Franklin County
September 22, 2015 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to prepare students for College and Career Readiness and to become contributing citizens.

Please silence all cell phones.

II. National School Lunch Program Update

Mr. Preston will update the Board on his findings regarding the National School Lunch Program and requirements for a district to consider providing free lunches for all students.

III. AdvancEd Accreditation Final Report

AdvancEd chairs will share findings and next steps from the March 2015 External Review.  The district and all schools were recommended and approved for accreditation.

IV. Review of the 2015 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP) progress

An update of the 2015 Comprehensive District Improvement Plan (CDIP) will be provided.  The updated progress notes are highlighted for your review.

V. Approve Second Reading 03.2232

The first reading of Board Policy 03.2232 was at the September 8, 2015 meeting of the Board.  Approval of the second reading is attached for the revised Board Policy 03.2232.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the second reading of Board Policy 03.2232

Actions Taken

Order #163 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the second reading of Board Policy 03.2232 passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

VI. Approve Working Budget for 2015-2016

According to KRS 16.470, districts must submit a Working Budget to KDE. The Board approved a Tentative Working Budget at the May 18, 2015 Board meeting which was based on projected enrollment for the 2015-16 school year. The Working Budget presented at this time is a revision of the Tentative Working Budget. 

Recommended Motion

Approval of the 2015-2016 Working Budget

Actions Taken

Order #164 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 2015-2016 Working Budget passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. Michelle New.

VII. Increase Contract Days for District Assessment Coordinator

The district assessment coordinator's position was created with the restructuring of the CIA department. In reflecting on the many responsibilities of the position and with the implementation of an additional Program Review for all schools, this position needs to be accessible throughout the year, including the summer.  I am recommending increasing the number of days from 200 to 240, with 20 of the days being funded from Title II.  The remaining days would be paid from General Funds.

Recommended Motion

Approve increasing the number of contract days for the District Assessment Coordinator to 240 days

Actions Taken

Order #165 - Motion Passed:  Approve increasing the number of contract days for the District Assessment Coordinator to 240 days passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

VIII. Add One Program Review Chairs Per Elementary School

As a part of the state assessment system, all schools must complete a Global Competency/World Language Program Reviews beginning the current school year.  The Board has provided a stipend of $500 to individuals who serve as chairs for the different Program Reviews.  With the inclusion of the Global Competency/World Language Program Review, the middle and high schools will complete four Program Reviews, and the elementary schools must complete five.  As a result, I am recommending we increase the number of Elementary Program Review chairs to five per school.  The stipend would remain the same at $500.  This would provide a stipend for a certified staff to chair all mandated Program Reviews at the elementary, middle, and high school.

Actions Taken

Order #166 - Motion Passed:  Approval to add one Program Review Chair per Elementary School passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

IX. Approve 2015-2016 Salary and Stipend Schedule

The attached salary schedules include the recently approved 1.5% raise for all classified staff and certified staff members.

Recommended Motion

Approve 2015-2016 Salary and Stipend Schedule

Actions Taken

Order #167 - Motion Passed:  Approve 2015-2016 Salary and Stipend Schedule passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

X. Approve Monthly Financial Report

The August 2015 monthly financial report is presented for your review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the August 2015 Monthly Financial Report

Actions Taken

Order #168 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the August 2015 Monthly Financial Report passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. Michelle New.

XI. Request Acceptance of Donation of National Motto Posters

A community member requests the Board approve the donation of the National Motto posters, "In God We Trust" for the district's classrooms.  In conferring with attorney, Grant Chenoweth, he recommended the following steps if the Board approves the donation:

  • This is a Board decision in regards to accepting the donation
  • Not appropriate to "mandate" all teachers display the poster in individual classrooms
  • Teachers should be provided the opportunity to choose if he/she displays the poster.
  • Recommends students participate in a lesson or lessons in development of the original motto and the official motto.

Recommended Motion

Approve the acceptance of the posters under the following conditions: acceptable lessons would be developed and approved by the superintendent/superintendent designee; approved lessons would be implemented with all students who are in classrooms where the poster is displayed

Actions Taken

Order #169 - Motion Passed:  Table the acceptance of the posters under the following conditions: acceptable lessons would be developed and approved by the superintendent/superintendent designee; approved lessons would be implemented with all students who are in classrooms where the poster is displayed passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. Michelle New.

XII. Approve Superintendent's Leave

Per the superintendent's contract the Board must approve leave of five consecutive days or more.  The superintendent is requesting approval to take October 5-9 as x-days.  This is during the district's fall break.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the superintendent's leave on October 5-9

Actions Taken

Order #170 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the superintendent's leave on October 5-9 passed with a motion by Ms. BeLinda Henson and a second by Ms. Michelle New.

XIII. Consent Agenda

The Consent Agenda is presented for your approval.

Recommended Motion

Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented

Actions Taken

Order #171 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

XIII.A. Create/Modify Positions
XIII.A.1. Elks' Learning Center - Abolish and Create childcare aide positions

After assessing the Elk's Learning Center a need exists for a six-hour childcare assistant's position versus a 3.5 hours.  With the recent vacancy of the 3.5 hours position, Mr. Parker is requesting approval of the following:

Abolish the 3.5 hours childcare assistant's position

Create a 6 hours childcare assistant's position (funds for the position will be paid from ASP funds)

XIII.A.2. EES - Create Part-time Instructional Assistant Position

In order to better intervene with struggling students, Elkhorn Elementary is requesting the creation of a part-time instructional assistant position to work to 2 hours/day to assist with providing interventions.  This position will be paid from ESS funds, upon receipt of written approval of the ESS daytime waiver and would be for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year.

XIII.A.3. ARC Chair and Designee

The Superintendent, in consultation with the Director of Special Education, will recommend to the Board for approval a list of Franklin County School District Representatives Admission and Release Committee (ARC) Chairs by job or position title.  The Superintendent, or designee, may designate which specific staff member on that approved list will serve as the Franklin County School District Representative for any Admission and Release Committee meeting as per Franklin County Schools Special Education Procedures.

Attached is the recommended list of district/school representatives ARC Chairs as of 9/18/2015.

XIII.A.4. Create Position

Peaks Mill Elementary School has a student who is exhibiting behaviors which indicate the need for closer supervision than can be provided by the teacher at this time.  In order to provide a safe environment for this student, as well as other students in this classroom, we are requesting the creation of one Instructional Aide position.  This position would be paid from the general fund and would be abolished should this student be move into another district program or move out-of-district.


Create one Instructional Aide for Peaks Mill at 7 hrs/day for the remainder of the 2015-2016 school year.



XIII.B. Approve Contact with Frankfort Independent Schools

Frankfort Independent Schools must provide IEP services which require a certified teacher for the hearing impaired.  Ms. Jami Miller has determined based on current student needs and the availability of FCPS current staff, we can provide the services.  The attached contract with Frankfort Independent would result in FCPS being reimbursed for the teacher's services at her regular daily rate, as well as her travel.

XIV. Enter into Closed Session

KRS 61.810(1)(k) Meetings which federal or state law specifically require to be conducted in privacy.

KRS 156.577(4)(d) Any preliminary discussions relating to the evaluation of the superintendent by the board or between the board and the superintendent prior to the summative evaluation shall be conducted in closed session.

Recommended Motion

Table the discussion of the Superintendent Evaluation due to Mr. Cofield being absent

XIV.A. Preliminary Discussion Relating to the Evaluation of the Superintendent
XV. Exit Closed Session
Recommended Motion

The Board come out of closed session at

XVI. Superintendent's Summative Evaluation

The Superintendent shall be evaluated annually in writing by the Board. With the implementation of the new Superintendent's Professional Growth and Evaluation System (SPGES), the superintendent will share evidence related to the eight professional standards as defined by the SPGES.   Board members will then score each standard and share their agreed upon ratings with the superintendent.

Recommended Motion

Table the adoption of the Superintendent's summative evaluation

Actions Taken

Order #172 - Motion Passed:  Table the adoption of the Superintendent's summative evaluation passed with a motion by Ms. Michelle New and a second by Ms. BeLinda Henson.

XVII. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be October 13, 2015 at 6:00pm

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #173 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 7:18pm passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Ms. Michelle New.