Franklin County
November 21, 2016 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Special Called Meeting
1. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to prepare students for College and Career Readiness and to become contributing citizens.

Please silence all cell phones.

2. Report from Early Learning Village


3. EMS - Mr. Bartley's Assessment Response

Mr. Bartley will share how he is addressing student needs along with support requests.

4. New Business
4.A. Approve Financial Report

The October 2016 financial report is attached for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve the October 2016 financial report as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2016-238 - Motion Passed:  Approve the October 2016 financial report as presented passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

4.B. Approve October 24, 2016 Meeting Minutes

The minutes from the October 24, 2016 meeting are presented for your approval. Ms. Michelle New was absent from this meeting and must abstain from voting.

Recommended Motion

Approve October 24, 2016 meeting minutes

Actions Taken

Order #2016-239 - Motion Passed:  Approve October 24, 2016 meeting minutes passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

4.C. Approve Archery Fee - EES

As per Board Policy 09.15, all school fees must be approved in advance by the Board.  Elkhorn Elementary is requesting approval of an archery fee of $35.00 for t-shirts and equipment and an estimated cost of $7.00 per tournament.

Recommended Motion

Approve Elkhorn Elementary archery fee

Actions Taken

Order #2016-240 - Motion Passed:  Approve Elkhorn Elementary archery fee passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

5. Construction
5.A. Approve Revised BG-1 for Flooring Project

Attached is the revised BG-1 (Project Application) for the District Flooring Project.  The amended application reflects a revised estimate of construction costs ($363,491.00) and architectural fees ($38,166.56).

Recommended Motion

Approve the revised BG-1 for the District Flooring Project as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2016-241 - Motion Passed:  Approve the revised BG-1 for the District Flooring Project as presented passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

5.B. Collins Lane Update

Mark Trier, JRA Architects, will share preliminary schematic drawings for the Collins Lane construction project.

6. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #2016-242 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

6.A. Approve October 10, 2016 Meeting Minutes

The minutes for the October 16, 2016 meeting are attached for your approval.

6.B. Create part time teaching position at Bridgeport Elem

Due to several new students at Bridgeport Elementary we are unable to create a schedule that allows us to fulfill Individual Education Plans (IEPs).  At this time, I'm requesting an additional .5 special education teacher to be able to offer enough resource and co-teach classes to comply with implementation of IEPs.

Thank you for your time and consideration, as always, for helping support the instruction of all our students in Franklin County.

The funding for this position will be obtained from IDEA Basic, Part B.

7. Enter into Closed Session

KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings which federal or state law specifically require to be conducted in privacy.

KRS 156.577(4)(d) Any preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the superintendent by the board or between the board and the superintendent prior to the summative evaluation shall be conducted in closed session.

Actions Taken

Order #2016-243 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

7.A. Preliminary Discussion Relating to the Evaluation of the Superintendent
8. Exit Closed Session
Recommended Motion

The Board come out of closed session at

Actions Taken

Order #2016-244 - Motion Passed:  The Board come out of closed session at 7:26pm passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

9. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on Monday, December 5, 2016   at the Franklin County Board of Education.

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #2016-245 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 7:26pm passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Ms. Michelle New.