Franklin County
May 06, 2013 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to educate students in a community-involved learning environment that ensures all students will achieve their greatest individual potential in order to succeed in a global society.

Please silence all cell phones.

II. Recognitions and Presentations

BPE History Club
Operation Preparation
National Merit Finalists
Student Board Representatives
BMS Student
Will Chase

III. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

IV. New Business
IV.A. Approve Annual Contracts and Vendor Bids for 2013-14

The attachment will detail the annual contracts & vendors with a recommendation from our Finance Director.

Please note that we are under the State Coke contract (not a District contract) and Stericycle is an annual continuation of a prior contract.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the attached 2013-14 annual contracts and vendor bids

Actions Taken

Order #59 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the attached 2013-14 annual contracts and vendor bids passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

IV.B. Approve Minutes for 4-8-13

The minutes for the 4-8-13 Regular Meeting are presented for your approval.

Dr. Brown was absent from this meeting and must abstain from voting.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the 4-8-13 Regular Meeting minutes

Actions Taken

Order #60 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 4-8-13 Regular Meeting minutes passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

IV.C. Approve Negotiation of Ameresco Contract

Ameresco presented the Phase A report to the District Energy Team on April 17.  The team opted to pursue a contract with Ameresco pending board approval.  An abbreviated Phase A report is attached and the full 120 page report it available for review as well.  If/when the board authorizes negotiation of a guaranteed energy saving performance contract with Ameresco, the initial phase A plan can be tailored to meet our specific needs as a district.

Recommended Motion

Approval to negotiate a guaranteed energy savings performance contract with Ameresco

Actions Taken

Order #61 - Motion Passed:  Approval to negotiate a guaranteed energy savings performance contract with Ameresco passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

IV.D. Discussion and/or Approval of 2013-14 Expenditure Cuts

The superintendent will present expenditure cuts to the 2013-14 draft budget in order to narrow the budget shortfall and restore the Contingency Fund level.

A discussion will take place. Should the Board decide to vote/approve these cuts action may be taken.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the 2013-14 expenditure cuts as presented

Actions Taken

Motion Withdrawn:  Approval of the 2013-14 expenditure cuts as presented was withdrawn by Mr. Doug Crowe.

V. Construction
V.A. Approve CTC Change Order 30

Scott-Klausing is asking approval of change order #30 for the CTC project in the amount of $4663.42.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the CTC change order #30 in the amount of $4663.42

Actions Taken

Order #62 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the CTC change order #30 in the amount of $4663.42 passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown.

V.B. Approve Ameresco BG-1

KDE requires a BG1 for Performance Contracting.  Attached is the BG1 outlining the upgrades etc. associated with the Performance Contract developed by Ameresco.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Ameresco performance contract BG-1

Actions Taken

Order #63 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Ameresco performance contract BG-1 passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

VI. Reports to the Board
VI.A. Approve Monthly Financial Report

The Monthly Financial Report is presented for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Monthly Financial Report

Actions Taken

Order #64 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Monthly Financial Report passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

VI.B. Superintendent's Activities

Ms. Jones' activities for the month of April are presented for your information.

1-5 Vacation

8-Director's Meeting, Radio Interview, Principal and Teacher Meetings, Board Meeting
9-CTC Construction Meeting, Financial Advisor Meeting, FCEA Meeting, SBDM Principal
   Training, Webinar
10-Board Member Meeting, Preschool Meeting, Met with Paula Rutledge, WHHS SBDM
11-SBDM Principal Training, High School Advisory Meeting, WRE SBDM
12-Superintendent Meeting, CIA Meeting, DPP Meeting

15-Director's Meeting, Transportation Meeting, Special Ed Meeting, Principal Meeting,
     Board Meeting
16-Classified Advisory Meeting, Principal Observation, ELV SBDM
17-Principal Summative, Principal Meeting, Principal Observation, CLS SBDM
18-Administrative Staff Meeting, Summer PD Planning, LDC Meeting, WRE SBDM
19-Superintendent Meeting, Principal Meeting, C & I Meeting, Met with Mary

22-Director's Meeting, Staff Evaluations, Principal Observations, Principal
     Summatives, ELV SBDM
23-Parent Meeting, KSN Meeting, TLN Middle/High Meeting
24-OVEC Meeting, Elementary Advisory Meeting, CLE SBDM, WRE SBDM
25-Principal Summative, TLN ElementaryMeeting
26-Superintendent Meeting, KECSAC Review, CIA Meeting, Principal Observation,
     DPP Meeting, Parent Meeting, WRE Play

29-Director's Meeting, Principal Observations, Webcast, WRE SBDM
30-Principal Observations, Principals Meeting

VI.C. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

VI.D. Reports from School Councils

Reports from the schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your information.


VI.E. Attendance Report
VII. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #65 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

VII.A. Approve Minutes for 4-15-13

The minutes from the 4-15-13 mid-month meeting are presented for your approval.

VII.B. Approve Payment of Bills

                                                                Orders of the Treasurer

Date: 05/06/13

Warrant #: 050613

Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

Date: 05/06/13

Warrant #: SFS050613

Fund: School Food Service

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

VII.C. Approve Leaves of Absence

The following employees are requesting approval for a Leave of Absence:

Zachary Donnelly – FCHS – Paternity Leave – 10 days –  starting about April 19

Sheila Ward – Trans - Extend Medical Leave – January 1 - June 30 (remainder of school year)

Amy Gordon – WRE – Maternity Leave – 2/28/13 to 4/16/13


VII.D. Approve Fundraising Activities
VII.D.1. WHHS - Boys Soccer Camp

The Western Hills High School Boys Soccer team will be hosting their annual youth soccer camp this June!  Students who have competed grades K-5 are encouraged to join us for 4 nights of soccer skills, games and scrimmages all led by members of the Western Hills Boys Soccer Team.  Campers will enjoy a guest coach appearances from David Casper, UK Men’s Soccer Coach, on Tuesday night.

This event is self supporting by the Soccer Boosters and is utilized as a fund raiser for the high school team.

VII.E. Approve Travel
VII.E.1. WRE - Summer Program Out-of-State to Holiday World

The WRE After School Program would like to enter into a contract with Miller Transporation to attend Holiday World in Southern Indiana on June 7th.  The trip will be funded by the students and/or the ASP.

VII.E.2. CO - Odyssey of the Mind Out-of-State to Michigan

Request approval for 34 gifted and talented students to attend the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at Michigan State University on May 22 - 25.  The registration cost is $367.65 per student.  The students will also need funds for lodging, meals, and transportation.   Students and their families will drive to Michigan.  The group has reserved rooms at the Courtyard Marriot in East Lansing (approximately 3 miles from the university).  JW Blackburn, Martha Blackburn, Sherri Locke, Brooke Fell, Shannon Crump, and Melissa Rash, and Melissa Wainwright will attend the finals as district staff chaperones.  Dawn Welch and Amy Barnes will also be listed as an official chaperone.  Students' lodging supervision and transportation are the responsibility of the families.  The group is fundraising to offset the expense of the trip.   RRR Shipping Company has agreed to transport all the props to Michigan at no cost to the students. 

VII.E.3. WHHS - FFA Overnight to Lexington

Sixteen FFA students at Western Hills High Schoolwould like to attend the KY FFA State Convention/State Competitions June 11 through June 13.  The convention will be held at the Hilton in Lexington KY.  Students have numerous competions and events they will participate in.  Lodging will be at the Hilton Rupp Arena Hotel in Lexington KY and transportation will be provided by school bus.  Students will pay for their lodging and meals and the bus will be paid for with Perkins funds.  JR Zinner and Christina Thomas, both Ag teachers at Western Hills, will chaperone the trip.  The bus request will be entered in InfoFinder and will be faxed to the board office for approval as soon as transportation adds the hotel address. 

VII.F. Approve Contracts
VII.F.2. CO - Civic Center Graduation Contract
VII.F.3. CO - WRE FRYSC Waiver
VII.F.4. CO - Sign Language Interpreter

I am requesting for the attached contract to be approved between the Franklin County Board of Education and Rachel Morgan Perkins.  This contract will allow us to request Sign Language interpreting services.

VII.F.5. CO - Sign Language Interpreter

I am requesting for the attached contract to be approved between the Franklin County Board of Education and Dana Parker.  This contract will allow us to request Sign Language interpreting services.

VII.F.6. CO - enTech Assistive Technology Services

We occasionally have requests from ARC (Admissions and Release Committee) meetings for assistive technology evaluations throughout the school year.  Therefore,  we need to initiate a contract with an outside agency.

VII.F.7. CO - Physical Therapy Services

Physical Therapy services are needed to implement Individual Education Plans. (IEP)

VII.F.8. CO - Administrative Retreat Contract

The superintendent would like approval to enter into contract with Terri's Catering and the Glen Willis house for the July Administrative Retreat.

VII.F.9. EES - Ventourus to Holiday World

This is the contract for the motor coach for the Elks Herd to go to Holiday World for a Summer Field Trip. The trip was approved at the last board meeting.

VII.F.10. FCHS - Civic Center Prom Contract
VII.F.11. BPE - ASP Miller to Newport Aquarium


VII.F.12. PME - Laminator Contract

Attached you will find an agreement with GCB for our laminator. This is for the 2013-2014 school year.

VII.F.13. ELV - ASP Summer Trip Contracts

The Miller Transportation contract to the Newport Aquarium and the Lexington Explorium contract are attached for your approval.

VII.G. Approve Positions
VII.G.1. CO - Extended Days for Safe Crisis Management Training

Every year we provide training in Safe Crisis Management (SCM) to our staff.  This is a comprehensive crisis intervention and aggressive behavior management programs using a “Last Resort” comprehensive set of physical techniques that have been reviewed by medical experts for safety.  SCM emphasizes prevention and non-physical intervention as preferred management strategies.

However; due to some new requirements in 704 KAR 7:160 Use of Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools we will need to make sure we create core teams at each school which will require more staff to be trained.

We plan on offering three to four three-day sessions this summer for staff to become trained in SCM strategies and five one-day reviews for people already certified.  We are unsure of the total number of sessions at this time.  In order for us to provide this training, we need to extend Dennis Ledford’s contract.  He is a trainer in Safe Crisis Management.  Therefore, I am requesting we extend Dennis’s contract 16 days at a daily rate of $241.71 to assist in providing this training for us.

The funding for this will come from IDEA Basic, Part B.

VII.G.2. CO - Extended School Year Staff

Extended Employment for extended school year services.

Franklin County Public Schools will be offering an Extended School Year (ESY) Program for academics during the summer for students who qualify.  ESY is determined on an individual basis at Admission and Release Committee (ARC) meetings and simply to maintain the present level of educational performance and thus prevent excessive regression.  Due to different ARC recommendations, dates and times will be scheduled individually with each parent. I am recommending we employ two (2) teachers to provide instruction for the ESY program for a maximum of 36 hours.  The teacher will be paid at the same rate of an extended school service provider.  We will also need to employ an educational interpreter for a maximum of 36 hours. 

The funding for this will come from IDEA Basic.

VII.G.3. CO - Volunteer Coordinator Job Description

In review of the  scope of services outlined in the Community Education contract and the focus on College and Career Readiness for all students, the superintendent is recommending the refocus of the Community Education efforts to be used in assisting all schools with dropout prevention, securing and maintaining volunteers and mentors for our schools, working with school and community members in a joint effort to ensure all students are college and career ready.  As a result the superintendent is recommending a Dropout Prevention/Volunteer Coordinator position be approved to meet this need.  This position will serve as a liaison between the school and community to better serve the students of FCPS.

Recommended Motion

Approval of job description

VII.G.4. CO - Abolish Staffing Positions

Due to changes in SBDM allocations and other movement among staff, various positions have been added and abolished.

Recommended Motion

Approval to create and abolish the staff positions as stated

VII.H. Approve Grants
VII.H.1. WRE - FRYSC Target Grant

Terri Spellman, FRYSC, would like to request permission to apply for the Target Early Childhood Reading Grant.  She has applied and received this in the past and uses the money as part of her operational funding for her center.  As you know funding is minimal and most of it goes towards her salary.  This would allow her for some operational funds.

VII.H.2. EMS - Healthy Kids Grant

Audra Deli-Hoofnagle is asking approval for the EMS Action for Healthy Kids grant.

VII.H.3. CO - Reading Recovery Grant
VII.H.4. CTC - Perkins Grant 2013-14
VII.I. Approve Scott-Klausing Invoices and Pay Apps

Invoices and pay applications are attached for your approval.

VII.J. Approve Use of Garden Space

The Salchli's and Pritchett/Ingle families have asked approval to use the garden space located behind Crestwood Baptist Church for the rest of 2013.

VII.K. Approve WRE Summer ESS Program

Westridge Elementary School would like to request permission to be able to run a summer ESS program from about June 15 to July 15 for students currently in K-5th grade.  Our plan is to have about 40 students K-5 attend a 4-5 week summer session to help retain and reinforce learning in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics.  We would fund the program with our ESS money and provide transporation for those that need it.  We work hand in hand with our summer ASP program and provide meals for these students as well.  It has worked well the last two years and we have seen much success in our data reviews with these children.

VII.L. Approve Bus Driver Evaluation

Request that the Franklin County Board of Education officially adopt an evaluation specifically to be used for the yearly assessment of Bus Drivers.  Mark Watson, Transportation Director, has developed an evaluation instrument that will allow for more accurate and constructive evaluations of transportation employees.  With the Board's approval, we will begin using the new evaluation in 2013-14.  

VII.M. Approve WRE Outdoor Classroom

Westridge Elementary School would like to request permission to work with "Go Frankfort" in creating an outdoor classroom behind the school.  The "Go Frankfort" community group would be responsible for clearing out and creating all the environmental upgrades to be used with educating our students.  All funding needed for the projects would be provided by "Go Frankfort".

VII.N. Approve Technology Surplus
VIII. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on Monday, May 20, 2013 at the Early Learning Village.

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #66 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 6:58 passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.