Erlanger-Elsmere Independent
February 22, 2024 6:45 PM
Local Planning Committee (LPC) Public Forum and Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Open Meeting
II. Approve the January 17, 2024 Local Planning Committee Public Forum and Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #2024-1 - Motion Passed:  Approval the January 17, 2024 Local Planning Committee Public Forum and Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Mrs. Rachel Retherford and a second by Jason Stolz.

Member Votes
Kendra Martin Absent
Jordan Derkson Absent
Daylin Garland Absent
Jessica Holleman Yes
Jason Stolz Yes
Christina Ellis Yes
Bryan Sandfoss Absent
Joe Lewis Yes
Aaron Moore Absent
Tyson Hermes Yes
Marty Lenhof Absent
Cody Sheets Yes
Mrs. Reena Connelly Yes
Mr. Mac Cooley Yes
Mrs. Angela Gabbard Absent
Dr. Mike Key Yes
Mrs. Stefanie Stubblefield Absent
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Yes
Jennifer Feighery Absent
III. Reports
III.A. The District Facility Plan (DFP) Process Update
IV. Individuals Desiring to Speak to the Local Planning Committee (LPC)
V. Presentations
V.A. DRAFT 2024-2028 District Facility Plan (DFP) Review

Mr. Hermes introduced the idea to try to figure out where a marksmanship range could be located within the district.

VI. Approve the DRAFT 2024-2028 District Facility Plan (DFP)
Actions Taken

Order #2024-2 - Motion Passed:  Approve the DRAFT 2024-2028 District Facility Plan (DFP) passed with a motion by Jason Stolz and a second by Christina Ellis.

Member Votes
Kendra Martin Absent
Jordan Derkson Absent
Daylin Garland Absent
Jessica Holleman Yes
Jason Stolz Yes
Christina Ellis Yes
Bryan Sandfoss Absent
Joe Lewis Yes
Aaron Moore Absent
Tyson Hermes Yes
Marty Lenhof Absent
Cody Sheets Yes
Mrs. Reena Connelly Yes
Mr. Mac Cooley Yes
Mrs. Angela Gabbard Absent
Dr. Mike Key Yes
Mrs. Stefanie Stubblefield Yes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Yes
Jennifer Feighery Absent
VII. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #2024-3 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Rachel Retherford and a second by Cody Sheets.

Member Votes
Kendra Martin Absent
Jordan Derkson Absent
Daylin Garland Absent
Jessica Holleman Yes
Jason Stolz Yes
Christina Ellis Yes
Bryan Sandfoss Absent
Joe Lewis Yes
Aaron Moore Absent
Tyson Hermes Yes
Marty Lenhof Absent
Cody Sheets Yes
Mrs. Reena Connelly Yes
Mr. Mac Cooley Yes
Mrs. Angela Gabbard Absent
Dr. Mike Key Yes
Mrs. Stefanie Stubblefield Yes
Mrs. Rachel Retherford Yes
Jennifer Feighery Absent