Harrison County
September 02, 2009 6:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Special Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Taylor
2. Public Hearing
3. Approval to Set Tax Rates
Ms. Julie Asher
4. Approval of Set of Assurances for State Fiscal Stabilization Funds and Assurances for State and Federal Grants
Ms. Julie Asher
5. Approval of HCHS FFA Fundraiser
Mr. Todd Brannock
6. Approval of First Reading Amending Policy 09.36 School-Related Student Trips
Mr. Andy Dotson
7. Approval for Erica Gegner and Kerri Childress to Hold Emergency Certificates
Ms. Dee Gee Fischer
8. Approval to Move the Regular September Board Meeting
Ms. Dee Gee Fischer
9. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Taylor