Hardin County
April 15, 2010 6:00 PM
Hardin County Board of Education
1. Call to Order
2. Order of Business
3. Board Commitments
4. Student and Staff Recognitions and Fred of the Month
Actions Taken

Order #10066 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Resolution recognizing students and staff and the district Fred of the Month passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater and a second by Mr. John Emary.

5. Focus on Academics
5.A. North Hardin JROTC Program
5.B. Instructional Update
6. Recognition of Visitors
7. Consideration of Consent Agenda
8. Approval of Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #10067 - Motion Passed:  Approval of consent agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. John Emary and a second by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater.

8.A. Instructional Services
8.A.1. Approval of the AVID Continuation Contract for JHHS, NHHS and North Middle School
8.B. Student Services
8.C. Finance and Support Services
8.C.1. Received the monthly financial reports
8.C.2. Approval of the Orders of the Treasurer
8.C.3. Received the School Activity Fund Balance Report
8.C.4. Approval of the Floor Tile/Carpet Installation Bid
8.C.5. Change Orders
8.D. Human Resources
8.D.1. Received the certified personnel actions
8.D.2. Received the classified personnel actions
8.D.3. Approval of Leave of Absence for Bethany Youngblood for 2010-2011
8.E. Miscellaneous Items
8.E.1. Approval of the minutes from the March 18, 2010, noon regular board meeting
8.E.2. Approval of the minutes from the March 18, 2010, evening regular board meeting
8.E.3. Received copies of the schools SBDM Minutes
8.E.4. Received the PAC Calendar of Events
8.E.5. Received the PAC News
8.E.6. Approval of PAC Contracts
8.E.6.1. Allegro Spring Recital Contract
8.E.6.2. Center Stage Spring 2010 Recital
8.E.6.3. Dancer Center Spring 2010 Recital
9. Action Items
9.A. Report on projects in progress from Peck, Flannery, Gream and Warren
9.B. Report on projects in progress from Sherman, Carter and Barnhart
9.C. New Business
9.D. Executive Session – Pursuant to KRS 61.810 executive session for the purpose of discussing student hearings
Actions Taken

Order #10068 - Motion Passed:  Approval to go into executive session for student hearings passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Mr. John Emary.

9.D.1. Expulsion Hearing
Actions Taken

Order #10069 - Motion Passed:  Approval to expel student 10-H until December 21, 2010 passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater.

9.D.2. Expulsion Hearing
Actions Taken

Order #10070 - Motion Passed:  Approval to expel student 10-I for the remainder of the 2009-2010 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater.

9.E. Board Calendar
9.E.1. April 18 - North Middle School Dedication - 2:00 p.m.
9.E.2. April 20 - Volunteer Celebration - PAC - 6:00 p.m.
9.E.3. April 29 - ExCELebration - Nolin RECC - 5:45 p.m.
9.E.4. April 30 - School Dismissed
9.E.5. May 4 - Retirement Reception - North Hardin High School - 5:45 p.m.
9.E.6. May 13 - SBDM/HCEF Dinner - Nolin RECC - 5:45 p.m.
9.E.7. May 20 - 6:00 p.m. - Regular Board Meeting - Central Office
9.E.8. May 20 - 11:30 a.m. - Regular Board Meeting - East Hardin Middle School
9.E.9. May 27 - 7:00 p.m. - Hardin County High School/GED Graduation- Central Hardin High School
9.E.10. May 31 - Memorial Day - Office Closed
9.F. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #10071 - Motion Passed:  There being no further business, approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Mr. John Emary.