Hardin County
November 20, 2008 6:00 PM
Hardin County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Order of Business
3. Board Commitments
4. Student and Staff Recognitions
Actions Taken

Order #9841 - Motion Passed:  Approval of resolutions recognizing staff and students and the district Fred of the Month passed with a motion by Mr. John Emary and a second by Mr. Charlie Wise.

5. Focus on Academics - Vine Grove Elementary Math Alliance
6. Recognition of Visitors
7. Consideration of Consent Agenda
8. Approval of Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #9842 - Motion Passed:  Approval of consent agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Scott Tubbs and a second by Mr. Charlie Wise.

8.A. Instructional Services
8.B. Student Services
8.B.1. Approval of nonresident student contracts for the 2009-2010 school year
8.B.2. Approval for James T. Alton SADD club students to travel to Memphis, TN, March 6-7, 2009, via commercial carrier
8.B.3. Approval for the Bluegrass Middle School football team to travel to the middle school state football championships, November 1, 2008 via commercial carrier
8.B.4. Received month 1 and 2 attendance report
8.C. Finance and Support Services
8.C.1. Received the Monthly Financial Report
8.C.2. Approval of the Orders of the Treasurer
8.C.3. Received the School Activity Fund Balance Report
8.C.4. Approval of change orders under $10,000
8.C.5. Approval of revised BG1 for the central office annex
8.D. Personnel Services
8.D.1. Received Certified Personnel Actions
8.D.2. Received Classified Personnel Actions
8.E. Miscellaneous Services
8.E.1. Received copies of the schools SBDM minutes
8.E.2. Received the PAC Calendar of Events
8.E.3. Received the PAC News
8.E.4. Received 2008 KSBA District Board Member Training Report
9. Action Items
9.A. Report on projects in progress from Peck, Flannery, Gream and Warren
Actions Taken

Order #9843 - Motion Passed:  Approval of change order at at the Central Office Annex to add pipe grid (used to hang theatrical lights) in the TV Studio in the amount of $15,950 passed with a motion by Mr. John Emary and a second by Mr. Scott Tubbs.

9.B. Report on projects in progress from Sherman, Carter and Barnhart
Actions Taken

Order #9844 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Change Order #1 at North Middle School due to change in the geothermal contractor in the amount of ($18,321.56) passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Mr. Scott Tubbs.

Order #9845 - Motion Passed:  Approval to award the North Middle School Turn Lanes project to the apparent low bidder, Alliance Corporation, pending final approval by the Kentucky Department of Transportation in the amount of $473,755.25 passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater and a second by Mr. John Emary.

9.C. Approval of the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school calendars
Actions Taken

Order #9846 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 school calendars as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater.

9.D. Information and discussion regarding facility project updates, bonding status, Growth Nickel, and 08-09 state budget
10. New Business
11. Executive Session
Actions Taken

Order #9847 - Motion Passed:  Approval to go into executive session to discuss student hearings and the superintendent's contract passed with a motion by Mr. John Emary and a second by Mr. Scott Tubbs.

Order #9851 - Motion Passed:  Approval for the Board Chairperson, Superintendent and Board Attorney to work together to amend the superintendent's contract regarding the Health Insurance Benefits because of changes in the superintendent's spouse's insurance plan passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater and a second by Mr. Charlie Wise.

12. Expulsion
Actions Taken

Order #9848 - Motion Passed:  Approval to expel Student 09-B for the remainder of the school year passed with a motion by Mr. Charlie Wise and a second by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater.

Order #9849 - Motion Passed:  Approval to expel Student 09-C be expelled for the remainder of this school year passed with a motion by Mr. John Emary and a second by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater.

13. Board Calendar
13.A. November 22 - American Education Week at Towne Mall
13.B. November 26-28 - School Dismissed
13.C. December 12-13 - KSBA Winter Conference
13.D. December 18 - Regular Board Meeting
13.E. December 22 - January 2 - Winter Break
14. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #9852 - Motion Passed:  Approval to adjourn the meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Suzanne Broadwater and a second by Ms. Kay Sharon.