Glasgow Independent
March 09, 2020 6:00 PM
Glasgow Board of Education Regular Meeting
I.A. Roll Call
I.B. Adopt Agenda
II.A. Student Recognitions
II.B. Employee Recognition - "Inspiring Greatness": to recognize staff who go above and beyond to inspire others - staff and students alike - to be their very best.
II.C. Superintendent notification of personnel actions taken since the last regular board meeting.
II.D. Update on Glasgow High School Football Complex construction progress.
II.E. Discussion of revised 2020/2021 Certified Evaluation Plan.
II.F. Announcement of Spring testing dates.
II.G. Announcement of dates for Kindergarten Readiness Camp and Inquiring Minds Camp.
III.A. Approve the Minutes of the February 10, 2020 Regular meeting.
III.B. Approve Payment of Claims
III.C. Approve monthly financial report for February, 2020.
III.D. Approve Trips/Fundraisers
III.D.1. Trips
III.D.1.a. Approve overnight/out of state trip, GMS Beta, National Beta Convention, June 19-22, 2020, Fort Worth, TX.
III.D.1.b. GMS Beta, National Beta Convention, June 19-22, 2020, Fort Worth, TX.
III.D.2. Fundraisers
III.D.2.a. GHS Beta, Parent Night, March - June, 2020.
III.D.2.b. GHS Beta, Go Fund Me Donations, March - June, 2020.
III.D.2.c. GHS Beta, Candy/Snack sales, March - June, 2020.
III.D.2.d. GHS Beta, PuraVida Bracelets, March - June, 2020.
III.D.2.e. GHS Beta, tshirt sales, March - June, 2020.
III.D.2.f. GMS Beta, tshirt sales, Feb-June, 2020.
III.D.2.g. GMS Beta, Bundt cake sales, Feb. - June, 2020.
III.D.2.h. GMS Beta, Coke product sales, Feb.-May, 2020.
III.D.2.i. GMS Beta, Character Breakfast, Feb.-May, 2020.
III.D.2.j. GMS Beta, Egg Hunt, Feb. - May, 2020.
III.D.2.k. GMS Beta, Car Show, Feb.- May, 2020.
III.D.2.l. GMS Beta, Local Restaurant nights, Feb.-May, 2020.
III.D.2.m. GMS Baseball, shirt sales, March, 2020.
III.D.2.n. GHS Cross Country, Spring Shirt sales, Feb.- May, 2020.
III.E. Approve partial funding of student participation fees in the amount of $200 per student for the 2020 QuizBowl Camps for Academic Competition Middle Grades and High School Summer Camps to be held at various locations. This can be used in place of, but not in addition to, the $200 for KAAC Camp.
III.F. Approve Memorandum of Agreement between GIS and Lifeskills for providing student services.
III.G. Approve MOA between GIS and Southcentral Kentucky Community College for Dual Credit Courses for 2020-2021 school year.
IV.A. Approve amendment to the 2019-2020 Classified Employees Annual Salary Schedule to add the position of GHS 21st Century Community Learning Center Site Coordinator.
IV.B. Approve revised 2020-2021 Certified Evaluation Plan.
IV.C. Approve District Certified Evaluation Assurances for 2020/2021 school year.
IV.D. Declare bus #22 as surplus property.
IV.E. Approve donation to GHS Athletics from Gordman's Specialty Retailers for $1000.
IV.F. Approve donation to HES Family Resource from Barren Fiscal Court for $750 for Alcohol Prevention programs.
IV.G. Accept donation to GIS schools from Drobocky Orthodontics for $1400.
IV.H. Accept donation to SGE Family Resource from Barren Fiscal Court for $750 for Alcohol Prevention programs.
IV.I. Accept donation to SGE Family Resource from Children's Day Fund for $1651.50.
IV.J. Accept donation to GMS Family Resource from Children's Day Fund for $1417.50.
IV.K. Approve donation to GMS Family Resource from Barren Fiscal Court for $1000 for Alcohol Prevention programs.