Harrison County
June 22, 2010 7:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Stephens
2. Approval of Minutes, May Financial Report, and Payment of Bills Due
Chairman Stephens
3. Approval of HCHS Fundraisers
Mr. James Schmidt
4. Approval of FFA Field Trips
Mr. James Schmidt
5. Approval to Declare Bus #951 as Surplus
Mr. David Case
6. Approval to Declare Items as Surplus
Mr. David Case
7. Approval to Purchase Fidelity Bonds
Ms. Julie Asher
8. Approval of Fees for the High School and Middle School
Ms. Julie Asher
9. Approval to Purchase Worker's Comp Insurance
Ms. Julie Asher
10. Approval of First Reading of Policy 04.312
Ms. Julie Asher
11. Approval to Purchase Bonds
Ms. Julie Asher
12. Approval for a Bond of Depository
Ms. Julie Asher
13. Approval for First Reading of Policies
Ms. Dee Gee Fischer
14. Information: Feasibility of Initiating a Performing Arts Program
Mr. Andy Dotson
15. Information: Tobacco Policy
Mr. Andy Dotson
16. Information: Employment
Chairman Stephens
17. Request for Executive Session in Accordance with KRS 61.810 (1) (b)
Chairman Stephens
18. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session
Chairman Stephens
19. Approval/Information: Emergency and Miscellaneous
Chairman Stephens
20. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Stephens