Garrard County
May 03, 2023 4:00 PM
Garrard County Finance Corporation Special Meeting
I. Call the Special Finance Corporation Meeting to Order
I.A. Moment of Silence
I.B. Pledge of Allegiance
I.C. Approve Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #209 - Motion Passed:  Adopt agenda, passed with a motion by Dr. Jerry Browning and a second by Mr. Kenneth Hurt.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
II. Approve Finance Corporation Meeting Minutes for January 5, 2023
Actions Taken

Order #210 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the minutes from January 5, 2023, passed with a motion by Ms. Mary Davis and a second by Mr. Ethan Smith.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
III. Approve Resolution Authorizing Issuance of the Garrard County School District Finance Corporation Revenue Bonds Series for 2023 and Advertising for Bond Sale and All Other Document in Connection with the Bond Issue
Actions Taken

Order #211 - Motion Passed:  The superintendent recommends approval of the resolution, advertising, and all other documents related to the 2023 Bond Issue for the Garrard County School District Finance Corporation, passed with a motion by Mr. Kenneth Hurt and a second by Dr. Jerry Browning.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes
IV. Adjourn the Special Meeting of the Finance Corporation
Actions Taken

Order #212 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment, passed with a motion by Mr. Ethan Smith and a second by Ms. Mary Davis.

Member Votes
Dr. Connie Lamb Yes
Dr. Jerry Browning Yes
Mr. Kenneth Hurt Yes
Ms. Mary Davis Yes
Mr. Ethan Smith Yes