Fairview Independent
January 25, 2016 5:30 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting
I. Call to Order
II. Invocation/Pledge to Flag
III. Prayer
IV. Annual election of Board for 2016 calendar year
IV.A. Election of Chairman
IV.B. Election of Vice-Chairman
IV.C. Election of Secretary
IV.D. Election of Treasurer/Finance Officer
V. Recognition/Achievements
VI. Communication
VI.A. Superintendent's Report
VI.A.1. Spotlight on Instruction - Fairview Elementary
VI.A.1.a. 30-60-90 Plan
VI.A.1.b. Fairview Elementary Action Plan
VI.A.2. Attendance Update
VII. Consent Agenda
VII.A. Minutes of previous meeting December 14, 2016 and Jan. 11, 2016
VII.B. Approve Financial report
VII.B.1. General/Payroll
VII.B.2. Fairview Elementary Activity Report
VII.B.3. Fairview High School Activity Report
VII.C. Approve fundraisers
VIII. Action Items
VIII.A. Approve 2nd reading of the KSBA updated policy 08.1114
VIII.B. Approve 1st reading of the KSBA updated policy 07.14, 08.22,03.1321 and 03.2321.
VIII.C. Approve Fairview Independent School Calendar, Bell schedule for 2016-2017 school year.
VIII.D. Approve schedule of regular meetings and work sessions for the calendar year 2016-2017
VIII.E. Approve the "Draft Budget" for the 2016-2017 (FY16) as presented with correction
VIII.F. Approve the cost 3 chaperones for 5th grade School Safety Patrol to Washington, DC.
IX. Adjourn