Franklin County
December 12, 2016 3:00 PM
Special Called Meeting
1. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to prepare students for College and Career Readiness and to become contributing citizens.

Please silence all cell phones.

2. Enter into Closed Session

KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings which federal or state law specifically require to be conducted in privacy.

KRS 156.577(4)(d) Any preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the superintendent by the board or between the board and the superintendent prior to the summative evaluation shall be conducted in closed session.

Actions Taken

Order #2016-246 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

2.A. Preliminary Discussion Relating to the Evaluation of the Superintendent
3. Exit Closed Session
Recommended Motion

The Board come out of closed session at

Actions Taken

Order #2016-247 - Motion Passed:  The Board come out of closed session at passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

4. Superintendent's Summative Evaluation

The Superintendent shall be evaluated annually in writing by the Board. With the implementation of the new Superintendent's Professional Growth and Evaluation System (SPGES), the superintendent will share evidence related to the eight professional standards as defined by the SPGES.   Board members will then score each standard and share their agreed upon ratings with the superintendent.

Recommended Motion

Approve the superintendent's summative evaluation

Actions Taken

Order #2016-248 - Motion Passed:  Approve the superintendent's summative evaluation passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

5. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00 PM on Monday, December 12, 2016 at the Franklin County Board of Education.

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2016-249 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 4:04pm passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. Michelle New.