Franklin County
January 09, 2017 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to prepare students for College and Career Readiness and to become contributing citizens.

Please silence all cell phones.

II. Swearing in Ceremony for Chuck Fletcher and Natalie Lile

Judge Squire Williams will administer the Oath of Office to the newly elected board members.

III. Election of Officers

Superintendent Chrissy Jones will conduct the election of officers for 2017.

I would like to open nominations for Chairperson.
BeLinda Henson nominates Jennifer Grisham-Brown.

Is there a second?
Chuck Fletcher seconds the nomination.

Are there any other nominations?

If not-may I have a motion to close the nominations?
Chuck Fletcher motions to close.

Is there a second?

Natalie Lile seconds to close nominations.

If no other nominations, all in favor of closing the nominations and electing Jennifer Grisham-Brown as Chairperson?

All against?

Motion is approved.
I would now like to open nominations for Vice Chairperson.
Chuck Fletcher nominates BeLinda Henson.

Is there a second?
Natalie Lile seconds the nomination.

Are there any other nominations?

If not-may I have a motion to close the nominations?
Natalie Lile motions to close.

Is there a second?
Chuck Fletcher seconds to close nominations.

If no other nominations, all in favor of closing the nominations and electing BeLinda Henson as Vice-Chairperson?

All against?

Motion is approved.
May I have a motion to nominate Kristen Waits as Board Secretary and Lesley Cummins as Board Treasurer?
BeLinda Henson makes the motion.

Is there a second?
Natalie Lile seconds the motion.

All in favor of Kristen Waits as Board Secretary and Lesley Cummins as Board Treasurer?

All against?

Motion is approved.
Our chairperson, Jennifer Grisham-Brown, is absent from tonight's meeting. Our Vice Chairperson, BeLinda Henson, will proceed to conduct the remainder of the meeting.

Recommended Motion

To nominate a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer for the 2017 year

Actions Taken

Order #2017-246 - Motion Passed:  To nominate Jennifer Grisham-Brown as Chairperson, BeLinda Henson as Vice-Chairperson, Kristen Waits as Secretary and Lesley Cummins as Treasurer for the 2017 year passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

IV. Amend Agenda to Add item VI.E. and Remove item IX.D.1.

Amend agenda to add item VI.E. Approve Contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC. and remove item IX.D.1. ELV: Yearbook Contract.

Recommended Motion

Amend agenda to add item VI.E. Approve Contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC. and remove item IX.D.1. ELV: Yearbook Contract

Actions Taken

Order #2017-247 - Motion Passed:  Amend agenda to add item VI.E. Approve Contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC. and remove item IX.D.1. ELV: Yearbook Contract passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

V. Recognitions and Presentations


V.A. School Board Recognition Month

Local Observation of

School Board Recognition Month

TO all whom these presents shall come:

WHEREAS the greatest resource of this or any community is its people, and from that resource comes an element vital to the community’s future – the success of its children; and

WHEREAS that success depends largely on those children being able to amass knowledge and skills that will aid in their individual development and advancement in life; and

WHEREAS our Franklin County Public Schools are an integral element in our children’s development through excellence in classroom instruction and life lessons about citizenship and involvement; and

WHEREAS key players in a well-operated, effective public school system are the community representatives who are elected to the board of education; and

WHEREAS Chuck Fletcher, Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown, BeLinda Henson, and Natalie Lile have proven themselves as dedicated advocates for a safe learning environment for their students and for professional growth for their faculty and staff; and

WHEREAS January 2017 marks Kentucky's participation in a multi- state observation of the continuing contributions by these outstanding local leaders and their peers elsewhere;

THEREFORE, I, Judge Squire Williams, do hereby declare the month of January 2017 as School Board Recognition Month in this community and urge all citizens to honor Chuck Fletcher, Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown, BeLinda Henson, and Natalie Lile for their devotion to the shared goal of a better life for our children and our future leaders.

By my signature on this date ________________________________

V.B. Energy Star Recognition

2016 ENERGY STAR Schools for FCPS

The Academy                 98

Elkhorn Elementary        97

Hearn Elementary          93

Bondurant Middle           78

Peaks Mill Elementary    77

Westridge Elementary   77

Bridgeport Elementary   76


VI. Public Comments

The Franklin County Board of Education has provided time in its agenda for individuals to make comments. Comments to the Board will be allowed up to a maximum of three (3) minutes. The Board does not allow comments on any matter dealing with personnel issues. Kentucky law states specifically that personnel matters are the responsibility of the Superintendent. On all personnel matters, you should contact the Superintendent of Schools. No questions, comments, or decisions/action related to public comments will be made by Board members at this time, unless the specific topic is on the agenda; however, the Board will listen to the comments and/or suggestions which may lead to a discussion of same at a future meeting. If an individual wishes for the Board to discuss and/or take action on a particular issue, they must follow the procedures outlined in Franklin County Board of Education Policy 10.2. The Superintendent or the designee will be able to assist in this request.

VII. New Business
VII.A. Approval of 2017-2018 School Calendar

Attached is the proposed 2017-2018 school calendar recommended by the district calendar committee.  The committee consisted of classified and certified staff, parents, and administrators.  The calendar has been shared with the different constituents and feedback solicited.




Recommended Motion

Approval of the 2017-2018 School Calendar

Actions Taken

Order #2017-248 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 2017-2018 School Calendar passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

VII.B. Approval of Contract with PeopleAdmin Records

FCPS is currently in a contract with PeopleAdmin TalentEd for our online application submission processes. We are now asking for approval of a contract between FCPS and PeopleAdmin Records. PeopleAdmin is the leading provider of cloud-based talent management solutions for education and government. The TalentEd Records subscription will give us the ability to house all of our personnel files online instead of paper copies. This will also give us the ability to generate all forms online with approval workflow. Implementation of this project will cost the district $5,250.00 with a yearly maintenance/subscription fee of $13,800.00. The contract is attached for your review and approval.

Actions Taken

Order #2017-249 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

VII.C. First Reading of Policy 08.2323

First reading of policy 08.2323 Access to Electronic Media. The policy is attached for your review. 

VII.D. Review of Procedures 08.2323 AP.111 and 08.2323 AP.21

The board is required to do a review when a procedure is created or amended. Procedures 08.2323 AP.111 1:World Project Documents and 08.2323 AP.21 Electronic Access/User Agreement Form are attached for your review.

VII.E. Approve Contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC

Two boilers at FCHS are both in need of re-tubing. We are asking that you approve the attached contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC. in the amount of $13,838.00. This will take care of the re-tubing of one boiler to get us through the winter months. The contract is attached for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve Contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2017-250 - Motion Passed:  Approve Contract with Riddell Boiler Service, LLC as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

VIII. Construction
VIII.A. Approval of Invoices

Ross Tarrant is requesting payment of $79,664.01 for the attached invoices which reflect work completed during the winter break as part of the district flooring project.  

Recommended Motion

Approval of $79,644.01 to Ross Tarrant for work completed as part of the district flooring project

Actions Taken

Order #2017-251 - Motion Passed:  Approval of $79,644.01 to Ross Tarrant for work completed as part of the district flooring project passed with a motion by Ms. Natalie Lile and a second by Mr. Chuck Fletcher.

IX. Reports to the Board
IX.A. Review November 2016 Monthly Financial Report

The November 2016 Monthly Financial Reports are presented for your review.

IX.B. Superintendent's Activities

Ms. Jones' activities for the month of December 2016 are presented for your information.

1  - AESA Conference

2  - AESA Conference

3  - AESA Conference

4  -

5  - Directors' meeting, CDIP meeting; Board meeting

6  - KASS conference

7  - Elementary advisory; Energy committee

8  - Five Oaks Communication meeting; PPGES site visit

9  - Finance meeting; PPGES site visit; Assistant superintendents' meeting

10 -

11 -

12 - OVEC meeting; Meeting with Natalie Lile; Board meetings; Reception for Board members

13 - Five Oaks Communication meeting; PPGES site visit follow-up; High School advisory committee; Hearn Elementary SBDM meeting

14 - OVEC P-16 council; OVEC Board of Directors' meeting

15 - Parent meeting with Mr. Sexton; Meeting with Chuck Fletcher; PPGES site visits; Middle school advisory

16 - Finance meeting; PPGES site visit follow-up; Assistant Superintendents' meeting

17 -

18 -

19 - PPGES site visit follow-up; Parent meeting

20 - PPGES site visit follow-up; PPGES site visits

21 - 1/2 x-day

22 - PPGES site visit follow-up

23 - PPGES preparation

24 -

25 -

26 - Holiday

27 - PPGES site visit; PPGES site visit follow-up

28 - PPGES preparations, Meeting with J. Miller and J. Crowe

29 - PPGES site visit follow-up; Meeting with G. Roush and K. Sexton, Board meeting preparation

30 - School visits; principal meeting; Board meeting preparation

31 -

IX.C. Superintendent's Correspondence

Correspondence with Ms. Jones is presented for your information.

IX.D. Superintendent's Personnel Actions

Personnel Actions taken since the last meeting of the Board are presented for your information.

IX.E. Reports from School Councils

Reports from the following schools' SBDM Councils are presented for your review:

Bridgeport Elementary

Collins Lane Elementary

Elkhorn Elementary

Early Learning Village

Hearn Elementary

Peaks Mill Elementary

Westridge Elementary

Bondurant Middle

Elkhorn Middle

Franklin County

Western Hills

IX.F. Attendance Report

The attendance report for month 4 (November 7 - December 7, 2016) of the 2016-2017 fiscal year is presented for your review. 

X. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2017-252 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.

X.A. Approve Minutes

Request for approval of December 5, 2016 Regular Meeting, December 12, 2016 Special Meeting, and December 12, 2016 Mid-month meeting minutes. Please review and approve.

X.B. Approve Leaves of Absence

7236 – Intermittent Medical Leave – through 06/30/2017

7341 – Maternity Leave – 11/15/2016 – 1/17/2017

6467 – Maternity Leave – 03/27/2017 – 05/15/2017

7395 – Medical Leave – 45 days beginning on 01/09/2017

X.C. Approve Payment of Bills

Orders of the Treasurer


Warrant #:         Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

Warrant #: M      Fund: General Fund/Federal Programs

At the regular monthly meeting of the Franklin County School Board on the indicated date above, the following claims and bills were submitted to the Board for approval. The Treasurer was ordered to pay the amounts as indicated.

X.D. Approve Contracts
X.D.1. ELV: Yearbook Contract

ELV is requesting approval for the attached yearbook contract with Herff Jones for the 2016-2017 school year. 

X.D.2. WRE PTO contract with DJ

WRE PTO requests that the board approve entering a contract with Matt Krupp who will be DJing the Father Daughter Dance on Feb. 11.  The amount will be for $350 which will be paid out of PTO funds.

X.D.3. Resolution with Chenoweth Law Office

Approval of 2016- 2017 Chenoweth Law Office resolution for legal counsel to represent, assist, and advise the Board of Education and Superintendent on behalf of the Board of Education and to render such legal services as is requested.  The district has worked with Chenoweth Law Office for several years and receives outstanding service.

Recommended Motion

Approval of contract with Chenoweth Law Office for 2016-2017

X.D.4. Approve Contract with ESchoolView

Attached is a contract renewal with ESchoolView for FCPS website design and maintenance. 

X.D.5. Tracey Inman - FCA

Attached is an agreement with Tracey Inman to provide professional development for the faculty of Frankfort Christian Academy.  Title II funds will be used for the contract, and since the district facilitates the disbursement of the Title II funds, it is necessary for the Board to approve the agreement.

X.D.6. WRE Chinese Culture event contract

Westridge Elementary School requests the approval of entering into a contract with UK Chinese Culture event to present a program on Jan. 31, 2017 for a 30-minute performance plus 3-minute work station presentations to expose the students to martial arts, Chinese painting, calligraphy, folk music and traditional instruments.  The cost of $300 will be paid by WRE PTO.  

X.E. Approve Grants
X.E.1. WHAS Crusade for Children Grant

The WHAS Crusade grant proposal is requesting $ 72,179.55 funding to set up and run a full-day preschool classroom at one of the schools. 

X.E.2. Read-to-Achieve (RTA) Grants

Read to Achieve (RTA) is a state-funded grant for elementary schools. The proposed grant provides funds to schools to implement reading diagnostic and intervention programs.  Attached is a draft of the grant each of the FCPS elementary schools are using in the develop each individual school grant.  The grant is due January 13.  Each school's completed grant will be submitted at the January 23, 2017 Board meeting for final review.  Since the due date is after the current meeting date, the elementary schools are requesting approval to apply for the competitive RTA grant.

X.F. Create/Modify Positions
X.F.1. EES Childcare Position

Elkhorn Elementary School's SBDM requests approval to add 2 hours to a current 6-hour childcare position to meet the needs of the child care program.

X.F.2. EES Childcare Position

Elkhorn Elementary SBDM requests approval to create an eight-hour childcare position for the Little Elks program.  Funding for the position will be from the Little Elks proceeds.

X.F.3. Stipends-Extra Curricular Positions

Hearn Elementary SBDM is requesting the creation of the following positions with accompanying stipends for the 2016-2017 school year. All funding will be provided from ASP funds.
Boys Basketball coach- $500
Girls Basketball coach- $500
Academic Team coaches- $200 x 5
Yearbook coordinator- $500
Dance Team coach- $500
Asst. Dance team coach- $200
Chorus director- $500
Archery coach - $500

X.F.4. Increase cafeteria monitor position 30 minutes per day

Due to an increase in enrollment at Peaks Mill Elementary (PME) we are unable to fully implement all Individual Education Plans (IEPs) without extra assistance.  At this time, I am requesting we increase one cafeteria monitor position at PME from 2 hours to 2.5 hours for the remainder of the 2016-17 school year to assist with this.

The funding for the additional 30 minutes per day will come from IDEA Basic Part B.

X.G. Approve Overnight/Out-of-State Trips
X.G.1. Overnight Trip to Louisville for KMEA Conference

Western Hills High School is requesting approval for three students, accompanied by Ms. Stephanie Wallace, to attend and compete in the KMEA conference February 8-11, 2017.   All costs for this overnight trip will be covered by the booster club and/or parents.  Parents will provide transportation for their individual child to and from the conference. The students and Ms. Wallace will be staying at the Galt House in Louisville. 

Recommended Motion

Approve overnight Trip to Louisville for KMEA Conference

X.G.2. Overnight Trip- UL Honor Band

Western Hills has 6 students who have qualified to be participate with the UL Honor Band on January 27th and 28th. This overnight trip will be chaperoned by Ms. Stephanie Wallace.  Students and Ms. Wallace will be staying at the Holiday Inn Louisville Airport/Fair Expo Center and performing with the U L Honor Band on the University of Louisville campus.  Boosters will cover registration, housing, and transportation costs. District Transportation will be utilized. 

Recommended Motion

Approve overnight trip for UL Honor Band students.

X.H. WRE PTO father daughter dance fundraiser

WRE PTO requests permission to hold a fundraiser for instructional and non-instructional supplies for teachers on Feb. 11 from 7-9.  They will charge $5 per person to attend.  Activities will include pictures, DJ, and dancing among other activities.

XI. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on 

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2017-253 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 6:42 p.m. passed with a motion by Mr. Chuck Fletcher and a second by Ms. Natalie Lile.