Harrison County
November 26, 2013 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
Chairman Lizer
2. Oath of Office
Attorney John Lair
3. Recognition of Sam Arnold and the Agnes McDowell Trust
Todd Brannock
4. Presentation: Incentive Awards to Advanced Placement Program Recipients, 2012-2013
Amy Coleman and Donelle Judy
5. Presentation: HCMS Wetland Construction Project Slideshow
Sarah Moll and Students
6. Information: Good News Report
Board Members
7. Approval of Consent Items
Chairman Lizer
7.A. Approval of Board Minutes
Chairman Lizer
7.B. Fundraisers
Chairman Lizer
7.B.I. Approval of Harrison County High School Fundraiser Requests
Chairman Lizer
7.B.II. Approval of Harrison County Middle School Fundraiser Requests
Chairman Lizer
7.B.III. Approval of Northside Elementary School Fundraiser Requests
Chairman Lizer
7.B.IV. Approval of Westside Elementary School Fundraiser Requests
Chairman Lizer
8. Approval of the October Financial Report (Board, School Activity, and Booster Accounts) and Payment of Bills
Chairman Lizer
9. Presentation: Harrison County Schools FY2012-2013 Audit Report
Artie White
10. Approval of Field Trips
10.A. Approval of Harrison County High School Field Trips
10.A.I. Approval of Competition Trips for the Harrison County Fillies Softball Team
Coach Christine Garnett
10.A.II. Approval of a Student Fee for the HCHS Choir's Field Trip to Orlando, Florida
Michelle Hassall
10.A.III. Approval of a Student Fee for All-State Choir Participants
Michelle Hassall
10.B. Approval of Harrison County Middle School Field Trips
10.B.I. Approval for HCMS Students to Attend the KUNA Conference
Whitney Criswell
11. Information: Harrison County Schools' Christmas Angel Project to Partner with Wal-Mart in their "Stuff a Bus" Donation Program
Vicki Faulkner
12. Approval for the Elementary Schools to Participate in a VSA Kentucky, Arts Inclusion Grant Program
Beth Thompson
13. Information: Month 3 Attendance Report
Lloyd Ogden
14. Approval of Out of District Student Contracts
Lloyd Ogden
15. Approval of Construction Purchase Orders/Pay Applications Regarding the Harrison County High School Renovation and Field House Project
David Case & John Gilbert
16. Approval of a Schematic Design and BG-2 for BG 13-165 Harrison County - District Wide Security Upgrades
David Case
17. Approval of Harrison County Schools' Comprehensive District Improvement Plan for November 2013-December 2014
Jenny Lynn Hatter
18. Information: Statement of Assurance - Superintendent Evaluation in ASSIST
Chairman Lizer
19. Approval to Declare the Social Studies/English Position Opening at Harrison County High School an Emergency
Superintendent Andy Dotson
20. Approval to Declare the Anatomy/Physiology Classes at Harrison County High School an Emergency Position
Superintendent Andy Dotson
21. Approval to Pay Membership Dues to KASS
Chairman Lizer
22. Approval to Hold Special Board Meeting
Chairman Lizer
23. Information: Dates to Remember
Chairman Lizer
24. Approval of Call to Action Resolution to the Kentucky State Legislature on Education Funding
Chairman Lizer
25. Information: Superintendent's Report of Personnel Actions
Chairman Lizer
26. Emergency and Miscellaneous
Chairman Lizer
27. Request for Adjournment
Chairman Lizer