Franklin County
June 10, 2024 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

Larry Perkins, Chairperson

Jennifer Kantner, Vice Chair

Chuck Fletcher, Board Member

Natalie Lile, Board Member

Justin Watterson, Board Member

Mark Kopp, Superintendent

II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

IV. New Business
IV.A. Revised 24-25 School Calendar

The revised 2024-2025 calendar is attached for approval. No changes were made to student days. The February 18th staff day has been moved to August 2nd. February 18th will remain a closed day and a possible makeup day if needed.

Recommended Motion

Approve the 24-25 revised school calendar

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1565 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 24-25 revised school calendar passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

IV.B. First Reading of 2024-2025 Policy & Procedure Updates

The 2024-2025 Policy and Procedure updates recommended by KSBA are attached for the first reading. 

IV.C. FY25 Fidelity Bond of Treasurer

Fidelity Bond requirements are summarized in KRS 160.560 and KAR 3:080. Each year the treasurer and other employees responsible for Board of Education funds shall execute an official bond for the faithful performance of the duties of his/her office to be approved by the local board and the Commissioner of Education. The fidelity bond for FY25 is attached for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve the Fidelity Bond of Treasurer

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1566 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Fidelity Bond of Treasurer passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

IV.D. FY25 Pledge of Collateral

Per KRS 160.570: Each Board of Education shall appoint a bank, trust company, or savings and loan association to serve as its depository.  According to the administrative regulation, by July 1 of each year the depository selected shall, before entering upon its duties, execute bond for the faithful performance of its duties, to be approved by the local board of education and the Commissioner of Education. Security for the bond shall be deposited with an escrow agent in an amount equal to the penal sum of the bond. Per KRS 41.240 (4), and (5) the securities and obligations shall consist of United States Government Bonds, Kentucky School Revenue Bonds, or Federal Government Agency Obligations, including obligations listed in KRS 66.480 (1)(c).

Recommended Motion

Approve the Bond of Depository

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1567 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Bond of Depository passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V. Construction
V.A. Approve Revised District Facilities Plan

The Local Planning Committee met on May 30th, 2024 to approve a new finding. The revised DFP is attached for review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve the revised District Facility Plan

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1568 - Motion Passed:  Approve the revised District Facility Plan passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.B. Approve AIA A101 Owner Contract Agreement for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve the AIA A101 Owner Contract Agreement with Devere Construction for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the AIA A101 Owner Contract Agreement

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1569 - Motion Passed:  Approve the AIA A101 Owner Contract Agreement passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.C. Approve Direct Purchase Orders for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms

Approve the 35 direct purchase orders for BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms in the amount of $4,928,380.31. 


*A complete listing is on the first page of the attachments.  This provides the district a savings of approximately $300,000 in tax exempt purchases. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the Auxiliary Gyms direct purchase orders as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1570 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Auxiliary Gyms direct purchase orders as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

V.D. Approve Revised BG1 for BG24-091, Greenhouses

Approve revised BG1 for BG24-091, Greenhouses to reflect previously approved change order expenditures. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the revised BG1 for the Greenhouses Project as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1571 - Motion Passed:  Approve the revised BG1 for the Greenhouses Project as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.E. Approve Invoices for BG24-091, Greenhouses

Approve the attached invoices for BG24-091, Greenhouses to Terracon in the amounts of:

1)  $2,012.50

2)  $585.00


Recommended Motion

Approve invoices to Terracon as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1572 - Motion Passed:  Approve invoices to Terracon as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.F. Approve Pay App #3 for BG24-091, Greenhouses

Approve pay app #3 to Concrete Construction for BG24-091, Greenhouses in the amount of $90,235.65 for work completed on the Greenhouse Project. 

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #3 to Concrete Construction as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1573 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #3 to Concrete Construction as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.G. Approve Pay App #4 for BG23-422, Grandstands

Approve pay app #4 to Outdoor Aluminum for BG23-422, Grandstands in the amount of $46,864.20 for grandstand retainage at Franklin County High School.  

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #4 to Outdoor Aluminum as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1574 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #4 to Outdoor Aluminum as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.H. Approve Pay App #7 for BG 23-422, Grandstands

Approve pay app #7 to Knight Electric for BG23-422, Grandstands in the amount of $23,715.00 for work completed at Franklin County High School.  

Recommended Motion

Approve pay app #7 to Knight Electric as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1575 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay app #7 to Knight Electric as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

V.I. Approve Pay Apps #3 and #4 for BG23-432, Demo

Approve pay apps #3 and #4 to Colston Paving for BG23-432  for work completed on the demoliton and bus lot paving in the amounts of:

#3- $112,950.00

#4- $182,097.00


Recommended Motion

Approve pay apps #3 and #4 to Colston Paving as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1576 - Motion Passed:  Approve pay apps #3 and #4 to Colston Paving as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.

V.J. Approve JRA Invoices

Approve invoices to JRA for the following BG's and corresponding amounts:

1)  BG23-432, Grandstands in the amount of $29,798.29

2)  BG23-432, Demo in the amount of $18,082.82

3)  BG24-091, Greenhouses in the amount of $204.16 Western Hills and $782.24 Franklin County

4)  BG23-434, Track Resurfacing in the amount of $24,313.60

5)  BG23-431, Auxiliary Gyms in the amount of $278,861.19 Western Hills and $$279,168.67 Franklin County

6)  BG23-433, Tennis Resurfacing  in the amount of $18,978.63

Recommended Motion

Approve invoices to JRA as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1577 - Motion Passed:  Approve invoices to JRA as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

V.K. Approve AIA Owner, Construction Manager Agreement

Approve AIA, Owner, Construction Manager Agreement with Wehr Constructors for the Elkhorn Elementary School Construction. 

Recommended Motion

Approve AIA, Owner, Construction Manager Agreement with Wehr Constructors

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1578 - Motion Passed:  Approve AIA, Owner, Construction Manager Agreement with Wehr Constructors passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

V.L. Approve Invoice to Kleingers

Approve invoice to Kleingers in the amount $10,900 for topographical work done at the new EES. 

Recommended Motion

Approve invoice to Kleingers as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1579 - Motion Passed:  Approve invoice to Kleingers as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

V.M. Approve the Purchase of an SUV for Transportation

Approve the purchase of a Suburban SUV in the amount of $62,469.00. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the purchase of an SUV for transportation as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1580 - Motion Passed:  Approve the purchase of an SUV for transportation as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.N. Approve HMC Service Agreement

Approve HMC one time graphics install for the 4 Trane Schools in the amount of $12,000 and the one year service agreement for $3,649.  

Recommended Motion

Approve HMS Agreements

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1581 - Motion Passed:  Approve HMS Agreements passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

V.O. Approve Outdated BG5s

Approve the following outdated BG5's:


1)  BG18-281 HVAC

2)  BG20-225 Turf Fields

Recommended Motion

Approve BG5's

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1582 - Motion Passed:  Approve BG5's passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI. Reports to the Board
VI.A. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

VI.B. Reports from School Councils

Draft minutes from schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your review.

VI.C. Attendance Report

The attendance report for month 9 and 10 (4/20/24- 5/17/24 and 5/18/24 -6/4/24 ) of the 2023-2024 fiscal year is presented for your review. 

VI.D. Instructional Services Update

Deputy Superintendent, Tammy McDonald, will update the board on instructional services in the district.

VI.E. District Facilities Update

Assistant Superintendent, Jennifer Perkins, will update the board on facilities. 

VI.F. Superintendent Report

Superintendent will share information on district events.

VII. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1583 - Motion Passed:  Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

VII.A. Payment of Bills

Orders of the Treasurer 

Warrant #:061024 Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

VII.B. Minutes

The May 6, 15, and 20, 2024 meeting minutes are attached for your review and approval.

VII.C. 2024-25 School PD Plans

Professional Development Plans for each school are attached for review and approval.


VII.D. Contracts
VII.D.1. Midway MOA

The student teacher and field work MOA is attached for approval.

VII.D.2. Walsworth Yearbook Agreement-EES

The 24-25 yearbook agreement with Elkhorn Elementary is attached for approval.

VII.D.3. Shad J Allen, CPA, PLLC, Renewal of Services

The renewal of services contract and engagement letter for our audit with Shad J Allen are attached for approval.

VII.D.4. 24-25 FCHD Contract for Services

The Franklin County Health Department contract to provide services for the 24-25 year is attached for approval.

VII.D.5. 24-25 Herff Jones Yearbook Contracts

24-25 contracts are attached for approval for those schools using Herff Jones.

VII.D.6. Securly Contract-WHHS

The contract with Securly for electronic hall passes is attached for approval.


The Read to Achieve MOA is attached for approval.

VII.D.8. University of Kentucky MOU

The 24-25 student teacher agreement is attached for approval.

VII.D.9. Southwest Dairy Farmers MOU-WHHS

The milk grant MOU with Southwest Dairy is attached for approval.

VII.D.10. New Vista MOA

The contract with New Vista for counseling services for the 24-25 school year is attached for approval.

VII.D.11. Mountain Comprehensive Care MOU

The MOU with Mountain Comprehensive Care for school-based services is attached for approval.

VII.D.12. Imagine Learning Contract-BPE

The Imagine Learning Contract for training at Bridgeport Elementary is attached for approval. This will be paid through RDIF grant funds.

VII.D.13. FY25 RTA Reading Diagnostic & Intervention Grant Contract

The Read to Achieve contract is attached for approval.

VII.D.14. Adidas Agreement

The athletic promotional agreement with Adidas is attached for approval.

VII.D.15. Open Sci Ed Contracts-WHHS & FCHS

Contracts for Open Sci Ed to support curriculum resources for WHHS and FCHS biology classrooms are attached for approval. 

VII.D.16. Smart Systems Renewal Contract-Food Service

The food safety and cleaning services contract is attached for approval.


VII.D.17. Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)-Food Service

The Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Participation Form is attached for review and approval.

VII.D.18. Supplemental CTE MOA-CTC

The supplemental CTE funds agreement is attached for approval.

VII.D.19. FCS Bloomboard Tuition Agreement

The agreement with Franklin County Schools and teachers that receive tuition for the rank change program is attached for approval.

VII.D.20. Avigilon Access Control Proposal

The proposal for electronic entry systems at Bridgeport, Hearn, Peaks Mill, and Westridge Elementary Schools is attached for approval.

VII.D.21. 24-25 KDE Personnel MOA's

The agreements for KDE personnel MOA's for the 24-25SY are attached for approval.

VII.E. Human Resources
VII.E.1. FY25 Salary Schedule Revision

The revised schedule is attached for approval.

VII.E.2. FY25 School Stipend Schedule

FY25 School Stipend Schedule

VII.E.3. Modify/Create Positions

Modify/Create Position- add to salary schedules:

Create: 1.0 Maintenance Department: Part-Time Maint. Tech I Summer Position; funded by general fund

Abolish: 1.0 Maintenance Department:  Maint. Tech I

Abolish: 1.0 Dwide: District Match Coach

Create: 1.0 ELV: Science Enrichment Position; funded ASP funds

Create: .3 (60 days): Dwide: School Psychologist; funded by IDEA Part B

Create: XXXXX: Dwide: School  Psychologist; funded by IDEA Part B

Create: .54 (100 days): Dwide: Teacher Consultant; funded by IDEA Part B 

Modify: 1.0: Academy: Instructional Aide to .5 Alternative Teacher; funded by KECSAC

VII.E.4. Leaves

Employee Number: 9168

Type of Leave:  MAT

Dates of Leave: 10/16/2024-1/27/2024

Employee Number: 8382

Type of Leave:  MAT

Dates of Leave: 08/06/2024-09/30/2024


VII.E.5. Request approval of Emergency Certification:

BMS: 1.0 Math/Reading Interventionist Larkin Gensheimer

BMS: 1.0 Science: Ashli Mayes

BMS: 1.0 English Language Arts: Scott Rushing

BMS: 1.0 English Language Arts: Rosalie Rogers

EMS: 1.0 English Language Arts: Kyffin Webb


VII.F. Overnight/Out-of-State Trips
VII.F.1. Football Overnight Camp-WHHS

The request for the overnight camp at Western Hills High School is attached for approval.

VII.F.2. WHHS Parking Passes Campout

Western Hills requests approval for the Senior parking pass overnight camp out at the school. The permission form is attached.

VII.F.3. 2024 Choir Conservatory Overnight-FCHS

Franklin County High School Choir requests approval for an overnight trip in July. The details are listed below.


KY-ACDA Summer Choral Conservatory, Bowling Green KY

July 12-15, 2024

5 Students who are interested in pursuing choral music education in college.

  • Housing: Hyatt Place, WKU

  • Address: 1347 Center St, Bowling Green, KY 42101, Phone: (270) 467-0001

  • Choir Account will cover housing on 7/12, the night before the event starts.

  • KY-ACDA is covering housing for 7/13.

  • Students’ parents are responsible for transportation.

  • Hotel is adjacent to campus, and students will be with other high school students from various KY choirs working on WKU’s Campus.

  • Sunday’s activities shift to First Christian Church, but is also within walking distance of the campus.

  • Choir Activity Account is also covering each students’ Registration cost: $75/student.

    • $375 Registration Total for 5 students.




VII.F.4. 2024 Choir Kings Island-FCHS

Franklin County High School Choir requests approval to attend an event at Kings Island in July. The details for the trip are listed below and the bus request is attached.


FCHS Summer Choir KickStart Event, Frankfort, KY AND Mason, OH

July 29-30, 11AM-2PM, 

Thursday, August 1-All Day to Kings Island

Chorister members come back to campus a few days early to begin work on several songs for the upcoming school year: All State audition song introductions, National Anthem, etc. 

  • Attached Bus Request for transportation to Kings Island. Thursday, 8/1

  • RAIN MAKEUP date on Friday, 8/2 if needed. 

  • Students cover their tickets and meals in the park.

  • Choir Activity Account covers the bus/driver costs. 


VII.G. EES Projected Fees 24-25
VII.H. Surplus

For your review and approval is a listing of assets that need surplused or disposed of. See attachment.

VIII. Enter into Closed Session

KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings which federal or state law specifically require to be conducted in privacy.

KRS 156.577(4)(d) Any preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the superintendent by the board or between the board and the superintendent prior to the summative evaluation shall be conducted in closed session.

Recommended Motion

That the Board enter into Closed Session as stated

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1584 - Motion Passed:  That the Board enter into Closed Session as stated passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VIII.A. Discussion Relating to the Evaluation of the Superintendent
IX. Exit Closed Session
Recommended Motion

That the board exit closed session

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1585 - Motion Passed:  That the board exit closed session at 8:07PM passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Jennifer Kantner.

X. Superintendent Evaluation

The Superintendent shall be evaluated annually in writing by the Board. Board members will score each Superintendent standard and share their agreed-upon ratings with the Superintendent.

Recommended Motion

Approve the Superintendent evaluation as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1586 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Superintendent evaluation as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

XI. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on July 22, 2024 at the board of education.

Recommended Motion

The meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2024-1587 - Motion Passed:  The meeting be adjourned at 8:10PM passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Kantner and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.