval to Confirm the Harrison County School District Finance Corporation Officers
Chairman Stephens
7. Approval to Adopt Resolution
Mr. Joe Nance
8. Request for Adjournment of the Harrison County School District Finance Corporation Meeting
Chairman Stephens
9. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session of the Harrison County Board of Education Board Meeting
Chairman Stephens
10. Approval of Minutes, July Financial Report, and Payment of Bills Due
Chairman Stephens
11. Approval of HCHS Fundraisers
Mrs. Amy Casey
12. Approval of HCHS Choir Travel
Ms. Michelle Hassall
13. Approval of HCHS Marching Band Travel
Mr. John Merz
14. Approval of HCMS Fundraisers
Ms. Dee Gee Fischer
15. Approval of Westside Fundraisers
Mr. Jon Hoskins
16. Information: Update on Attendance and Enrollment
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
17. Approval for a BG-1
Mr. David Case
18. Approval for a Contract with Ross Tarrant Architects
Mr. David Case
19. Approval of Second Reading of Tobacco-Free Campus Policy
Mr. Andy Dotson
20. Approval of Second Reading of Policy 04.312 School Activity Funds
Ms. Julie Asher
21. Information: Activity Fund Annual Financial Reports for the Period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010 and Donations to Schools
Ms. Julie Asher
22. Information: Booster Club Annual Financial Reports for the Period of July 1, 2009 through June 30, 2010
Ms. Julie Asher
23. Approval of Tax Rates
Ms. Julie Asher
24. Information: Employment
Chairman Stephens
25. Approval/Information: Emergency and Miscellaneous
Chairman Stephens
26. Request for Executive Session in Accordance with KRS 61.810 (1) (b)
Chairman Stephens
27. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session
Chairman Stephens
28. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Stephens