Franklin County
July 08, 2019 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

Natalie Lile, Chairperson

Chuck Fletcher, Vice Chair

BeLinda Henson, Board Member

Larry Perkins, Board Member

Justin Watterson, Board Member

Mark Kopp, Superintendent


II. Moment of Silence
III. Recognitions

FCEA Student Scholarship Award Recipients presented by FCEA.

IV. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

V. New Business
V.A. Elect Treasurer

Mr. Randy Cutright has been named interim Finance Director for Franklin County Schools.  My recommendation is to name Randy Cutright as treasurer for the Franklin County Board of Education.

Recommended Motion

Elect Randy Cutright as treasurer to the Franklin County Board of Education

Actions Taken

Order #2019-611 - Motion Passed:  Elect Randy Cutright as treasurer to the Franklin County Board of Education passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.B. Special-Called Meeting of the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation
V.B.1. Recess from Board Meeting

It is necessary for the Board to recess from the regular agenda when calling to order a meeting of the Finance Corporation. 

Recommended Motion

The Franklin County Board of Education recess at

Actions Taken

Order #2019-612 - Motion Passed:  The Franklin County Board of Education recess at 6:06pm passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

V.B.2. Call to Order

It is necessary for the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation to have a brief special-called meeting.

V.B.3. Election of Officers

New officers must be in place for the 2019-2020 school year. 

The following officers are recommended:

President - Ms. Natalie Lile

Vice-President - Mr. Chuck Fletcher

Secretary -Ms. Rebecca Roberts

Treasurer -Mr. Randy Cutright

Recommended Motion

Approval of the election of officers as listed above for the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation

Actions Taken

Order #2019-613 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the election of officers as listed above for the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

V.B.4. Adjourn Franklin County School District Finance Corporation

The business of the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation is concluded and must adjourn

Recommended Motion

The meeting of the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2019-614 - Motion Passed:  The meeting of the Franklin County School District Finance Corporation be adjourned at 6:08pm passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

V.C. 2nd Reading- Approve Board Policy 04.3111

Change to policy 04.3111, the District Issuance of Checks, is attached for your review and approval.  The change would allow the payment of claims to be issued weekly.  

Recommended Motion

Approve the change to policy 04.3111 as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-615 - Motion Passed:  Approve the change to policy 04.3111 as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Larry Perkins.

V.D. First Reading of Modifications to Current Policies and Procedures

The first reading of modifications to current policies and procedures are attached for you review.

V.E. First Reading of Current Policies and Procedures to Rescind

Attached for your review are current policies and procedures to delete due to outdated formats or no longer applicable.  

V.F. First Reading 2019-2020 Policy and Procedure Updates from KSBA

2019-2020 Policy and Procedure updates recommended by KSBA are attached for first reading. 

V.G. Approve 2019-2020 School Fees

As per Board Policy 09.15, all school fees must be approved in advance by the Board.  Attached are the current fees being charged.  Please note students who qualify for the federal school lunch program are not required to pay identified fees.

Recommended Motion

Approve the attached school fees as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-616 - Motion Passed:  Approve the attached school fees as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Justin Watterson and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

V.H. Paid student breakfast and lunch price increase at middle and high schools

Paid student breakfast and lunch prices will increase by 10 cents each for middle and high schools for the 2019-2020 school year.  Price increases are based upon the Paid Lunch Equity tool. Breakfast will increase from $1.30 to $1.40 and lunches will increase from $2.70 to $2.80.

Recommended Motion

Approve the paid student price increase for middle and high students as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-617 - Motion Passed:  Approve the paid student price increase for middle and high students as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

V.I. Food Service Procurement Plan for 2019-2020

The Food Service Procurement Plan for 2019-2020 was approved at the June board meeting, but a change was made since then in the procurement plan.  The small purchase procedure threshold changed from $20,000 to $30,000.

Recommended Motion

Approve the Food Service Procurement Plan as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-618 - Motion Passed:  Approve the Food Service Procurement Plan as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VI. Construction
VI.A. Trane Updates
VI.B. RossTarrant Invoice WHHS Fieldhouse

Attached for your review and approval is an invoice from RossTarrant Architects in the amount of $3,579.59 for services provided for the Western Hills High School Field House.  

Recommended Motion

Approve RossTarrant Architects invoice as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-619 - Motion Passed:  Approve RossTarrant Architects invoice as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

VI.C. Collins Lane Pay Application #24

Attached for your review and approval is the pay application for Collins Lane Elementary in the amount of  $132,785.45.

Recommended Motion

Approve Collins Lane Elementary pay application #24 in the amount of $132,785.45

Actions Taken

Order #2019-620 - Motion Passed:  Approve Collins Lane Elementary pay application #24 in the amount of $132,785.45 passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

VI.D. Trane Invoices for Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract

Attached for your review and approval are two Trane USA, Inc invoices totaling $57,659.50 for the Guaranteed Energy Savings Contract. 

Recommended Motion

Approve the invoices to Trane totaling $57,659.50

Actions Taken

Order #2019-621 - Motion Passed:  Approve the invoices to Trane totaling $57,659.50 passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VII. Reports to the Board
VII.A. May Financial Report

Attached are the May 2019 Financial Reports for your review and approval.  

Recommended Motion

Approve the May Financial Reports as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-622 - Motion Passed:  Approve the May Financial Reports as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Mr. Justin Watterson.

VII.B. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

VII.C. Reports from School Councils

Draft minutes from schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your review.

VII.D. Superintendent Report

Superintendent will share information on district events.

VIII. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2019-623 - Motion Passed:  Approve of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VIII.A. Payment of Bills

Orders of the Treasurer 

Warrant #: 063019     Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

Warrant #: M063019     Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.




VIII.B. Minutes

The June 3, 2019 and June 17, 2019 meeting minutes are attached for your review and approval.

VIII.C. Leaves of Absence

Employee Number: 7269

Type of Leave: Maternity
Dates of Leave: 09/19/2019 - 12 weeks 
Employee Number: 6843
Type of Leave: Medical
Dates of Leave: 07/25/2019 - 4 weeks 

VIII.D. Contracts
VIII.D.1. Hampton Inn Contract for FCHS Choirs Nov. 11-12, 2019

Please see attached Hampton Inn Contract with FCHS November 11-12, 2019.

Trip request is on 7/8/19 board agenda as well.

VIII.D.2. Miller Transportation contract for Nov. 11-12, 2019 Choir Trip- FCHS

Please see attached contract for Miller Transportation for Nov. 11-12, 2019 for FCHS Choirs to travel to Morehead, Ky.

VIII.D.3. Biztown Contract- PME

Biztown is a facility created by the Junior Achievement of the Bluegrass. Students are able to run small businesses of their choice by making advertisements, marketing, selling, and purchasing as needed. This ties into economic standards as well as students applying math skills in an authentic way.

VIII.D.4. 4-H Contract- PME

4th grade 4H Camp contract for October 28 and 29, 2019. 

VIII.D.5. Franklin County Health Department- School Nurse Contract

Approval of the 2019-2020 Franklin County Health Department for school nurse services.

VIII.D.6. Local Operated CTC MOA

Attached for your review and approval is the Locally Operated Career & Technical Center MOA for 2019-2020.

VIII.D.7. Tribal Training Contract - BMS

Approve the contract for Tribal Training with Ted Weiss.

VIII.D.8. CEP implementation for school year 2019-20 for elementary schools

The CEP program for elementary schools in Franklin County for SY 19-20 is attached for your review and approval.

VIII.D.9. 19-20 Procurement Certification for school authorities
VIII.D.10. FCHS Band Camp Contracted Music Instructors

FCHS Band will hold Flyer Band Camp at the school July 29-August 2, 2019. 

FCHS Band Director Josh Toppass has requested to contract with the following music instructors and funds will be paid by the band boosters. 

Jana Flagstad:  $325

Walter Yee:  $300

Charles Weitkamp:  $750

David Goins:  $350

Brad Kessler:  $300

Christian Thompson:  $600

Ed Wasson:  $600

Quinn Blanford:  $1200

Dawn Welch:  $600

VIII.D.11. Air-Time Inflatables Contract-PME

Attached for approval is the Air-Time Inflatables Contract for a movie and dunking booth at the Back to School Bash.

VIII.D.12. Pass It On Enterprises Contract- FCHS Boys Soccer

Please see attached contract for approval.  It is from Pass It On Enterprises for the July 12-14, 2019 Soccer Skills Camp for FC Boys Soccer.

VIII.D.13. UK Student Teaching Agreement
VIII.D.14. FY20 Community Education Grant

Attached for your approval is the contract with The Kentucky Department of Education for the Community Education Grant. 

VIII.D.15. Life Adventure Center Contract for HES PD

Attached is the Life Adventure Center & Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary Contract.  Hearn Elementary is requesting to attend the Life Adventure Center & Buckley Wildlife Sanctuary for team building/PD prior to the 2019-2020 school year.

VIII.D.16. FRYSC Final Contract for SY19

The final FRYSC Contract for SY19 is attached for your review and approval.

VIII.D.17. Westridge RTA Assurance Statement

Attached for your approval is the Westridge Read To Achieve grant assurance statement.

VIII.D.18. Contract Hands on Therapy

I am recommending we contract with Hands on Therapy for Therapy Services as an independent evaluation if needed.

VIII.D.19. FIS Hearing Impaired Teacher Services Contract

Attached for your review and approval are the contract and invoice for OVEC membership for 2019-2020 in the amount of $15,498.  

VIII.D.21. KPC Membership Agreement

Attached for your review and approval is the membership agreement with KPC, our purchasing cooperative.  This membership has no cost associated with it.  

VIII.E. Grants
VIII.E.1. 2019-20 Teacher Leader Application and Assurances

Attached is the 19-20 Teacher Leader Application and Assurances for your review and approval.

VIII.F. Human Resources
VIII.F.1. Approve FT Emergency Teaching Certificates

Authorization from the board is needed to obtain Full-Time Teaching Certificates for the following:


Laura Tucker - Elkhorn Middle School - Science

Kelly Swindell - Elkhorn Middle School - Language Arts

Andrew Johnson - Elkhorn Middle School - Language Arts/Social Studies

Kaitlen Creech - Bondurant Middle School - LBD


VIII.F.2. Human Resources Create/Modify Positions

Early Learning Village

Create Kindergarten Instructional Aide (6.5X182) to be funded from Section 6

Hearn Elementary

Create an Assistant Childcare Program Director (8X250) position, to be funded from ASP

Peaks Mill Elementary School

Abolish Cook (4X182) position

Transportation Department

Create Vehicle Mechanic III (4X250) position, funding to be reimbursed by Frankfort Independent Schools

VIII.F.2.a. Amend Salary Schedules

Request approval of an amended Director Salary Schedule to reflect a daily rate for Interim Finance Director, retroactive to July 1, 2019.

Request approval of an amended Extra Duties Salary Schedule to reflect the addition of a Morning Supervision stipend for each middle school.

VIII.F.3. Update ARC Chair and Designee List

Please find a copy of our most recent ARC Chair and Designee List attached.

VIII.G. Overnight/Out-of-State Trips
VIII.G.1. Overnight Choir Trip Nov. 11-12, 2019- FCHS

FCHS Choirs request to travel to Morehead, Ky Nov. 11-12, 2019 to participate in the Morehead State University 60th Annual Choral Festival.

Chaperone/Teacher:  Raye Hurley

48 FCHS Students will participate

Lodging:  Hampton Inn, Morehead (Hotel contract submitted in separate board agenda request).

Trip Costs:  Students are responsible for $100 covering their $35 Registration, $20 for two Meals and $25 towards Housing and $20 towards transportation

Transportation:  Boosters are providing motor coach transportation through Miller Transportation (Contract will be submitted in September)

Should a student be unable to afford the $100 travel, the FCHS Choir Boosters will find scholarship or Shining Star funds can be used.

VIII.G.2. Volleyball Overnight Trip Request July 11-13, 2019-FCHS

FCHS Volleygball Team requests permission to attend the Morehead State University Team Camp on July 11-13, 2019.  They will be staying on campus.  The FCHS Volleyball Boosters will cover the deposit to attend the camp, which is $200 and the cost of the bus and driver from FCS Transportation.  The rest of the cost of the camp will be paid by the players.  Our varsity and JV team will be attending along with the three volleyball coaches.

VIII.G.3. Volleyball Overnight Trip Request Aug. 23-24, 2019- FCHS

The FCHS Volleyball Team would like to attend the Champions of the Mountain Tournament August 23 and 24, 2019.  They will be staying at the Holiday Inn Express in Pikeville.  FCHS Volleyball Boosters will cover the registration fee and the hotel costs.  Food will be the responsibility of the player.  15 players and 3 chaperones will be attending.  FCS district transportation is requested.  Competition funds should cover the cost of the bus.

VIII.H. School-Wide Fundraisers
VIII.H.1. Current 2019-2020 School Fundraisers

Attached for your review and approval are proposed school fundraisers for Bridgeport Elementary, Collins Lane Elementary, Hearn Elementary and Peaks Mill Elementary for the 19-20 school year.

VIII.I. Camps
VIII.I.1. FCHS Soccer Skills Camp Request July 12-14, 2019

FCHS Boys Soccer Boosters would like to hold a skills camp for their players July 12-14, 2019 at the FCHS Soccer Field.

Pass It On (Ken Lolla, former U of L soccer coach and his staff) will provide instruction.  Contract will be submitted as a separate board agenda item.

FCHS Boys Soccer Coach:  Louis Tandy

Cost per player:  $250

VIII.J. Update FCS Technology Procedures Document

The FCS Technology Procedures document is a summary of the processes and procedures that are followed by the Technology Department.

The procedures have been updated and simplified this year.

Attached is the new copy for your review.

VIII.K. Surplus- Transportation

Attached is a list of items we are requesting too be surplussed from transportation. 

VIII.L. Asset Adjustment Form

Please find a copy of our Asset Adjustment form for Special Education Equipment.  All items are currently stored at Elkhorn Middle School.

VIII.M. Fidelity (Performance) Bond of Treasurer

Attached is the Fidelity (Performance) Bond of Treasurer, for Mr. Randy Cutright, required by KDE for your approval. 

VIII.N. Bond of Depository with Traditional Bank

Per KRS 160.570. Each board of education shall appoint a bank, trust company, or savings and loan association to serve as its depository.  According to the administrative regulation, by July 1 of each year the depository selected shall, before entering upon its duties, execute bond for the faithful performance of its duties, to be approved by the local board of education and the Commissioner of Education. Security for the bond shall be deposited with an escrow agent in an amount equal to the penal sum of the bond. Per KRS 41.240 (4), and (5) the securities and obligations shall consist of United States Government Bonds, Kentucky School Revenue Bonds, or Federal Government Agency Obligations, including obligations listed in KRS 66.480 (1)(c).

Recommended Motion

Approve the Bond of Depository with Traditional Bank

IX. Enter into Closed Session per KRS 61.810(1)(c)

Pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(c), the Board will go into Closed Session for "Discussion of proposed or pending litigation..."

Recommended Motion

The Board enter into Closed Session

Actions Taken

Order #2019-624 - Motion Passed:  The Board enter into Closed Session passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

X. Exit Closed Session
Recommended Motion

That the Board exit Closed Session

Actions Taken

Order #2019-625 - Motion Passed:  That the Board exit Closed Session passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

XI. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on August 5, 2019 at Central Office.

Recommended Motion

The meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2019-626 - Motion Passed:  The meeting be adjourned at7:18pm passed with a motion by Mr. Larry Perkins and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.