Franklin County
August 15, 2011 6:00 PM
Mid-Month Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to educate students in a community-involved learning environment that ensures all students will achieve their greatest individual potential in order to succeed in a global society.

Please silence all cell phones.

II. Report from Bridgeport Elementary

Martha Lail will present a report on Bridgeport Elementary.

III. Update on Board Goals

Board members will provide input on Board goals for 2011-13.  New Board goals will be presented for approval at the September 6 Board meeting.

IV. Discussion on Tax Levy

Dr. Bob Wagoner will provide a thorough discussion related to the options for the district's tax levy at our meeting on September 6.  The Board will have a brief discussion related to options including a tax hearing prior to the regular meeting on September 6.   The Superintedent is asking for guidance on how to proceed considering the the following options:

1.  Proceed with advertisements and hold a hearing at 5:30 on September 6
2.  Do not advertise the levy - no hearing on September 6

V. Approve Owner-Architect Agreement for ACA

The Academy owner-architect agreement between FCPS and Scott-Klausing is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Academy owner-architect agreement as presented

Actions Taken

Order #17 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Academy owner-architect agreement as presented passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

VI. Approve ACA Revised BG-1

Due to added upgrades and requirements by KDE, we will need to make some revisions to the Academy BG-1.  Attached is the revised BG-1 for board review.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the ACA revised BG-1

Actions Taken

Order #18 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the ACA revised BG-1 passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

VII. Consent Agenda

The following items are presented in the Consent Agenda for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #19 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

VII.A. Approve Revised Salary Schedules

The attached schedules had errors or were missing from the initial approval.

VII.B. Approved Revised Job Classification

The last meeting approved the personnel in the grounds worker category being moved to the maintenance tech I category. Approval is needed to make it effective as of July 1, 2011.

VII.C. Approve Payment of Bills


Orders of the Treasurer

Date: 08/15/11

Warrant #: 081511

Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At a mid-month meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

Date: 08/15/11

Warrant #: SFS081511

Fund: School Food Service

At a mid-month meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

VII.D. Approve EMS Cafe Monitor

EMS has enough classified hours to use for a cafe monitor for 2 hours per day while students are in the building.  This would help tremendously with the lost of an Assistant Principal. 

We request the creation of a Cafe Monitor for 2 hours pers day. 

VII.E. Approve FCHS Assistant Coach Positions

All to be paid through Booster funds

Boy’s Golf
One position to be paid $500
Girl’s Golf
One position to be paid $500.
Two positions each to be paid $4400
Boy’s Soccer
One position to be paid $1000

VII.F. Approve EES Copier Agreement
VII.G. Approve KDE Assurances
VII.H. Approve Use of Emergency Substitute Teachers for 2011-2012

The supplies of 2011-2012 certified teachers available to substitute teach in the Franklin County Public Schools is inadequate to meet current demands. On most days throughout  the school year, emergency certified teachers are needed to fully staff our schools.

State regulations require that the Board state that "a sufficient supply of fully certified teachers to staff substitute positions is unavailable and that the Board declares that an emergency exists."

VII.I. Approve 2011-12 Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline

Deborah Wigginton has submitted the Student Handbook-"Code of Acceptable Behavior and Discipline" for the 2011-2012 year for your approval.

VII.J. Approve Revised Special Ed Instructional Assistant

Due to a decrease in our projected numbers at Western Hills High School (WHHS) in our FMD classroom we would like to use the .5 certified position, previously created, to change a part-time instructional assistant position to a full-time (7 hour/day)position, in order to assist in fulfilling Individual Education Plan (IEP) requirements. 

VIII. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6pm on Tuesday, September 6, 2011 at the Board of Education. 

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #20 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 7:24 passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown.