Harrison County
March 20, 2007 7:00 PM
Harrison County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to order
Chairman Lizer
2. Westside's Annual SBDM Council Update
Mr. Jon Hoskins
3. Middle School's Annual SBDM Council Update
Mr. Mike McIntire
4. Approval of Minutes, Financial Report, and Payment of Bills
Chairman Lizer
5. Approval to amend the 2006-2007 school calendar
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
6. Sixth Month Attendance Report
Mr. Lloyd Ogden
7. Approval to purchase a chiller barrel for Vocational School and hot water boiler for Westside
Mr. David Case
8. Approval of the second reading of the draft District Facility Plan
Mr. David Case
9. Approval to accept the mowing bid winners
Mr. David Case
10. Approval for a BG-1
Mr. David Case
11. Approval to advertise for architectural services for HCHS projects
Mr. David Case
12. Site-Based Council 2007-2008 Staffing Allocations and consideration to approve additional positions
Mrs. Julie Asher
13. Approval for school-wide fundraisers
Mrs. Julie Asher
14. Report of implementation put in place to address independent auditor's management points
Mrs. Julie Asher
15. Legislative Update
Dr. Woodward
16. Good News Reports
Dee Gee Fischer
17. Approval to change the April 17, 2007 board meeting to April 24, 2007
Dee Gee Fischer
18. Employment
19. Emergency and Miscellaneous
20. Approval to go into Executive Session in accordance with KRS 61.810 for the Superintendent's Evaluation
21. Request to Convene in Regular Session
22. Request for Adjournment