Franklin County
August 01, 2011 6:00 PM
Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to educate students in a community-involved learning environment that ensures all students will achieve their greatest individual potential in order to succeed in a global society.

Please silence all cell phones.

II. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

III. New Business
III.A. Back to School Update

Opening day for teachers is August 4 and the first day of school for students is next Monday, August 8.  The district staff members have worked hard throughout the summer in preparation for the 2011-12 school year.  District leadership representatives will provide an update for our readiness for welcoming our students, families, and school staff back to the new school year as follows:

Principals - the district vision and focus for 2011-12

Maurice Chappell - Professional Development Completed by Teachers

Charley Preston - transportation, personnel, food service, and maintenance

Charley Preston and Melissa Rogers - The Academy 

Jami Miller - Special Education

Christy Brock - Preschool and English Language Learners

Jimmy Pack - Technology and Wireless Internet Initiative

Deborah Wigginton - Tobacco Free 

Betty Lawson, BMS and WHHS Student Center

III.B. Approve WRE Revised Work Days for FRC

The district was notified of a cut in funding for the Family Resource Youth Service Center grant for 2011-12.  This had a significant impact on the FRC director at Westridge Elementary School, by limiting her services to 182 days.  We are requesting that the district supplement the necessary funding to allow the FRC director at Westridge to work 240 days (the same as the other district directors).  The cost to the district would be $9057.28 plus fringes which would be paid through the EduJobs federal grant.

Recommended Motion

Approval to use EduJobs funds to supplement additional days for the WRE FRC

Actions Taken

Order #9 - Motion Passed:  Approval to use EduJobs funds to supplement additional days for the WRE FRC passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

III.C. Approve Transient Committee

During the meeting with the Frankfort Independent Board of Education on July 1, we agreed to establish a joint Transient Committee to establish critieria and a process for addressing student mobility between our districts.  The committee suggested the following membership:
Director of Pupil Personnel
Student (from middle or high school)

Recommended Motion

Approval of a District Transient Committee

Actions Taken

Order #10 - Motion Passed:  Approval of a District Transient Committee passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

IV. Reports to the Board
IV.A. Approve Construction
IV.A.1. Approve BG-4 for the WHHS Roofing Project

The WHHS roofing project is complete. The final pay application has been submitted.
Approval of the BG-4 is required by KDE.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the BG-4 for the WHHS Roofing Project

Actions Taken

Order #11 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the BG-4 for the WHHS Roofing Project passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown.

IV.A.2. Approve BG-4 for ELV Boiler

An additional BG-4 must be approved for the ELV Boiler project. Per KDE a purchase order issued for the boiler necessitates a separate BG-4.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the ELV Boiler BG-4

Actions Taken

Order #12 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the ELV Boiler BG-4 passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

IV.B. Approve Monthly Financial Report

The Monthly Financial Report is presented for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Monthly Financial Report

Actions Taken

Order #13 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Monthly Financial Report passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

IV.C. Approve Minutes for 7-5-11

The minutes for 7-5-11 are presented for your approval.

BeLinda Henson was absent from this meeting. She will need to abstain from voting.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the 7-5-11 minutes as presented

Actions Taken

Order #14 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 7-5-11 minutes as presented passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

IV.D. Superintendent's Activities

Dr. Buecker's activities for the month of July are presented for your information.

Met With: Arthur McKee - KSU, Greg Roush, Steve Eggers, Bob Wagoner, Ed Breckel,  Leslie Cummins, Maurice Chappell, Applicants for Director of Curriculum  position, professional development facilitators, Kris Jarboe 

Attended: Joint Board Meeting, Regular Board Meeting, Curriculum Meetings,
KSBA Conference (Presentation), FCPS Leadership Retreat, KASA  
Conference, Superintendent's Advisory Council Meeting with 
Commissioner Holliday, Closing on 400 Democrat Drive Property

Vacation Days:  July 25 - 29 (5)

IV.E. Superintendent's Correspondence

Correspondence with Dr. Buecker is presented for your information.

Commissioner Holiday-Approved Technology Plan

Project Graduation Thank You

IV.F. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

IV.G. Reports from School Councils

Reports from the schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your information.




IV.G.1. WRE PD Plans
IV.H. Attendance Report
V. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #15 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

V.A. Approve Minutes of 7-1-11
V.B. Approve Payment of Bills


Orders of the Treasurer

Date: 8-1-11

Warrant #: 080111

Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

Date:  8-1-11

Warrant #: SFS 080111

Fund: School Food Service

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

Recommended Motion

Approval of payment of bills

V.C. Approve Leaves of Absence

The following employees are requesting approval for a Leave of Absence:

Aimee Graham (BMS): Maternity Leave  8/4/11-9/6/11

Bobbi Williams (BMS): Maternity Leave  9/16/11 - 11/11/11

V.D. Approve Fundraising Activities
V.D.1. CLE - PTO Candleberry Candles

Collins Lane PTO would like to sell Candleberry Candles with a local candle company in Frankfort, Kentucky.  The catalog consists of 8 different scented candles.  The school will receive 50% profit for selling the candles.  The money will be used to support many projects and activities for the students.

V.D.2. CLE - Kroger Cards

Collins Lane would like to sell Kroger cards during the school year of 2011/2012. We will receive 4% of what gets loaded onto each card.

V.D.3. CLE - Fall Festival

Collins Lane would like to hold our annual Fall Festival,  in November 2011, at school. It is our largest fundraiser of the year. We will sell tickets for entry, ice cream, and Kroger cards. We will also hold a silent auction as well as have a live auction of baskets.

V.D.4. CLE - Charleston Marketing

Collins Lane would like to sell out of the Charleston Wraps marketing catalog during the month of September. We will receive approximately 30-40% of the sales.

V.D.5. CLE - PTO Agenda Sales

At the Back to School Bash(August 4, 2011)-we would like to sell the CLE agenda books for $5 to each student. That would be approximately a $2 profit on each book.

V.D.6. EES - Fundraisers 2011-12

EES would like approval for the following fundraisers for 2011-2012:

Car Magnets - EES would like to sell car magnets to raise money for the school during the 2011-12.

Hat Days - a hat day fundraiser for students to pay $1.00 to be able to wear a hat to school one day.  Teachers would also be able to pay to wear a hat.  The hat days will occur periodically during year.

Innisbrook - EES would like to sell Innisbrook catalog products this year.

McDonald Nights - EES nights @ McDonald’s with a proceeds coming back to EES during the school year.

T-shirt Sales - EES would like to sell school T-shirts to help raise money for our school during the school year.

V.D.7. EES - PTO Fundraisers for 2011-12

Please approve the following PTO fundraisers for 2011-2012:

Dinner Nights - The PTO wants to hold chili/soup/dinner nights in conjunction with PTO meetings during the 2011-12 school year to incorporate a school performance along with a PTO meeting and have a dinner fundraiser.

Family Film Nights - The PTO wants to hold family nights at the school to help raise money during the 2011-12 school year.

Concession Sales - The PTO would like to sell concessions at the EES night at the Historical Museum.

V.D.8. PME - PTO Fundraisers

PTO is requesting to do several fundraisers throughout the year in order to purchase needed items for the school and students.

These include: Fall Festival, Bumblebee Catalog, Pancake Breakfast, Family Movie Nights, and McDonald's Night.

The descriptions are attached.

V.E. Approve Travel
V.E.1. FCHS - Cheerleaders Overnight to WKU

Cheer Coach, Ann Culbertson, would like to take the Flyer Cheerleaders to WKU for cheer camp July 15-18.  All room and board will be paid by the boosters and family contributions.  We request FCBOE transportation.

V.E.2. FCHS - Soccer Overnight to Morehead

We would like to request overnight travel to Morehead 7/10-7/14/11.  All room and board will be paid by boosters and family contributions.  We would like to request FCBOE transportation.

V.E.3. WHHS - Cheerleader Overnight to WKU

The WHHS Cheerleaders will be attending camp at Western Kentucky University.  They will be attending as individuals and transported by their parents. Debra Rigsby will be at the camp to supervise and instruct cheerleaders. 

V.E.4. EES - ASP Out-of-State to Indiana

EES Elks’ Herd ASP is requesting the approval for an out of state field trip to Holiday World in Santa Claus, IN on Friday August 5, 2011.  All costs of the trip will be paid with ASP funds and transportation will be booked through Miller Transportation.

V.F. Approve Contracts
V.F.1. CO - Bluegrass Comprehensive Care

For the past four years we have been providing space for therapists employed by Comprehensive Care to meet with their clients at school.  According to the principals, students have benefited from in-school therapy so we want to continue this collaborative arrangement.

V.F.2. CO - Mental Health Consultant

Contract with Bluegrass Regional Health-Mental Retardation Board, Inc. to provide mental health consultation services.

V.F.3. CO - Enabling Technologies

We occasionally have requests from ARC (Admissions and Release Committee) meetings for assistive technology evaluations throughout the school year.  Therefore, we need to initiate a contract with an outside agency.

V.F.4. CO - Physical Therapist

Physical Therapy services are needed to implement Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

V.F.5. CO - Bluegrass Technology Center

Consultative/Technical support services have been requested to assist with the development of augmentative communication devices for students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP).

V.F.6. CO - Insight Psychological

According to State and Federal guidelines, parents have the option of requesting an independent evaluation at no cost to them if they disagree with our evaluation.  This contract will allow us to meet State and Federal guidelines.  The funding for this service will come from IDEA Part B Basic.

V.F.7. CO - Psychologist

According to State and Federal guidelines, parents have the option of requesting an independent evaluation at no cost to them if they disagree with our evaluation.  This contract will allow us to meet State and Federal guidelines.  The funding for this service will come from IDEA Part B Basic.

V.F.8. CO - Air Source Technology

Air Source Technology is our asbestos and air quality manager for the district.  We would like to use them to oversee all of the asbestos abatement for the CTC project.  Attached is the quote for the proposed work.

V.F.9. CO - Reading Recovery MOA
V.F.10. CO - CTC MOA
V.F.11. CO - LEP Consultant

In order to meet Title III professional development and data entry requirements, I am recommending a contract with an experienced ESL teacher to assist with the following: 1) provide professional development on strategies for working with immigrant students and their families; 2) train new LEP staff on entering data into Infinite Campus; and 3) assist attendance clerks with immigrant data entry.
Funding will be appropriated through Title III immigrant monies.

V.F.12. CO - Languages Unlimited

It is the responsibility of the school distrcit to provide an interpreter at Admission and Release Committee (ARC) meetings when parents do no speak English.
The funding will come from IDEA Part B Basic.

V.F.13. CO - Certified Trainer

FCPS needs to hire a certified trainer to provide required training to SBDM members across the district.  Ruth Hatterick, who is on the certified trainer list, is available on the dates we scheduled the trainings.  She contracts through the Kentucky Association of School Councils.

The costs for the 3 trainings outlined on the attached document from KASC should not exceed $2,000.  The trainer fees for 3 evenings are set at $1,500, but the materials and travel will vary depending on number of attendees and mileage from the trainers residence.  Those costs will be approximately $335 and $120 respectively.

V.F.14. CO - Bond of Depository
V.F.15. CO - Treasurer Bond
V.F.16. CO - Health Department Services
V.F.17. CO - Health Department Business Agreement
V.F.18. CO- Health Department POD
V.F.19. CO - Pel Industries
V.F.20. CO - Aimsweb

School administrators and teachers utilize the Aimsweb software to monitor students weekly progress in reading and mathematics.  The software's graphical representation of individual student progress towards pre-established goals assist individual teachers and school data teams in making effective data-driven decisions.

V.F.21. CO - Visually Impaired

We have several students needing Orientation and Mobility services to address their visual impairment as stated on their Individual Education Plans. At this time, we do not have anyone certified to provide this service.  In order to fulfill this component of the Individual Education Plan, I am recommending we contract with Visually Impaired Preschool

V.F.22. CO - Safe Routes to School
V.F.23. CO - Math Achievement MOA
V.F.24. CO - WRE PD Provider

Westridge Elementary needs to contract with an out-of-district trainer to provide professional development in reading instruction.  Kim Wilhoite, National Board Certified Teacher and Read to Achieve Program Coordinator for KDE has agreed to provide the training.  Staff at the Ohio Valley Education COoperative helped locate Ms. Wilhoite to meet the school's needs.

The cost for the 6-hour training is $500 and will be paid from Title II funds.  The requisition is attached.

V.F.26. ELV/CTC - Copier Contracts

Approve the attached copier lease contracts with Commonwealth.

V.G. Approve Positions
V.G.1. ELV - Instructional Aide

SBDM Council is requesting an instructional aide position to be added as we've added an additional kindergarten teacher. State mandates an aide for kindergarten classrooms.

V.G.2. ELV - Math Interventionist

ELV would like to request approval of a part time (.5 certified) math interventionist.  The .5 certified allocation was included in the 2011-2012 allocations based on the allocation formula.

V.G.3. CO - Change Classified Position

We currently have three maintenance employees listed as "grounds worker" on the salary schedule.  When the grounds worker positions were created, their only responsibilities were mowing and snow removal.  We currently use them in a multitude of roles beyond mowing and snow removal.  We would like to move them to the job description of maintenance tech 1.

V.G.4. CO - Part-time Special Education Teachers

We received $40,000.00 from the WHAS Crusade for Children for teacher's salaries.  I am recommending we create two .5 special education teaching positions - one at EMS and one at BMS to teach math to special education students.

V.G.5. CO - Mechanic

We currently have a Vehicle Mechanic III who was on leave for most of the 2010-11 school year, and has requested to be on an unpaid leave for the first half of the 2011-12 school year.  He anticipates needing to extend that leave for the entire school year.


We have employed a substitute Vehicle Mechanic, but in order to offer benefits to this individual, we need authorization from the board to create an additional Vehicle Mechanic position.  This position would be created for the 2011-12 school year only.


Request that the board create a Vehicle Mechanic I position, for the 2011-12 school year only.  


V.G.6. CO - Revise Curriculum Coach Position

The district was unable to fill one of the math coach positions created by the Board at the meeting on May 16.  We are requesting that we combine that position with the part-time curriculum coach position in order to create a 240 day curriculum coach position to provide districtwide support for the new curriculum standards.  The salary should be covered by a combination of Title I, Title II, and EduJobs funds.

V.G.7. FCHS - Lady Flyer Kiddie Camp Directors

We would like to create two positions for the Kiddie Camp.  The Director, Joey Thacker, would be paid $500 and the Assistant Director, Alyssa Alfaro, would be paid $150.  Funds to cover this would come from Camp receipts. Funds will be forwarded to Central Office to pay personnel.

V.G.8. BPE - Certified Interventionist

Bridgeport Elementary request to create a position for the 2011-2012 school year from extra position allocated by FCBoE Spring 2011 for a full time certified Interventionist position.

V.G.9. BPE - Child Care Positions

Request Board approval for a part time child care assistant position @ 4 hours per day.

V.H. Approve Grants
V.H.1. EES - CARE Grant
V.I. Approve Scott-Klausing Invoices and Pay Application


CTC Renovation (from June):  $19,198.77
ELV/WHHS Bleachers:             $537.06
West Campus Plan:                $2498.63
CTC Renovation (July):           $14,107.75
FCHS Baseball Lighting:          $5132.50
District Facility Plan:                $1937.35
Academy:                                $877.87
FCHS Softball Fieldhouse:       $446.50
East Campus Roofs:                $3356.46
West Campus Roofs:              -$266.75
Total:                                  $47,826.14

Pay Application:

Atlas Metal (bleachers):                     $7386.40
Geoghegan Roofing (WHHS):            $10,061.59

V.J. Approve PD Stipends

Several high school and some middle school teachers attended training this summer (2011) related to the district's college and career readiness goals.  Most, if not all, of these teachers attended these trainings well beyond their required 24 hours of professional development. 

District administrators would like to provide stipends to these teachers, but the number of teachers involved and limited budgets necessitate paying teachers less than the $25 per hour passed by the Board on July 5, 2011 for professional development stipends.  Funds are available through Title II to pay teachers $100 per day for each day of training they attend above the required 24 hours of professional development.

Teachers eligible for this special stipend are those that attended Advanced Placement Summer Institutes and Laying the Foundation (Advance Kentucky), Quality Core, and Project Lead the Way.  All of these trainings relate to college and career readiness initiatives in the Comprehensive District Improvement Plan.

V.K. Approve FCPS Section 504 Procedures

Section 504 procedures have been revised and the district procedures have been revamped to reflect these changes. 

V.L. Approve 2011-2012 504 Chairpersons

Per the Franklin County 504 Procedures, the Board is to approve a list of 504 chairpersons each year.

VI. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on Monday, August 15, 2011 at Bridgeport Elementary

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #16 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 7:38 passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown.