Harrison County
April 21, 2009 7:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Taylor
2. Presentation: Certificate of Excellence to Mr. Gary Lizer
Chairman Taylor
3. Approval of Minutes, March Financial Report, and Payment of Bills Due
Chairman Taylor
4. Approval of HCHS Fundraisers
Mr. James Schmidt
5. Approval of Kids Club Fundraiser
Mrs. Lisa Grubb
6. Information: 6th Month Attendance Report
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
7. Approval of Amended 08-09 School Calendar
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
8. Approval of 1% Raise for Certified and Classified Staff and Salary Schedules
Mrs. Julie Asher
9. Approval to Accept Bids
Mr. David Case
10. Approval for Pay Applications and Change Orders regarding Bid Package #3
Mr. David Case
11. Approval for Pay Application - Northside Elementary Sewage Line
Mr. David Case
12. Approval of Proposed Restructuring of KSBA Regional Boundaries
Mr. Andy Dotson
13. Approval of Graduation Date
Mr. Andy Dotson
14. Approval of Travel to 2009 Washington Leadership Conference
Mrs. Dee Gee Fischer
15. Approval of Eastside 2nd Grade Field Trip
Mrs. Dee Gee Fischer
16. Approval of Eastside 5th Grade Field Trip
Mrs. Dee Gee Fischer
17. Information: Good News Report
Chairman Taylor
18. Information: Employment
Chairman Taylor
19. Approval/Information: Emergency and Miscellaneous
Chairman Taylor
20. Request for Executive Session in accordance with KRS 61.810 (1) (f)
Chairman Taylor
21. Request to Reconvene in Regular Session
Chairman Taylor
22. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Taylor