Franklin County
September 20, 2021 11:25 AM
Special-Called Meeting
1. Call to Order

Natalie Lile, Chairperson

Chuck Fletcher, Vice Chair

BeLinda Henson, Board Member

Larry Perkins, Board Member

Justin Watterson, Board Member

Mark Kopp, Superintendent


2. Approve Superintendent's Leave

Per the Superintendent's contract the Board must approve leave of 6 consecutive days or more.  The Superintendent would like approval to take October 1st-8th. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the Superintendent's leave request

Actions Taken

Order #2021-1034 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Superintendent's leave request passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

3. Temporary Remote Instruction Authorization

Until December 31, 2021, districts may use up to 20 days where the district as a whole is in-person, but may use remote instruction for individual:




-Student Groups

The board must approve the authorization of temporary instruction days in the event they could be used.

Recommended Motion

Approve the authorization to use Temporary Remote Instruction

Actions Taken

Order #2021-1035 - Motion Passed:  Approve the authorization to use Temporary Remote Instruction passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

4. Approval to Accept KDE Covid-19 Vaccine Incentive Payments

The Kentucky Department of Education is giving $100 for all vaccinated SY 2021-2022 full or part-time school district employees.

  •    2 doses of Pfizer or Moderna or single does of Johnson & Johnson's Janssen.

To be eligible, employees must be vaccinated on or before Dec. 1, 2021 and districts must verify the employee's vaccination status.

The finance department has established a process and schedule for payment.

Recommended Motion

Approve acceptance of the KDE Covid-19 vaccine incentive payments

Actions Taken

Order #2021-1036 - Motion Passed:  Approve acceptance of the KDE Covid-19 vaccine incentive payments passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

5. Approval of One-Time Extra Duty Stipend for Covid-19

Consistent with allowable use of federal funds and in consideration of additional duties and services that will be required for the remainder of the 2021-2022 school year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and the current surge in cases, a one time, reasonable and necessary extra duty stipend shall be made to employees if approved as follows:

  • All active full-time employees that work 4 hours a day or more for 140 days or more, as of September 20, 2021, will receive a one-time payment of $1000.  The one-time payment is not retroactive for employees no longer employed by the district.  

  • All permanent part-time employees who work less than 4 hours a day, as of September 20, 2021, will receive a one-time payment of $500.  The one-time payment is not retroactive for employees no longer employed by the district.  

  • Any substitute that works a minimum of 50 days by December 17, 2021 or by May 25, 2022 will be paid a one-time payment of $250. Any substitute that works 100 days by May 25, 2022 will receive a one-time payment of $500. Substitute one-time payments will not exceed $500. 

The revised extra-duty salary schedule is attached for review and approval.


Recommended Motion

Approve the one-time extra duty stipend as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2021-1037 - Motion Passed:  Approve the one-time extra duty stipend as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

6. Approve Resolution Authorizing Emergency Leave Days

KRS 161.152 allows full-time employees in public schools up to three (3) emergency days.  Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the current surge in cases, a resolution for full-time employees to receive three (3) emergency days with pay for the 2021-2022 school year is attached for your review and approval.  

Recommended Motion

Approve resolution authorizing emergency leave days as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2021-1038 - Motion Passed:  Approve resolution authorizing emergency leave days as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

7. First Reading of Updated Policies 03.1231 & 03.2231

The update to policies 03.1231 and 03.2231 to add an additional day of personal leave with pay for full-time classified and certified employees, totaling three (3) days of personal leave each school year, are attached for review. 


8. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 11:30am on September 20, 2021 at Bondurant Middle School.

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2021-1039 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 11:36am passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.