Elizabethtown Independent
October 17, 2011 7:00 PM
Board of Education Regular Meeting



“Tradition of Excellence:  High Standards, Each Student, Every Day.”


"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."


Pursuant to EIS Board Policy 01.45 Board Meeting Agenda, as part of the official agenda for each regular board meeting, the Superintendent shall prepare a consent agenda of routine business items.  Prior to the approval of the agenda, any board member may, by request, cause any item on the consent agenda to be removed and placed on the action agenda or any item on the regular agenda to be placed on the action agenda.




Resiliency is the ability to spring back from and successfully adapt to adversity. An increasing body of research from the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and sociology is showing that most people–including young people–can bounce back from risks, stress, crises, and trauma and experience life success.

A great definition of resiliency was given by a 15-year-old high school student who, after a semester of resiliency training, described resiliency as:

"Bouncing back from problems and stuff with more power and more smarts."


1.  Recognition of Students of the Month
        Elizabethtown High School            Taylor Graham
        T.K. Stone Middle School                Shane Addington
        Helmwood Heights Elementary      Kaitlin Pike 
        Morningside Elementary                London Davis
        Panther Place                                Nauje' Young

2.  Recognition of National Merit Semifinalists
        Jacob Harrison
        Sarah Greenwell
        Rebecca Hinkle


DRAFT                               ELIZABETHTOWN HIGH SCHOOL                                 DRAFT



September 7, 2011


A.  Call to Order/Roll Call: Steve Smallwood made the motion to call the Elizabethtown High School Site Based Decision Making Council meeting to order at 4:27 PM.  Members in attendance were Dawne Swank, Kyle Goodlett, Jon Parsons, Jerry Kauffeld, Tehmina Haider, and Nancy Hazle.  BJ Henry was also in attendance.    

B. Agenda Adoption: Council reviewed the agenda.  ORDER 11-10 – Jon Parsons made a motion for the agenda to be accepted.  Tehmina Haider seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.

C. Minutes Adoption: The council reviewed the August 10, 2011 Special Session minutes.  ORDER 11-11 – Kyle Goodlett made a motion to accept the August 10, 2011 minutes.   Dawne Swank seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

D.  Public Comment: No comments were heard at this session.    

D.  Activity Budget: Council reviewed the August financial report dated August 1, 2011 – August 31, 2011, and the August budget dated August 1, 2011 – August 31, 2011 submitted by Martha Moreman, EHS bookkeeper.  ORDER 11-12 – Jon Parsons made a motion to accept the August financial report and the August budget.  Kyle Goodlett seconded the motion.  Motion passed unanimously.  


    1. Implementation of Scantron Testing:  Mrs. Henry discussed the implementation of Scantron testing.  Several EHS staff members were trained to administer the nationally normed test to freshman, sophomores, and juniors.  Mrs. Henry will attend another training session on October 14, 2011.  This session will cover interpretation of the testing data. 
    2. Top 20 ACT School: Steve Smallwood shared with the Council that EHS ranked in the top 20 schools in the State on ACT testing with a ranking of 16th.    


    1. SBDM Policy 2.05 – 2nd Reading:  The 2nd reading of this policy was undertaken by the Council and concensus was reached to accept policy as read.  The Council will have a final reading of this policy for adoption at the October meeting.
    2. SBDM Policy 2.10 – 1st Reading:  After a great deal of discussion during the August meeting, and much research after the meeting, it was determined the effective date of this policy will read 2012-2013.  The Council reached concensus to accept this 1st reading with the above mentioned change.  The 2nd reading of this policy will be undertaken at the October meeting.    
    3. Bylaws Review – Articles I and II: Mrs. Franklin reported that she contacted KEA for clarification of the minority representative issue and amended the bylaw to be in compliance with the recommendation from KEA.  The council reviewed Bylaws Articles I and II and concensus was reached to accept this 1st reading.  The Council will have a 2nd reading at the October meeting.  


    1. Update on Triumph Program:  Steve Smallwood informed the Council that the Board approved the purchase of the Triumph program.  This computer-based program helps our students by building ACT skills. (See attached)   
    2. CCR Update:  Mr. Smallwood updated the Council on the progress of the CCR (College and Career Readiness) program.  Mrs. Henry informed the Council that the teachers are working hard to make this class a success.  She discussed several of the issues faced by our intervention students and how these issues have, thus far, impeded their progress in math and reading.  Mrs. Henry also discussed the many different skill building activities our teachers are using to help these students. 


    1. Speech Sponsor:  Mr. Smallwood informed the Council that Mrs. Laura Couch has accepted the position of EHS Speech team sponsor
    2. Building Energy Representatves:  Mr. Smallwood announced that Holly Walker and Jerry Crabtree have volunteered to be the building energy representatives for EHS. 


  1. NEXT MEETING DATE: The next SBDM Council meeting will be a Special Session meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 4:15 PM in the EHS library.  This meeting will be a Special Session meeting due to Regular Session meeting date occurring during Fall Break.

  1. ADJOURNMENT: ORDER 11-13 – Kyle Goodlett made the motion for the council to adjourn at 5:21 PM. Jerry Kauffeld seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. 

Respectfully submitted,

Samra Franklin, Recording Secretary

Triumph College Admissions


5 Steps to Success

With TCA's Online Courses:


TCA's Online StudyGuide gives teachers the edge they need to raise students' test scores and track progress as it occurs. The Online StudyGuide pinpoints students' weak skill areas and then provides focused remediation with lessons and quizzes.


The Online StudyGuide familiarizes students with all aspects of the test format, thus alleviating test anxiety and allowing them to focus on each question.


Students take a test under realistic conditions to ensure that they receive a precise diagnosis that results in an accurate understanding of their weakest skills.


Students enter their answers into the program and receive a detailed Skills Feedback Report which identifies the specific skills they need to work on.


Once students discover their weakest skills, they then review those weak areas with lessons and quizzes specifically targeted to their needs.


In the final step, students go back and rework the questions they got wrong and develop test-taking strategies. This critical step helps build confidence and ensures test-taking success.













Attachment - EHS SBDM Council minutes 09/07/11

TK Stone Middle School

Site Based Decision Making Council

September 13, 2011


The meeting was called to order at 5:01 by Mrs. Mather, chairperson, with these additional members present:  Susan Gattis, Thad Elmore, Derisa Hindle.

Student Achievement:  Students from Mr. Elmore’s 6th period class presented TK Nation and the Pop-Tart Drive for the Backpack Program.  Students presented a PowerPoint to students and made signs promoting Cardboard Nation to be held September 16, 2011 at ECTC.  Additionally, the students discussed their Pop-Tart drive to raise 500 boxes of Pop-Tarts to donate to the Backpack Program.  The first period class to collect the most boxes of Pop-Tarts will be provided breakfast.  Students called Kellogg’s Company in Louisville to ask for a donation and received 70 boxes donated to the drive.  In addition, Mr. Elmore’s 6th period class will deliver the Pop-Tarts and help stuff backpacks during the week of September 26th.

The minutes from the August meeting were read and approved per a motion by Thad Elmore and a second by Susan Gattis.  Motioned approved.

The financial statement from the August meeting was read.  Motion to approve financial statement by Susan Gattis, subject to audit, and a second by Thad Elmore.  Motion carried.

The council conducted the second reading of the SBDM Program Review and Committees Policies.  Derisa Hindle made a motion to approve both policies, second by Thad Elmore, motion carried.

The second reading of the Placement in a Target Class Policy will be held until the November meeting.

The council members discussed the need for a plan to review school policies.  The council decided to review all school policies in alphabetical order, three per meeting unless legislature dictates changes that would affect a policy.  The By-laws will be reviewed every two years unless legislature dictates changes that would necessitate revision sooner.

The T.K. Stone Baseball program needs to be approved by the school board on a one-year pilot basis since board-approved money would go to finance the program per Mr. French.  Thad Elmore made a motion to request school board approval of the program, Susan Gattis seconded the motion.  Motion approved.

Accreditation Survey – Mrs. Mather informed the council that notices will be sent home to parents (paper or electronically) on the week of September 18th.  Additionally, teachers, staff, and 8th grade students will electronically submit a survey the same week.  The school is encouraging full participation.

The Council adjourned to Executive Session to discuss personnel matters pursuant to KRS 61.810.

After returning from executive session, the council voted to affirm Mrs. Mather’s suggestion to split the academic coaching responsibilities and stipend between Vickie Shearer and Kerrie Bal and to approve hiring Heather Gohman as the T.K. Stone volleyball coach and Kerrie Bal as the assistant volleyball coach per a motion by Derisa Hindle with a second by Thad Elmore.  Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned by mutual consent at 5:40pm.



September 12, 2011




Members Present:        Michelle Hart, Leah Gardner, Carla Kuhn, Debbie Metcalf, Saima Rabbani, Bobby Trowbridge


  1. Call to Order.  The meeting was called to order by chairperson Michelle Hart at 3:18p.m.
  2. Approval of Agenda.  On a motion/second by Debbie Metcalf/Bobby Trowbridge, the agenda was approved.
  3. Approval of August Minutes.  On a motion/second by Carla Kuhn/Debbie Metcalf, the August minutes were approved.
  4. Receipt of Board Minutes and FRYSC Minutes.  There were no Board or FRYSC minutes.
  5. Good News Report
    1. Renovation Update.  Ms. Hart shared the following news.
  • Today was the first day using our brand new cafeteria.  Everything went well overall, but there are still a few kinks to work out.  Hot lunches cannot be prepped in the new kitchen until all of the new equipment is delivered (some of the original delivery was damaged) and the kitchen can be inspected.  This may take a few more weeks.  In the meantime, students can still eat lunch in the cafeteria.
  • According to the current schedule, K – 1 grades will be moving into Phase 3 classrooms over Fall Break.  The EBD teacher and Library will also be moving into Phase 3 rooms.  (This means that Ms. Haycraft will be on a cart until the library is completed.)  The Renovation Committee will meet with Ms. Hart to discuss which rooms the teachers will be assigned to.
  1. New Hires at HHES – Ms. Hart reported the following new hire information.
  • Ms. Connie Hicks started today as our new cafeteria monitor, replacing Ms. Lisa Clarkson, who left us after school started.
  • Ms. Hart plans to hire Ms. Keegan Wilson to replace Ms. Robin Kerckhove.  Ms. Wilson recently had surgery, so Ms. Hart is scheduling substitutes until Ms. Wilson can start full-time.  She will teach RTI students in grades three through five.
  • Ms. Hart is applying for an ESS day waiver to do math interventions during the day for grades K through two, in lieu of using time after school.  The Council signed the waiver form that must be submitted, and Ms. Hart will be searching for a part-time person to fill this position.
  • Ms. Ann Mattern has resigned, effective in Fall Break.  Ms. Mattern teaches RTI students for grades K through two.  The Interview Committee plans to start interviewing for a replacement soon.
  • The Kindergarten teachers are currently interviewing for part-time three hour assistants, to work in each classroom from 8 – 11am.  Ms. Allie Redmond will be coming back to fill one of the positions, and two others will be hired.
  1. Assessing Student Achievement – RTI Students.  RTI students have begun to meet with teachers.  Scantron testing has also started, with all Math testing completed and eight classes completed in the Reading portion.  Reports from this should be available next week, and more training will be held on October 14.  These Scantron reports will help to identify more RTI students.
  2. Planning
    1. Monthly Policy Review – Staffing Consultation.  After reviewing the current policy, the Council voted to amend the language as the following.
      1. Change “The principal shall meet…” to “The principal shall call a meeting...”
      2. Change “The Interview Committee and Principal will develop criteria for each vacancy who shall use the criteria…” to “The Interview Committee and Principal will use the district job description for each vacancy…”
      3. Delete the sentence “When necessary, consultation may occur through phone calls for hiring in emergency situations.”

The new language was amended as stated, with a motion/second by Debbie Metcalf/Leah Gardner.

  1. Monthly Policy Review – Principal Selection.  After reviewing the current policy, the Council voted to amend the language as the following.
    1. Add the following:  “The council members and people on the interview committees that are elected, including the superintendent or designee, not to exceed nine members, to serve at the time…”
    2. Delete “submitted to them by the superintendent” from the end of the second section (“The Council shall review…).
    3. Delete “to the superintendent” from the end of the fifth section (“After discussion, the Council shall recommend…).
    4. In the last section (“In the event that the Council is unable to make…”), change “ they shall request that the superintendent submit additional qualified applicants that may be available” to “the committee shall request that the superintendent expand the search for additional qualified applicants.”

The new language was amended as stated, with a motion/second by Carla Kuhn/Bobby Trowbridge.

  1. Monthly Policy Review Note.  Ms. Hart will purchase a policy review kit from KASC with discretionary funds.  This kit will assist the Council in continuing to review SBDM policies.
  2. AdvanceED.  Ms. Hart is working on the executive summary and is getting assistance on this process from selected teachers.  Schools will send this information to the District, and the District will compile to send to AdvanceED.  After review, AdvanceED will share recommendations.  The parent surveys for this will not be ready by the time HHES holds Open House (Sept 13, 6 – 7pm), so they will be sent home with students at a later date.
  3. NCLB test results.  These test results are due on September 26.  Mr. Mike Selvitelle will review and share with EIS administrators, who may then share with teachers.
  4. Program Review.  After adopting the policy during the August meeting, further review indicates that the Council will amend the policy at the October meeting, relating to the committee makeup.  A suggestion by a Council member was given to change the committee to be made up of the four committee chairs, the principal, a related arts teacher, and at least one parent.  Further information on implementation will be reviewed at the October meeting.
  5. Budget
    1. Section 6.  An updated copy of the budget for 2011-12 was distributed to each member and reviewed as a group.  The enrollment numbers for HHES are as expected, and little change is expected on the allotted monies.
    2. Title I.  Our new Title I monies should be announced this month.  Ms. Hart has used some of the leftover funds to purchase the upgrade to Successmaker.  The remaining funds will be used to add five more computers to our computer lab, bringing it to a total of 25 computers.  Any funds left after this will be used to purchase more laptops, possibly to create a third laptop cart.
    3. ARRA.  All of the ARRA monies have been spent, put toward the purchase of the Successmaker upgrade.
    4. Committees – Receipt of Minutes.  There are no committee minutes.
    5. New Business
      1. Possibility of a Special Meeting.  Ms. Hart may call a special meeting before the next regularly scheduled SBDM meeting, in order to consult with the Council on filling the vacancy created by Ms. Mattern’s resignation.  She hopes to have a candidate to present the Council by then.
      2. Meeting Adjourned.  On a motion/second by Debbie Metcalf/Bobby Trowbridge, the meeting was adjourned at 4:14 p.m.  The next meeting will be October 17 at 3:15p.m.




Elizabethtown Independent Schools










The council members and people on interviewing committees that are elected, including the superintendent or designee and not to exceed nine members, to serve at the time of the selection of a principal shall receive training appropriate to their needs that will cover such topics as: recruitment of a principal, interviewing techniques, etc.  The council shall select the trainer(s) of any and all training sessions.


The Council shall review the applications and support materials of all candidates.


The Council shall determine which candidates will be considered finalists and shall conduct background checks on these candidates.


From the finalists, the Council shall interview at least two candidates.


After discussion and review, the Council shall recommend a candidate.


In the event that the Council is unable to make a decision by consensus or majority vote, the committee shall request that the Superintendent expand the search for additional qualified applicants.


  Date adopted  _______________            Signature                                                     

                                                                                                  Council Chairperson

 Date revised   ________________


 Date revised  ­ ________________

Morningside Elementary School

SBDM Minutes

September 19, 2011


Meeting was called to order at 3:31 p.m.                               .


Members present were Kelli Bush, Carole Brown, Karen Henson, and Mary Ann Ball 


Council reviewed current agenda and minutes from August 2011.  Karen Henson made a motion to approve the minutes; seconded by Carole Brown.  All were in consensus.


Kelli Bush shared her Principal’s report with council members including the following:

--Our current enrollment is 555.

--Our annual Fall Festival will be held on September 29th from 5-8 PM. 

--Hearing and vision screenings have been completed for students.  Letters will be mailed home to parents for those students that did not pass the screenings.

--The financial auditors were at school on August 29th.  The only suggestion made by the auditors is that we have a date next to the principal’s signature on the individual activity budget sheets.  We were compliant in all other areas.

--Ms. Vaughn, one of our student teachers, has initiated a service project to collect shoes.  The project has been very successful.  A special thank you to Ms. Vaughn for initiating this project.

--Dental screenings took place this last Friday for all 3rd grade students that returned a permission slip to be screened.  Kentucky Smiles also presented a brief educational program to all 3rd grade students for dental health.

--On September 21st we will have 12 WKU students joining us to work with designated teachers.  These WKU students are completing their literature block by assisting our students with reading.  They are scheduled to be here for a total of four days between now and the end of October.

--The Accreditation process begins this week.  Staff, parents and 5th grade students will receive a survey to complete in reference to our school to help with this process.


Kelli Bush discussed the following in the area of Student Achievement:

--Scantron training and benchmark assessments have begun.  Mr. Henson will present information to the staff at the staff meeting this week.  Students are being held in the computer lab for an extra 15 minutes to test for reading and math.   

--The district has received KCCT results.  These results will be embargoed until September 27th.  Mrs. Bush will present results to Council at the next meeting for discussion.

--PLC teams met again during our early dismissal day.  Everybody seemed to be in a better place than this time last month.  We are moving forward towards our goal.


Kelli Bush presented Council with the revised Committee Tasks and Projects for 2011-2012.  Mrs. Bush gave the staff their assignments at the last faculty meeting along with a few tasks that need to be completed before fall break.  Mrs. Bush asked the Council for any suggestions that they would like to make to the individual committee tasks.  Council provided Mrs. Bush with suggestions for the committees.


Kelli Bush provided Council with Committee Reports.


Kelli Bush provided Council with revised Committee Assignments for 2011-12.


Kelli Bush presented to Council the year to date budget for Section 6 and General Fund for their review.


Kelli Bush presented Council with a map listing the use of school space for the 2012-2013 year.  Council discussed options for classrooms and presented suggestions to Mrs. Bush.  Mrs. Bush will revise the map and Council will revisit at the next meeting.


 Kelli Bush presented final draft of the Programs Review Policy for approval.  Council discussed revisions of policy. Carole Brown made a motion to approve policy and Mary Ann Ball seconded.  All were in consensus.


Kelli Bush presented Council with the 2011-2012 Program Review committee members and standards teams.  She also provided a revised timeline for Program Review.


Kelli Bush presented council with a sample for Policy Review 07.02.  Council reviewed sample and made suggestions for changes to the policy.  Kelli Bush will make revisions and present the first draft to Council at the next meeting for their review.


Closing Business:

Council discussed October agenda items.  The next regular meeting will be October 17, 2011, at 3:30 p.m.


Mary Ann Ball made a motion to adjourn; Carole Brown seconded and all were in agreement.  Meeting adjourned at 4:42 p.m.






_____________________________________________      ________________________

Kelli Bush                                                                               Date



___________________________________________          ________________________

Karen Henson                                                                         Date


September 12, 2011 Special Meeting
September 19, 2011 Regular Meeting
September 22, 2011 Special Meeting

VIII.A. Consideration of Approval of the BG-1 for Phase Three of the Elizabethtown High School Campus Renovation - Athletic Facilities

Phase three includes upgrading our athletic practice facility to a new athletic field/stadium.  To renovate the current practice athletic facility to home field on the high school site project to include athletic field/stadium for soccer and football, including locker rooms and weight room concession and restroom facilities upgrade the track, lighting, and security fencing.

IX.A. Consideration of Approval of the Consent Agenda
IX.A.1. Authorization to Sign Non-Resident Student Contracts for the 2012-2013 School Year.

Annually, the board has approved and authorized the Chairman of the Board and the Superintendent to sign Non-Resident Student Contracts with those Boards of Education who have students living in their districts but enrolled in the Elizabethtown Independent Schools, as well as sign Non-Resident Student Contracts for students who live in the Elizabethtown Independent School District and are enrolled in other school districts.


In 2005 the Kentucky Department of Education implemented the requirement for the submission of approved non-resident contracts prior to February 1 for the upcoming school year.  Proposed contracts for non-resident student contracts for 2012-2013 are as follows:

Breckinridge County Schools                         Jefferson County Schools

Bullitt County Schools                                     Larue County Schools

Edmonson County Schools                            Marion County Schools

Grayson County Schools                               Meade County Schools

Green County Schools                                   Nelson County Schools

Hardin County Schools                                   Taylor County Schools

Hart County Schools                                      West Point Independent Schools

IX.A.2. Authorization to File for Funds Available Under Public Law 874 Impact Aid

Annually, the Board of Education must officially authorize the Superintendent to file for PL 874 Impact Aid Funds.  Impact Aid provides funding for Federally connected children, including those who have a parent on active duty in the uniformed services, live on or have parents who work on federal property, or live in Federally assisted low-rent housing.

IX.A.3. Approve Requests for EPAC Rental

The following group(s) or individuals have requested approval for rental of the Elizabethtown Performing Arts Center.  They have submitted an application for usage and have met all requirements as outlined in Addendum to Board Policy 05.3.  We are requesting that they be granted approval to rent the facility as outlined in their application(s).

ORGANIZATION                               EVENT                                   DATES


Saint James School                            DARE Graduation                   January 17, 2012

                                                            8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.

                                                            6:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m.

IX.A.4. Approve Field Trip Requests

The following field trip requests have beeen submitted by Mr. Steve Smallwood, Principal at Elizabethtown High School, seeking approval for:

1)    EHS Chorus to travel to the Louisville, KY to participate in the KMEA All-State Chorus Event February 8-10, 2012.
2)    EHS Girls Basketball Team to travel to Bowling Green, KY to participate in the Girls State Tournament March 7-11, 2012 (contingent upon winning district and regional tournaments)

Mrs. Beth Mather, Principal at T.K. Stone Middle School seeking approval for:
1)    T.K. Stone Middle School Chorus to trave to Louisville, KY to participat in the KMEA All- State Chorus (Junior High) February 8-11, 2012.
2)    T.K. Stone Middle School Band to travel by Motor Coach to Washington D.C. April 19-22, 2012.

IX.A.5. Consideration of Approval for Bond Refinance 2003 EHS Bond Issue

The Elizabethtown Independent Finance Corporation issued 4.5 million dollar bond sale in 2003 for the Elizabethtown High School Renovation Project.  The financial market has changed such that the district could save up to $23,000 per year on interest by refinancing the remaining portion of the debt.  The total impact of the savings thru the refinancing proposal is approximately $253,000 thru Sept 2023 when the bond will be paid off.  The refinancing will not exceed the debt term.  In the event the market conditions change prior to the sale, the sale will be pulled from the market


American Education Week is observed the week of November 13-19, 2011.  Attached is a copy of the resolution declaring our observance of this event.  One resolution will be issued per school.


Mr. Nate Huggins, Assistant Superintendent for Student and Support Services, will present the Attendance and Dropout Report.


The Board will vote on a name for the Pre-K Facility


Presentation by Mr. Mike Selvitelle, Director of Assessment and Technology, Mr. Steve Smallwood, Principal at Elizabethtown High School and Mrs. Beth Mather, Principal at T.K. Stone Middle School, of the District's 2010-2011 Assessment Scores.


The Board must approve an annual allocatioin to schools by March 1 of each year.  The allocation includes regular certified staff (section 4), classified staffing levels (Section 5), funding for supplies, instructional materials and travel (Section 6).  Said allocation is based on the projected enrollment for the end of the 2nd month of the upcoming school year.

At the end of the 2nd month of the new school year, the Board is required to revise the allocation based on the actual enrollment at the end of the 2nd month documented in the Annual Growth Factor Report submitted to the Kentucky Department of Education.  Revisions at the end of the second month also reflect staffing changes from the March projection date as approved by the Board.

Mrs. Denise Morgan, Director of Finance, has prepared the attached report for the Board's review for the revised allocation.

XV. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF TREASURER'S MONTHLY FINANCIAL REPORT AND PAYMENT OF BILLS AND CLAIMS (Those Paid Since Last Meeting, for September, 2011 and from Special Construction Accounts)

Attached are the Treasurer's Monthly Financial Report (0verview), Balance Sheet, Monthly Report, Year to Date Report, Cash Flow, Reconciliation Register, Vendor List and Special Construction Accounts.



 Recess the October 17, 2011 Regular Meeting of the Elizabethtown Board of Education Meeting in order to conduct a meeting of the District Finance Corporation


XX.B. Approval of Minutes of Meeting Held on January 18, 2011
XX.C. Consideration of Approval of Issuance and Refinancing of Revenue Bonds, Series 2011, Adoption of Corresponding Resolution, Approval of Financial Advisory Services Agreement, and Approval of Publication (as requierd by law) for Receipt of Bids for the Purchase of Bonds.