Franklin County
July 22, 2024 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

Larry Perkins, Chairperson

Jennifer Kantner, Vice Chair

Chuck Fletcher, Board Member

Natalie Lile, Board Member

Justin Watterson, Board Member

Mark Kopp, Superintendent

II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

IV. Amend Agenda VIII. to include KRS 61.810(1)(c)

Amend agenda item VIII to include:

Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c), the Board will go into Closed Session for "Discussion of proposed or pending litigation..."

Recommended Motion

Amend agenda item VIII as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1588 - Motion Passed:  Amend agenda item VIII as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.

V. New Business
V.A. Second Reading & Approval of 2024-2025 Policy Updates

The 2024-2025 Policy updates recommended by KSBA are attached for the second reading and approval. The first reading was on June 10,2024.

Policy 09.2242 will prohibit the use of medicinal cannabis on school property. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the 2024-2025 policy updates as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1589 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2024-2025 policy updates as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

V.B. 24-25 SRO MOU

The 24-25 School Resource Officer MOU with the Sheriff's department is attached for approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve the 24-25 SRO MOU

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1590 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 24-25 SRO MOU passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.C. Cleartouch Board Donation-WHHS

Donations valued $1000 or more require board approval.
One of our vendors, Proven Learning, would like to donate a Cleartouch Board to Morgan Frank at Western Hills High School.

Recommended Motion

Approve the donation from Proven Leanring

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1591 - Motion Passed:  Approve the donation from Proven Leanring passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI. Construction
VI.A. Approve Change Order #1 for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve Change Order #1 for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms in the amount of $7,820.00 for asbestos abatement work performed at Franklin County High School. 

Recommended Motion

Approve change order #1 for BG23-431 as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1592 - Motion Passed:  Approve change order #1 for BG23-431 as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

VI.B. Approve Pay Apps for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve the following pay apps for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms to Devere Construction:

#1- in the amount of $481,411.57.  

#2-in the amount of $460,535.23.

Recommended Motion

Approve pay apps for BG23-431 as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1593 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay apps for BG23-431 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.

VI.C. Approve Invoice for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve Invoice for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms to ASTI in the amount of $5,200 for asbestos sampling. 

Recommended Motion

Approve ASTI invoice as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1594 - Motion Passed:  Approve ASTI invoice as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI.D. Approve Frankfort Plant Board Work for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve proposed Frankfort Plant Board work for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms in the following amounts:

1)  $32,898.34 for electrical work at WHHS

2)  $21,608.39 for electrical work at FCHS

3)  $61,178.00 for water work at FCHS

4)  $67,079.00 for water work at WHHS

Recommended Motion

Approved Frankfort Plant Board work for the Auxiliary Gyms

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1595 - Motion Passed:  Approved Frankfort Plant Board work for the Auxiliary Gyms passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.

VI.E. Approve Invoice for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve invoice for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms to CSI in the amount of $1,675.00 for geotechnical services.   

Recommended Motion

Approve Invoice to CSI as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1596 - Motion Passed:  Approve Invoice to CSI as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

VI.F. Approve Peer Review Services for BG24-331, New EES Construction

Approve peer review services for BG24-331, new EES Construction.  The services will be for Storm Shelter Consultation as a requirement of local building code.  JRA is providing two proposals:  1) Schultz Architects and 2) Star Consultants.  JRA recommends Shultz Architects based on the minimum $4500 and maximum $12,800 fee as opposed to Star's flat rate of $12,300. 

Recommended Motion

Approve peer review services for BG24-331 to Shultz Architects

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1597 - Motion Passed:  Approve peer review services for BG24-331 to Shultz Architects passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI.G. Approve Invoice for BG24-091, Greenhouses

Approve invoice for BG24-091, Greenhouses to Terracon in the amount of $3,050 for geotechnical services. 

Recommended Motion

Approve invoice to Terracon as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1598 - Motion Passed:  Approve invoice to Terracon as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI.H. Approve Invoice for BG24-091, Greenhouses

Approve invoice for BG24-091, Greenhouses to Stuppy in the amount of $77,706.00 for greenhouse materials. 

Recommended Motion

Approve invoice to Stuppy as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1599 - Motion Passed:  Approve invoice to Stuppy as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

VI.I. Approve Pay App #4 for BG24-091, Greenhouses

Approve pay app #4 for BG24-091, Greenhouses to Concrete Construction in the amount of $56,900.

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #4 to Concrete Construction as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1600 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #4 to Concrete Construction as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

VI.J. Approve Pay App #8 for BG23-422, Grandstands

Approve pay app #8 for BG23-422, Grandstands to Knight Electric in the amount of $69,394.50.  

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #8 to Knight Electric as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1601 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #8 to Knight Electric as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI.K. Approve Pay Apps for BG23-434, Tracks

Approve the following pay apps for BG23-434, tracks to Tennis Technologies for work performed at FCHS and WHHS:

1)  FCHS- in the amount of $59,713.20

2)  WHHS- in the amount of $180,149.40

Recommended Motion

Approve pay apps to Tennis Technologies as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1602 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay apps to Tennis Technologies as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

VI.L. Approve Pay App #1 for BG23-433, FCHS Tennis

Approve pay app #1 for BG23-433, FCHS Tennis to Tennis Technologies in the amount of $68,400.  

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #1 to Tennis Technologies as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1603 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #1 to Tennis Technologies as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

VI.M. Request to Bid BG25-083, WHHS Tennis Courts

JRA Architects requests approval to bid work for the tennis court relocation at Western Hills High School.

Recommended Motion

Approve request to bid work for the tennis court project

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1604 - Motion Passed:  Approve request to bid work for the tennis court project passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI.N. Approve FCHS Wall Crack Remediation Design Services

Approve JRA's Design Proposal for Wall Crack Remediation Design in the amount not to exceed $15,000.  

Recommended Motion

Approve JRA design proposal as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1605 - Motion Passed:  Approve JRA design proposal as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

VI.O. Approve Pay App #5 for BG23-432, Demo

Approve pay app #5 for BG23-432, Demo to Colston Paving in the amount of $59,967.60.

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #5 to Colston Paving as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1606 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #5 to Colston Paving as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

VII. Reports to the Board
VII.A. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

VII.B. Reports from School Councils

Draft minutes from schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your review.

VII.C. Instructional Services Update

Deputy Superintendent, Tammy McDonald, will update the board on instructional services in the district.

VII.D. District Facilities Update

Assistant Superintendent, Jennifer Perkins, will update the board on facilities. 

VII.E. Superintendent Report

Superintendent will share information on district events.

VIII. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1607 - Motion Passed:  Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

VIII.A. Payment of Bills

Orders of the Treasurer 

Warrant #:07222024 Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

VIII.B. Minutes

The June 10, 2024 meeting minutes are attached for your review and approval.

VIII.C. Contracts
VIII.C.1. DJJ Interagency Agreements

Attached are the Interagency Agreements between DJJ and the district for the 2024-25 school year, a letter from the DJJ Commissioner, and the Appendixes that relate to the agreements.

VIII.C.2. FY25 School Nursing Services Contract

Please see the attached contract for the Fiscal Year 2025 school nursing services. Please note a slight $10,000 increase to a total of $160,000.  This increase is to cover increased supply expenses as well as increased malpractice insurance costs due to the addition of an APRN. There has not been a rate increase in the past 10 years.

VIII.C.3. KEDC Agreement

The renewal agreement with KEDC is attached for approval.

VIII.C.4. DALI Membership Agreement

The request for the District Administration Leadership Membership Agreement is attached for approval. The Standard Membership is requested.

VIII.C.5. Early Learning Bus Modification Contract

The modified contract is attached for approval.

VIII.C.6. Hands on Therapy Contract

The contract with Hands on Therapy for Therapy Services as an independent evaluation if needed is attached for approval.

VIII.C.7. Community Work Transition Program, CWTP

The Community Work Transition Program is a cooperative effort between local school districts, the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR), and the Interdisciplinary Human Development Institute at the University of Kentucky (IHDI) to assist eligible students with pre-employment transition services to all students with disabilities starting with the most significantly disabled first from high school to employment. 

VIII.C.8. Athletics App Agreement

The contract is attached for approval.

VIII.C.9. Amie Amin, Physical Therapist Contract

Physical Therapy services are needed to implement Individual Education Plans. The contract for services with Amie Amin is attached for approval.

VIII.C.10. Umpires Contract-WHHS

The umpire contract with Western Hills High School is attached for approval.

VIII.C.11. Contract Jade Gonzalez, Nearco, LLC

It is the responsibility of the school district to provide an interpreter at Admission and Release Committee (ARC) meetings when parents do not speak English. The independent contract for Jade Gonzalez is attached for approval.

VIII.C.12. Contract Languages Unlimited

 It is the responsibility of the school district to provide an interpreter at Admission and Release Committee (ARC) meetings when parents do not speak English. The contract with Languages Unlimited is attached for approval.

VIII.C.13. Community Education Contract

The Community Education Grant renewal contract is attached for approval.

VIII.C.14. Contract Lab Computers, Brian Goemmer

The contract with Lab Computers for students with orientation and mobility issues listed in their Individual Education Plans is attached for approval.

VIII.C.15. Georgetown College MOU

Attached is the new partnership agreement for Georgetown College and Franklin County Schools for student teaching.  

VIII.C.16. Murray State MOA

The Dual Credit Partnership Agreement with Murray State University is attached for approval.

VIII.C.17. DJJ Day Treatment MOA- The Academy

The DJJ Day Treatment MOA with The Academy is attached for approval.


The 24-25 KECSAC Agreement with Future Forward Education and Career Center is attached for approval.

VIII.C.19. KultureCity Contract-BPE

Bridgeport is requesting approval of the attached contract with KultureCity. The money to purchase the materials was raised by a student and our teachers will receive training and materials. 

VIII.C.20. Musical Agreement/Rider-FCHS

Before giving permission for a contract for the spring musical, the attached rider is for the understanding of  casting/show expectations and guidelines.
The FCHS Spring Musical is comprised of students from FCHS and EMS. 
The contract will be submitted after the rider is approved.

VIII.C.21. Central Ky Interpreter Referral Services, CKIR

The contract for a substitute interpreter is attached for approval.

VIII.C.22. Bluegrass Headstart Contract

The agreement between the Franklin County Board of Education and the Bluegrass Headstart Program is to coordinate services to eligible children through the state (Ky Preschool) and federal (Headstart) funds.

VIII.C.23. Proactive Therapy MOU

The Proactive Therapy Agreement for athletic training services is attached for approval.

VIII.C.24. Thornhill Education Center MOU

The MOU with Thornhill Education Center to use its facilizes is attached for approval.

VIII.D. Human Resources
VIII.D.1. Approve Job Descriptions

Request approval of the following job descriptions:

Coordinator of Family Resource Center

Academic Assessment Assistant 



VIII.D.2. Salary Schedules

Approve Revised Salary Schedule

FY25 School Stipend & Coach’s Schedule

FY25 Stipends for Coaching and Other Extra Duties

FY25 Salaries for Other Extra Duties

FY25 Classified Salary Schedule 


VIII.D.3. Modify/Create Positions

Modify 1.0 PME MSD Teacher from 1.0 to .6; funded by General Fund Special Education 

Modify 1.0 Dwide Hearing Impaired from 1.0 to .4; funded by General Fund Special Education

Create .5 FCHS Teacher Consultant; funded by Section VII

Create 1.0 FCHS Special Education Instructional Aide; funded by Idea Part B

Create 1.0 Dwide Academic Assessment Assistant; funded by General Fund Special Education

Create 1.0 Dwide Instructional Assistant; funded by General Fund

Create 50 days Dwide LBD Teacher; funded by IDEA Part B

Create .2 EMS MSD Teacher; funded by General Fund Special Education

Modify 1.0 EMS Special Education Instructional Aide from 1.0 to .8; funded by General Fund Special Education

Modify 1.0 EMS MSD Teacher from EMS to Dwide

Modify 1.0 Dwide Speech Pathologist from 1.0 to 129 days; funded by General Fund Special Education

Create .5 Part-time Speech Pathologist; funded by General Fund Special 

Create: PME .5 MSD Teacher; funded by General Fund Special Education

VIII.D.4. Request approval of Emergency Certification:

Request approval of Emergency Certification: 

  • Emergency Substitute Authorization for 2024-2025


The supply of certified substitute teachers in the Franklin County School District is inadequate to meet current demands.  On most days throughout the school year, emergency certified substitute teachers are needed to fully staff our schools.

State regulations require that the board state that "a sufficient supply of fully certified substitute teachers to staff substitute positions is unavailable and the board declares that an emergency exists."  This will allow the Superintendent to apply for Emergency Substitute Certification for applicants who wish to be hired as substitutes for Franklin County Schools

  • Ben Williams: 1.0 BMS Science

VIII.E. Leaves of Absence

Employee Number:   8630

Type of Leave:  MAT

Dates of Leave: 8/7/2024-10/14/2024

Employee Number:   8286

Type of Leave:  MAT

Dates of Leave: 9/1/2024-12/1/2024

VIII.F. 2024-2025 Certified Evaluation Plan

Request approval of 2024-2025 Franklin County's Certified Evaluation Plan.

VIII.G. Overnight/Out-of-State Trips
VIII.G.1. EMS Girls Basketball Camp

The EMS girls basketball team requests approval to attend a middle school girls basketball camp at Lindsey Wilson College on July 23-25, 2024. The basketball camp is a 3-day, 2-night event that will allow the Elkhorn Middle School Lady Elks to compete against various talent throughout the state, build strong relationships within the team, and create a positive team atmosphere going into the 2024 middle school basketball season.Transportation has been requested.

VIII.G.2. French Club Trip for 2025-WHHS

The proposal for the French Club to go to France in the summer of 2025 is attached for review and approval.

VIII.G.3. Dance Team Camp-FCHS

The Franklin County High School Dance team is requesting permission to attend the UDA Dance Camp on July 23-26, 2024 at the University of Kentucky. 
-Approximately 13 dancers and two coaches will attend.
-The camp is an overnight camp and they will stay on the University of KY's campus.
-No transportation will be needed.
-Cost is $462 per dancer and coach this includes room, and food.

VIII.G.4. Choir NYC Trip 2025-FCHS

The Franklin County High School Choir requests approval for the 2025 Choir Tour to NYC.
Approximately 50 students and 10 chaperones will be traveling to perform at St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC, along with a music workshop at NYU's Steinhardt School of Music. 
Students/Families are responsible for payments; however, no child will be denied the opportunity to travel because of trip payments. Choirs work UK football games in the Fall to help offset some of the additional costs (motorcoach, meals, student assistance, etc.) Community sponsors will often help sponsor students seeking financial assistance as well. The cost will be around $1300.
All traveling adults will be Board Approved, if not already employees of FCS.


The overnight trip request for BMS students to attend FFA camp July 22-24, 2024 is attached for approval.

VIII.G.6. Girls Basketball Camp-BMS

BMS girls basketball team requests approval to attend the Transy basketball camp July 25-27, 2024. 

VIII.H. School-Wide Fundraisers & 24-25 Fees

Fees and fundraisers for schools are attached.

VIII.H.1. District Athletic Coupon Card Fundraiser

The card sale fundraiser is attached for approval. 

VIII.I. Surplus

For your review and approval is a listing of assets that need to be surplused or disposed of. See attachment.

IX. Closed Session per KRS 61.810(1)(b)

KRS allows Closed Session for "deliberation on the future acquisition or sale of real property by a public agency..."

Recommended Motion

To go into closed session

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1608 - Motion Passed:  To go into closed session passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.

X. Exit Closed Session

Exit Closed Session

Recommended Motion

Exit Closed Session

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1609 - Motion Passed:  Exit Closed Session passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

XI. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on August 12, 2024 at central office.

Recommended Motion

The meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1610 - Motion Passed:  The meeting be adjourned at 7:30PM passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.