Erlanger-Elsmere Independent
September 12, 2024 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
I. Call to Order
I.A. Open Meeting
I.B. Pledge to the Flag
II. Presentations
II.A. Construction and Facilities Update
Noah Onkst
II.B. Tichenor Middle School Youth Ambassadors
Mr. Mac Cooley, Principal
III. Recognition
III.A. Recognize Al Poweleit, Retirement
IV. Reports
IV.A. Schools, District Personnel, and Department Supervisors
IV.B. Grants Report
IV.C. Student Board Member Report
IV.D. Personnel Report
IV.E. Transportation Report
IV.F. Fundraising Report
V. Individuals Desiring to Speak to the Board
VI. Approve August 8, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #2024-1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the August 8, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross and a second by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
VII. Approve August 22, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #2024-2 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the August 22, 2024 Special Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Townsend and a second by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
VIII. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #2024-3 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter and a second by Mr. Marvin Townsend.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
VIII.A. Authorize Treasurer to pay bills from General Funds and Special Programs
VIII.B. Authorize Treasurer to pay September Salaries
VIII.C. Approve Detailed Monthly Report and Balance Sheets for August 2024 to be posted on the District website for a six-month period (House Bill 154)
VIII.D. Approve the Erlanger-Elsmere Schools FY25 Working Budget
VIII.E. Approve Youth Scholars Academy Memorandum of Agreement
VIII.F. Approve Contract with Liana Tyree for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services for 2024-2025
VIII.G. Approve the Calendar Committee for Development of the 2025-2026 School Calendar
VIII.H. Approve the Requested Revisions to the Extra Service Salary Schedule
VIII.I. Approve Owner Architect Agreement for Lloyd High School – Phase 4 Addition and Renovation (REH #127-1223)
VIII.J. Approve BG1 for Lloyd High School – Phase 4 Addition and Renovation (REH #127-1223)
VIII.K. Approve Owner Architect Agreement for Lloyd High School – Fieldhouse Emergency HVAC Improvements (REH #127-724)
VIII.L. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment No. 3 for Erlanger-Elsmere Schools – Paving Improvements 2024 (REH #127-1023 / BG #24-217 / PO 80236)
VIII.M. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment No. 5 for Howell Elementary School – Gym AHU Emergency Replacement (REH #127-823 / BG #24-177 / PO 80151)­
VIII.N. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment No. 9 for the Miles and Lindeman Boiler Replacements (REH#127-1222/BG#23-307)
VIII.O. Approve Tichenor Middle HVAC Renovations Certificate for Payment No. 9 (REH #127-822-C/BG #23-227)
VIII.P. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment No. 10 for the Tichenor Middle School HVAC Renovations (REH#127-822 C/BG#23-227)
IX. Discussion and Action Agenda
IX.A. October Meeting Date

After discussion the October meeting date will remain as scheduled on October 10, 2024.

X. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #2024-4 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross and a second by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes