Franklin County
October 20, 2014 6:00 PM
Franklin County Public Schools Mid-Month Meeting
I. Call to Order

The mission of the Franklin County Public Schools is to prepare students for College and Career Readiness and to become contributing citizens.

Please silence all cell phones.

II. Report from Elkhorn Middle School


III. 2014 Kindergarten Readiness Data

Sharla Six, Elementary Director, will share the results of the kindergarten readiness assessment administered to all incoming kindergartners in August 2014.  This is the second year the kindergarten readiness assessment was administered.

IV. Review of the FCPS Strategic Plan

Attached is an update on the progress towards the Strategic Plan.

V. Discussion of Finance Training and Identification of Next Steps
VI. Discussion of Documentation for Superintendent's PGES

Ms. Jones will seek feedback on possible communication tools to keep the Board apprised of evidence and progress towards the seven standards of the Superintendent's Leadership Plan.

VII. Certified Evaluation Plan

In an effort to provide more flexibility to principals and teachers, we would like to revise the timeline of the Certified Evaluation Plan that deals with observing tenured teachers not on summative cycle and teh due date for the Professional Growth Plan.  The revision consists of removing the language "during the first semester".  The revision would allow the principal to conduct an observation during the course of the school year rather than having to have it completed by the first semester. 

The second change moves the due date of the Professional Growth Plan to either October 15 or 10 student days after the release of the state assessment results.  This will permit certified staff to develop relevant growth goals aligned to the needs of the students.  The Certified Evaluation Plan Committee has approved both changes.  This section of the Evaluation Plan is attached with the proposed revisions highlighted.

Recommended Motion

Approve Revision to Certified Evaluation Plan

Actions Taken

Order #116 - Motion Passed:  Approve Revision to Certified Evaluation Plan passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

VIII. Bus Purchase

In order to maintain our fleet replacement schedule, we will need to purchase ten buses. Attached is the KISTA information packet for board review and approval.

Recommended Motion

Approve purchase of 10 school buses through KISTA financing in the amount of $1,095,388.00

Actions Taken

Order #117 - Motion Passed:  Approve purchase of 10 school buses through KISTA financing in the amount of $1,095,388.00 passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

IX. Approve Monthly Financial Report
Recommended Motion

Approve September 2014 Financial Report

Actions Taken

Order #118 - Motion Passed:  Approve September 2014 Financial Report passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

X. Math Achievement Fund Grants - BPT, CLS, and PME,

Mathematics Achievement Fund Grant is a state-funded grant for elementary schools. The proposed grant provides funds to schools to implement mathematics intervention for students in the primary program. Attached are the final copies of the three elementary school's grant.  The Board approved submission of the draft at the September 9, 2014 meeting since the grant was due October 9.   The attached grants are submitted for final review by the Board. 

XI. FCHS - Chorus Overnight request, Hotel Contract, and Bus Contract

Dates:  11/10-11/14
Purpose:  Morehead State University Choral Festival
Number of Students:  26
Names of Chaperons:  Raye Hurley, Kim Caudill
Transportation:  Charter (contract attached)
Lodging:  Hotel (Contract attached)
Funding:  Boosters

Actions Taken

Order #119 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Doug Crowe and a second by Mr. William Cofield.

XII. Enter into Closed Session

Pursuant to KRS 61.810, the Franklin County Board of Education must go into Closed Session for:

(1) (c) Discussion of proposed or pending litigation against or on behalf of the public agency.

Recommended Motion

The Board enter into Closed Session as stated.

Actions Taken

Order #120 - Motion Passed:  The Board enter into Closed Session as stated. passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown.

XIII. Exit Closed Session
Recommended Motion

The Board come out of Closed Session

Actions Taken

Order #121 - Motion Passed:  The Board come out of Closed Session passed with a motion by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown and a second by Mr. Doug Crowe.

XIV. Adjournment

The next meeting of the Franklin County Board of Education will be 6:00pm on November 3, 2014 at Franklin County Board of Education.

Recommended Motion

That the meeting be adjourned at

Actions Taken

Order #122 - Motion Passed:  That the meeting be adjourned at 7:44pm passed with a motion by Mr. William Cofield and a second by Dr. Jennifer Grisham-Brown.