Franklin County
January 09, 2023 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

Natalie Lile, Chairperson

Chuck Fletcher, Vice Chair

Larry Perkins, Board Member

Justin Watterson, Board Member

Mark Kopp, Superintendent

II. District 5 Board Member Resignation

A resigning board member must submit a written resignation to the school board.  Natalie Lile is resigning from her previous District 5 precinct and will now represent District 3.  The 60 day window for the board to appoint a replacement member begins when the resignation is approved.

Recommended Motion

Approve the resignation letter as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1251 - Motion Passed:  Approve the resignation letter as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

III. Swearing-In Ceremony for Reelected Board Members

County Judge Executive, Michael Mueller, will conduct the swearing-in ceremony for reelected board members, Natalie Lile and Larry Perkins.

IV. Election of Officers

Superintendent Mark Kopp will conduct the election of officers for 2023.

I would like to open nominations for Chairperson.

Natalie Lile nominates Chuck Flethcer.

Is there a second?

Larry Perkins seconds the nomination.

Are there any other nominations? 


May I have a motion to close the nominations?
Larry motions to close.

Is there a second?

Natalie Lile seconds to close nominations.

If there are no other nominations, all in favor of closing the nominations and elect Chuck Fletcher as Chairperson?

All against? None

Motion passes.
I would now like to open nominations for Vice Chairperson.

Chuck Fletcher nominates Larry Perkins.

Is there a second?
Natalie Lile seconds the nomination.

Are there any other nominations?No

If not, may I have a motion to close the nominations?
Justin Watterson motions to close.

Is there a second? Natalie Lile seconds to close nominations.

If no other nominations, all in favor of closing the nominations and electing Larry Perkins as Vice-Chairperson?

All against?None

Motion passes.
May I have a motion to nominate Rebecca Roberts as Board Secretary and Teresa Osbourn as Board Treasurer?
Justin Watterson makes the motion.

Is there a second?
Chuck Fletcher seconds the motion.

All in favor of Rebecca Roberts as Board Secretary and Teresa Osbourn as Board Treasurer?

All against? None

Motion passes.

V. School Board Recognition Month


Honoring the members of the

Franklin County Board of Education

during School Board Recognition Month

January 2023



WHEREAS our community values a quality education as a vital step along the pathway to success for our children; and


WHEREAS Natalie Lile, Chuck Fletcher, Larry Perkins, and Justin Watterson contribute greatly to this community through their service on the Franklin County Board of Education; and


WHEREAS these decision-makers are responsible for maintaining strong, effective budgetary oversight, high standards for employment and a safe, well-managed set of school facilities; and


WHEREAS these board members are serving our community with integrity, honor and a commitment to our children’s futures; and


WHEREAS January 2023 marks Kentucky's observation of their contributions through School Board Recognition Month;


THEREFORE, I, Michael Mueller, County Judge/Executive, do hereby proclaim the month of January 2023 throughout this community as School Board Recognition Month and urge all citizens to honor Natalie Lile, Chuck Fletcher, Larry Perkins and Justin Watterson for their service.





January 9, 2023



VI. Recognitions

Champions of the Month

VII. Capital City Retired Teacher Association Grant

Capital City Retired Teacher Association would like to award this year's grant recipients.   

VIII. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

IX. New Business
IX.A. Presentation of Annual FY2021-22 Financial Audit

Presentation of the annual FY2021-22 Financial Audit.

Recommended Motion

Approve the FY2021-22 Financial Audit

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1252 - Motion to Amend Passed:  To amend the motion from: "Approve the FY2021-22 Financial Audit" to: "Approve to table the FY2021-22 Financial Audit" passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

Order #2023-1253 - Motion Passed:  Approve to table the FY2021-22 Financial Audit passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

IX.B. BackPack Snacks Donation

Donations valued at $1000 or more require board approval. The Frankfort Area Chamber of Commerce would like to donate $2568 to the Backpack Snacks Program.

Recommended Motion

Approve the donation as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1254 - Motion Passed:  Approve the donation as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

IX.C. Preschool Sensory Room Grant Donation

The Regional Training Center (RTC) applied for a grant to award 5 districts equipment to create a sensory room.  They have selected the Early Learning Village (ELV) preschool and will donate the materials to create the sensory room. Materials will vary depending on the room size and specific needs.  The estimated donation value will exceed $1000 and board approval is required.

Recommended Motion

Approve RTC sensory room donation

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1255 - Motion Passed:  Approve RTC sensory room donation passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

IX.D. Frontline Impact Donation of Lysol Wipes

Donations valued at $1000 or more require board approval.  Frontline Impact would like to donate up to 40 pallets of Lysol wipes to our district.  The estimated value exceeds $1000.

Recommended Motion

Approve the Frontline Impact Lysol wipe donation

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1256 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Frontline Impact Lysol wipe donation passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

IX.E. 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule

The 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule is attached for your review and approval.


Recommended Motion

Approve the 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1257 - Motion Passed:  Approve the 2023-2024 Board Meeting Schedule passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

X. Construction
X.A. Request to Revise BG-1 for Project BG 22-121

Request to revise the BG1 Project Application for BG22-121 to include a mobile Welding Simulator.  This addition will be funded by LAVEC Grant funds (Local Area Vocational Education Centers) . 

Recommended Motion

Approve request to revise BG1 to include a mobile Welding Simulator as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1258 - Motion Passed:  Approve request to revise BG1 to include a mobile Welding Simulator as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

XI. Reports to the Board
XI.A. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

XI.B. Reports from School Councils

Draft minutes from schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your review.

XI.C. Attendance Report

The attendance report for month 4 (11/4/22 12/8/22) of the 2022-2023 fiscal year is presented for your review. 

XI.D. Instructional Services Update

Deputy Superintendent, Tammy McDonald, will update the board on instructional services in the district.

XI.E. District Facilities Update

Assistant Superintendent, Jennifer Perkins, will update the board on facilities.

XI.E.1. Update on Demolition of 916 East Main Street

Demolition of 916 East Main Street estimated timeframe to begin mid to late summer due to utility moves.  

XI.F. Superintendent Report

Superintendent will share information on district events.

XII. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1259 - Motion Passed:  Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

XII.A. 2022-2023 CDIP Review

The 2022-2023 FCS Comprehensive Improvement Plan is attached for your review.


XII.B. Review Comprehensive School Improvement Plans (CSIPs)

As required by Board Policy 02.44, the Board of Education shall review each school's improvement plan. Attached for your review are CSIP's for each school.  No action is required.   


XII.C. Payment of Bills

Orders of the Treasurer 

Warrant #:010923 Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

XII.D. Minutes

The December 5, 2022 meeting minutes are attached for your review and approval.

XII.E. Leaves of Absence

Employee Number:  5683

Type of Leave:  Maternity Leave

Dates of Leave: 3/22/23-05/24/23


Employee Number:  8939

Type of Leave:  Maternity

Dates of Leave: 02/13/23-03/20/23

Employee Number:  9257

Type of Leave:  Medical

Dates of Leave: 12/16/22-intermittent 

Employee Number:  8704

Type of Leave:  Maternity

Dates of Leave: 03/01/23-05/26/23 

Employee Number:  8280

Type of Leave:  Maternity

Dates of Leave: 03/08/23-05/22/23

Employee Number:  8616

Type of Leave:  Maternity

Dates of Leave: 5/31/23-7/11/23

Employee Number:  5961

Type of Leave:  Maternity

Dates of Leave: 04/10/23-06/01/23


Employee Number:  8441

Type of Leave:  Medical

Dates of Leave: 01/27/23-6/30/23

XII.F. Contracts
XII.F.1. The Elizabeth-FCHS Prom
XII.F.2. 23-24 Lifetouch Agreement
XII.F.3. Spinz360 Photo Booth Contract for Prom-WHHS
XII.F.4. Old KY Chocolates Contract for Fundraiser-WHHS
XII.F.5. Dr C Ahn, Earn Nose, Throat Specialist Contract

The contract with Dr. Ahn for audiological services as an independent contractor if needed, is attached for approval.

XII.F.6. Great Wolf Lodge Contract-CLE

The contract for the 5th grade trip to Great Wolf Lodge is attached for approval.

XII.F.7. ProTeam Contract-Food Service

ProTeam Foodservice Advisors, LLC (ProTeam) is a solutions-based foodservice consulting company, providing services to school districts and food service operations throughout the United States. ProTeam specializes in helping foodservice operators achieve their goals by understanding the client’s needs and then working collaboratively to envision and execute customized, comprehensive solutions. 

1. Menu Planning Module – Approved by USDA for Menu Compliance & Nutrient Analysis. Uses include generating cycle menus, standardized recipes, and shopping list, cost analysis, scalable USDA recipes, USDA database access, sharing between districts, cataloged supporting documents, and Administrative Review reports.

2. Production Record Module – Generates federally required Production Records for each Child Nutrition meal service – includes School Breakfast, School Lunch, After-School Snack, CACFP At-Risk Supper, Summer Breakfast, Summer Lunch, and Summer Snack. Produces site-specific production records using planned menu, forecasted by site manager, and printed for each meal service.

3. My School Menus Module – Provides interactive online published menus allowing students and parents to plan their ideal meals. i. Customizable link to a branded menu on district’s website ii. Menu with photos of the foods served, nutrition fact panels, and ingredient lists (as provided by manufacturers and district) iii. Menu with interactive allergen information for 8 common food allergens and carbohydrate counts iv. Menu with ingredients for each food item listed for parent and nursing staff reference

4. Access to ProTeam ingredient and recipe database – Tap into the 7000 ingredients and related recipes for ingredients including the USDA database of recipes to be customized for your district

XII.F.8. ACA Service Proposal-HR

Approve service proposal attached for ACA reporting.


XII.G. Grants
XII.G.1. 2023-2024 Crusade for Children Grant Application

The application to apply for the 23-24 Crusade for Children Grant is attached for approval.

XII.H. Human Resources
XII.H.1. Modify/Create Positions

Create: District wide 1.0  Coordinator of Wanda Joyce Foundation position (classified): funded by Wanda Joyce Foundation

Create: District wide 1.0 Principles of Teaching position; funded $30,000 by LAVEC and remaining from general funds

Modify: District wide ARC Chair Designee from 100 days to 120 days: funded by IDEA Part B

Modify: BMS 1.0 LBD position to .5 LBD position; funded by Special Education

Create: BMS .5 Reading Interventionist; funded Section VI

Create: BMS 1.0 Special Education Aide position; funded by IDEA Part B

Create: Diversity/Equity Coordinator stipend

Abolish: CO Certified ESS Coordinator (60 days of 240)

Abolish: CO Certified Title 1 Coordinator (30 days)

Abolish: New Teacher Professional Learning Technology Stipend

Modify: Driver Examiner to hourly rate instead of $18 per hour

Abolish: EMS SpEd Chair stipend

Abolish: EMS Morning Supervisor stipend

Absolish: EMS Extra Drama stipend

Abolish: EMS Extra Additional STC stipend


XII.H.2. Job Descriptions

Request Approval of Coordinator of Wanda-Joyce Foundation Job Description: Class Code 7476

Request Approval of Diversity/Equity Coordinator Job Description


XII.H.3. Approve Revised Salary Schedule:

Salary for Other Extra Duties

School Stipend and Coach's Schedule

Classified Director Schedule


XII.I. Overnight/Out-of-State Trips
XII.I.1. Overnight Band Trip-FCHS

7 members of the Franklin County Band will be participating in an overnight trip, February 8-11, 2023 at the Galt House Hotel in Louisville. Costs for this trip will be covered by the students and assisted by the FCHS Band Boosters.

XII.I.2. CLE 5th Grade Trip

The 5th Grade class at Collins Lane requests approval to attend end of year celebration trip to Great Wolf Lodge for an overnight trip. Contract and field trip form attached. 

XII.J. School-Wide Fundraisers
XII.K. Academic Team Fee-WRE

The Academic Team coach would like to charge the students a fee for a tshirt to wear to the different competitions.  The cost of the tshirt would be $12. 

XII.L. Archery Fee-WRE

The WRE Archery team will be attending 4 tournaments after the start of the new year. 


There is an entry fee for each tournament.  The coaches would like to charge the students the entry fee of $7 per tournament for a total of $28.  

XII.M. Surplus

For your review and approval is a listing of an asset that needs to be surplused or disposed of.

Teacher Desk
9 Filing Cabinets
Washer and Dryer
Storage Unit

Tables 7
Chairs 6
Printer 1
Hutch 1
Lamp 1
Credenza 1
5 drawer filing cabinet 6
4 drawer filing cabinet 7
3 drawer filing cabinet 1
Fingerprint machine 1
2 door/5 shelf cabinet 1
2 level shelf 1
2x3 desk 1

XIII. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 11:30am on January, 23, 2023 at Bondurant Middle School.

Recommended Motion

The meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2023-1260 - Motion Passed:  The meeting be adjourned at 6:40 PM passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.