Harrison County
July 23, 2019 6:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairperson Carey
2. Approval of Consent Items: Board Minutes and Fundraisers
Chairperson Carey
2.A. Approval of Board Minutes
Chairperson Carey
2.B. Fundraisers
Chairperson Carey
2.B.I. Approval of Harrison County High School Fundraiser Requests
Chairperson Carey
2.B.II. Approval of Harrison County Middle School Fundraiser Requests
Chairperson Carey
2.B.III. Approval of Eastside Elementary School Fundraiser Requests
Chairperson Carey
3. Approval of Financial Reports
Chairperson Carey
4. Approval of Trip for HC Breds Baseball Team
Taylor Hill
5. Approval of Bus Routes for 2019-2020
Bill Blackburn
6. Approval of Clinical Services Agreement with UK
Jenny Lynn Hatter
7. Approval of New Contract with KSBA for Medicaid Training and Billing Services
Whitney Fowler
8. Approval of an Emergency Certification
Candida Lewis
9. Approval to Renew Student Accident Insurance Policy
Julie Asher
10. Approval of Revised Salary Schedules for FY 19-20
Julie Asher
11. Approval of GMAP Statement of Assurances for Federal Funding
Julie Asher
12. Approval to Add a Preschool Teaching Position and a Preschool Instructional Assistant Position
Julie Asher
13. Approval of 2019 Board Policy Updates
Dr. Burchett
14. Information: Superintendent's Report on Next Generation Superintendent Effectiveness Standards
Dr. Burchett
15. Presentation: 2018-2019 District Attendance Report
Bow Switzer
16. Approval of 2020-2021 Nonresident Student Contracts
Bow Switzer
17. Approval of the 2019-20 Master Schedules
Bow Switzer
18. Approval to Award Contract for Renovation Services
Bow Switzer
19. Approval of Owner-Architect Agreement for Central Office Renovations
Bow Switzer
20. Approval of Owner-Architect Agreement for Southside Elementary School Renovations
Bow Switzer
21. Approval of Schematic Drawings/Plans for Central Office Renovations
Bow Switzer/Scott Noel
22. Approval of Schematic Drawings/Plans for Southside Elementary Renovations
Bow Switzer/Scott Noel
23. Approval of an Agreement for Services with New Vista
Bow Switzer
24. Information: Superintendent's Report of Personnel Actions
Chairperson Carey
25. Approval of Emergency and Miscellaneous Items
Chairperson Carey
26. Public Comment
27. Request for Adjournment
Chairperson Carey