Ashland Independent
February 25, 2019 5:15 PM
Ashland Board of Education
1. Call to Order
Mark McCarty
1.1. Invocation
Mark McCarty
1.2. Pledge to the Flag
Mark McCarty
2. Approve the minutes of regular meeting of January 28, 2019 and the special meeting of February 13, 2019
Mark McCarty
Recommended Motion

Approval of the minutes of regular meeting of January 28, 2019 and the special meeting of February 13, 2019

Actions Taken

Order #1019 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the minutes of regular meeting of January 28, 2019 and the special meeting of February 13, 2019 passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Dr. Patsy Lindsey.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
3. Communications
3.1. Construction Updates
Richard Oppenheimer
3.2. Head Start PIR Report
Lisa Henson
4. Treasurer's Report
4.1. Action Items
4.1.1. Discussion and possible approval of the FY20 Draft Budget
Kristen Martin
Recommended Motion

Approval of the FY20 Draft Budget

Actions Taken

Order #1020 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the FY20 Draft Budget passed with a motion by Dr. Patsy Lindsey and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
4.1.2. Approval of amending Agenda for Item 4.1.2 to reflect pay application 10 amended amount of $31,484. 78
Richard Oppenheimer
Recommended Motion

Approval of amending Agenda for Item 4.1.2 to reflect pay application 10 amended amount of $31,484. 78

Actions Taken

Order #1021 - Motion Passed:  Approval of amending Agenda for Item 4.1.2 to reflect pay application 10 amended amount of $31,484. 78 passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Mr. David Latherow.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
4.1.3. Discussion and possible approval of pay application 10 to Patton & Queen Construction, Co., Inc. for the Alumni Gym Renovation and Addition project in the amount of $31,484.78
Richard Oppenheimer
Recommended Motion

Approval of pay application 10 to Patton & Queen Construction, Co., Inc. for the Alumni Gym Renovation and Addition project in the amount of $34,484.78

Actions Taken

Order #1022 - Motion Passed:  Approval of pay application 10 to Patton & Queen Construction, Co., Inc. for the Alumni Gym Renovation and Addition project in the amount of $34,484.78 passed with a motion by Mr. Don Ashby and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
4.1.4. Discussion and possible approval of the renewal of the Frontline Education Absence & Substitute Management License July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
D. Sean Howard
Recommended Motion

Approval of the renewal of the Frontline Education Absence & Substitute Management License July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020

Actions Taken

Order #1023 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the renewal of the Frontline Education Absence & Substitute Management License July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020 passed with a motion by Dr. Patsy Lindsey and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
5. Consent Agenda
Kristen Martin
Actions Taken

Order #1024 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. David Latherow and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
5.1. Approve Bills for February 2019 as presented by Board Treasurer
Recommended Motion

Approval of the Bills for February 2019 as presented by Board Treasurer

5.2. Approve Head Start bills for February 2019 as presented by Board Treasurer
Recommended Motion

Approve Head Start bills for February 2019 as presented by Board Treasurer

5.3. Approve salaries for February 2019 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule
Recommended Motion

Approve salaries for February 2019 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule

5.4. Approve Head Start salaries for February 2019 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule
Recommended Motion

Approval of Head Start salaries for February 2019 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule

6. New Business
6.1. Action Items
6.1.1. Discussion and possible approval of the Student Teacher Agreement between the Ashland Board of Education and Eastern Kentucky University for the 2018-2019 school year
D. Sean Howard
Recommended Motion

Approval of the Student Teacher Agreement between the Ashland Board of Education and Eastern Kentucky University for the 2018-2019 school year

Actions Taken

Order #1025 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Student Teacher Agreement between the Ashland Board of Education and Eastern Kentucky University for the 2018-2019 school year passed with a motion by Dr. Patsy Lindsey and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
6.2. By Consent
6.2.1. Approve fundraiser requests as listed
Mark McCarty
Recommended Motion

Approval of fundraisers as listed

Actions Taken

Order #1026 - Motion Passed:  Approval of fundraisers as listed passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Mr. David Latherow.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
6.2.2. Discussion and possible approval of the Application and Agreement for Use of District Property form from Old Oak Springs United Baptist Church
D. Sean Howard
Recommended Motion

Approval of the Application and Agreement for Use of District Property form from Old Oak Springs United Baptist Church

Actions Taken

Order #1027 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Application and Agreement for Use of District Property form from Old Oak Springs United Baptist Church passed with a motion by Mr. David Latherow and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey No
7. Old & Unfinished Business
8. Personnel
8.1. Personnel for Board Information Only in Accordance with KRS 160.390
Mark McCarty
8.2. Discussion and possible approval of the creation of a part-time stipend position: Communications Liaison and the corresponding job description
D. Sean Howard
Recommended Motion

Approval of the creation of a part-time stipend position: Communications Liaison and the corresponding job description

Actions Taken

Order #1028 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the creation of a part-time stipend position: Communications Liaison and the corresponding job description passed with a motion by Mr. David Latherow and a second by Dr. Patsy Lindsey.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
8.3. Discussion and possible approval of the 2018-2019 District-Wide Extra Duty Stipend List with Communications Liaison
D. Sean Howard
Recommended Motion

Approval of the 2018-2019 District-Wide Extra Duty Stipend List with Communications Liaison

Actions Taken

Order #1029 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the 2018-2019 District-Wide Extra Duty Stipend List with Communications Liaison passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Mr. Don Ashby.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
9. Approve Surplus Items
Mark McCarty
Recommended Motion

Approval of Surplus Items

Actions Taken

Order #1030 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Surplus Items passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Mr. David Latherow.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes
10. Donations
Mark McCarty
11. Board Discussion
12. Adjourn
Mark McCarty
Recommended Motion


Actions Taken

Order #1031 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mr. David Latherow and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Mr. Don Ashby Yes
Dr. Patsy Lindsey Yes