Floyd County
February 26, 2018 6:30 PM
Floyd County Board of Education Regular Meeting
1. Chair's Welcome/Call to Order
1.A. Roll Call/Welcome
1.B. Reminder for a Request to Speak
1.C. Moment of Individual Silent Reflection: "Why are we here?"
1.D. The Adoption of Agenda
2. Spotlight on Student/Staff/Community Achievements, Report on Student Work By Betsy Layne High School Principal and SBDM Council
3. Community Comments to the Board of Education
3.A. Students
3.B. Parents, PTA/PTO
3.C. SBDM Councils
3.D. Classified Employees
3.E. Certified Employees/FCEA
3.F. Principals' Association
3.G. Members of the Board of Education
3.H. Public Comment
4. Action or Special Reports - Student Learning
4.A. *Receive Attendance & Plans/Enrollment and Health Aide Service Report
4.B. Receive "Athletic" Academic/Attendance Report
5. Action or Special Reports - Student Support
5.A. Receive Report of Superintendent
5.B. Receive Utility Report for Betsy Layne High School
5.C. Receive Construction Manager/Architect Progress Report
6. Action by Consent
6.A. *Consider Approval of Minutes
6.B. Consider Payment of Bills and Claims
6.C. Superintendent's Report on Personnel
6.C.1. Actions Taken
6.C.2. Consider Requests for Leaves of Absences
6.D. Consider/Approve the list of technology items for surplus for the Floyd County Schools
6.E. Consider/Approve the Validation Study of the Kentucky All Stars Quality Rating Improvement System
6.F. Consider/Approve to provide funding for the transportation cost for Floyd County High School students to travel to the University of Kentucky to participate in E-Day on February 24, 2018
6.G. Consider/Approve letter agreement with AdvanceKentucky to the terms outlined by and between Kentucky Science and Technology Corporation and the following Floyd County Schools-Allen Elementary, South Floyd Elementary, Duff-Allen Central Elementary, Stumbo Middle and Betsy Layne Elementary
6.H. Consider/Approve Academic Trip to Louisville, KY for the following schools, teams and coaches Betsy Layne High, Floyd Central, Prestonsburg High, Adams Middle, Betsy Layne Middle, Allen Middle, Duff Allen Central Middle, and South Floyd Middle to attend the Governor's Cup Academic Competition March 17-19, 2018
6.I. Consider/Approve Family Resource and Youth Services Centers School District Assurance Certification for FYs 19-20 continuation funding
6.J. Consider/Approve 2018-2019 School Calendar
6.K. *Consider/Approve Floyd County Schools to Use Jenny Wiley State Park and contract that will be between Floyd County Schools and Jenny Wiley State Park for instructional or professional learning meetings from February 2018 or until we decide to discontinue use of this facility
6.L. *Consider/Approve a shortened school day/week for students with special needs
6.M. *Consider/Approve to add two (2) School Resource Officers, (one funded by the school district and one funded by Floyd County Fiscal Court for the remainder of school year 2017-2018), to the current Memorandum of Agreement with Office of Floyd County Sheriff for added security during the school day
7. Executive Session to Discuss (Litigation, Property, Personnel, and Expulsions), KRS 61.810
8. Adjournment