Erlanger-Elsmere Independent
May 09, 2024 7:00 PM
Regular Meeting of the Board of Education
I. Call to Order
I.A. Open Meeting
I.B. Pledge to the Flag
II. Presentations
II.A. Construction and Facilities Update
Noah Onkst
III. Recognition
III.A. Recognize Lucretia Pearcy, Retirement
III.B. Recognize Melissa Perkins, Retirement
III.C. Recognize Jane Noll, Retirement
III.D. Recognize Robyn Burk, Retirement
III.E. Recognize Marie Jump, Retirement
III.F. Recognize Nancy Kaaz, Retirement
III.G. Recognize Gina Johnson, Retirement
III.H. Recognize Karen Roddy, Retirement
III.I. Recognize Melanie Triplett, Retirement
IV. Reports
IV.A. Schools, District Personnel, and Department Supervisors
IV.B. Grants Report
IV.C. Student Board Member Report
IV.D. Personnel Report
IV.E. Transportation Report
IV.F. Fundraising Report
V. Individuals Desiring to Speak to the Board
VI. Approve April 11, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #2024-1 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the April 11, 2024 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross and a second by Mr. Marvin Townsend.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
VII. Approve April 25, 2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #2024-2 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the April 25, 2024 Special Board Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter and a second by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
VIII. Approve April 30, 2024 District Facilities Plan (DFP) Public Hearing Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #2024-3 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the April 30, 2024 District Facilities Plan (DFP) Public Hearing Minutes passed with a motion by Mr. Marvin Townsend and a second by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
IX. Approve the Hearing Report from the District Facilities Plan (DFP) Public Hearing on April 30, 2024
Actions Taken

Order #2024-4 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Hearing Report from the District Facilities Plan (DFP) Public Hearing on April 30, 2024 passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross and a second by Mr. Marvin Townsend.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
X. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #2024-5 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Consent Agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter and a second by Mr. Marvin Townsend.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes
X.A. Authorize Treasurer to pay bills from General Funds and Special Programs
X.B. Authorize Treasurer to pay May Salaries
X.C. Approve Detailed Monthly Report and Balance Sheets for March 2024 to be posted on the District website for a six-month period (House Bill 154)
X.D. Approve the 2023-2024 Erlanger-Elsmere School District Amended Calendar
X.E. Approve Certified Salary Scale for 2024-2025
X.F. Approve Classified Salary Scale for 2024-2025
X.G. Approve Food Service Salary Scale for 2024-2025
X.H. Approve the Administrative Salary Index for 2024-2025
X.I. Approve the FY24 Payroll Schedule
X.J. Approve the Extra-service Salaries for 2024-2025
X.K. Approve KDE District Funding Assurances for FY25
X.L. Approve Indirect Cost Rates for FY24
X.M. Approve the Fidelity Performance Bonds for FY24
X.N. Approve the Bond of Depository for Public School Funds
X.O. Approve Courtney Chapman's Request for unpaid Leave for the 2024-2025 School Year
X.P. Approve the Agreement with Dayton Board of Education to provide meals for the Northern Kentucky Cooperative for Educational Services Regional Schools Program for the 2024-2025 School Year
X.Q. No Bids in Response to an Advertisement for Surplus Property Were Received by the May 6, 2024 Deadline
X.R. Upon the Recommendation of the Finance Director to Dispose of the Surplus Property
X.S. Approve Application and Certificate for Payment #1 Submitted by Hudson Piping, Inc. for the Howell Elementary School Gym AHU Replacement (Emergency) (BG#24-177/REH#127-823)
X.T. Approve Revised BG1 and Recommended Award for EES Paving Improvements 2024 (REH#127-1023/BG#24-217)
XI. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #2024-6 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross and a second by Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter.

Member Votes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Absent
Mrs. Teresa Loman Hunter Yes
Mr. Jeffrey Miller Yes
Mrs. Sarah Shackelford-Ross Yes
Mr. Marvin Townsend Yes