Ashland Independent
December 17, 2018 5:15 PM
Ashland Board of Education
1. Call to Order
David Latherow
1.1. Invocation
David Latherow
1.2. Pledge to the Flag
David Latherow
2. Approve the minutes of regular meeting of November 26, 2018
Recommended Motion

Approve the minutes of regular meeting of November 26, 2018

Actions Taken

Order #987 - Motion Passed:  Approve the minutes of regular meeting of November 26, 2018 passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
3. Communications
3.1. Construction Updates
Richard Oppenheimer
3.2. Head Start PIR Report
Lisa Henson
4. Treasurer's Report
4.1. Action Items
4.1.1. Discussion and possible approval of Change Order 007 for a decrease to the contract with Solid Rock for the Paul G. Blazer High School Natatorium Demolition project in the amount of $495.00
Richard Oppenheimer
Recommended Motion

Approval of Change Order 007 for a decrease to the contract with Solid Rock for the Paul G. Blazer High School Natatorium Demolition project in the amount of $495.00

Actions Taken

Order #988 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Change Order 007 for a decrease to the contract with Solid Rock for the Paul G. Blazer High School Natatorium Demolition project in the amount of $495.00 passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
4.1.2. Amendment to the Agenda Item 4.1.3 to reflect the amount of payment to be changed to the current amount due of $28,953.86
Richard Oppenheimer
Recommended Motion

Amendment to the Agenda Item 4.1.3 to reflect the amount of payment to be changed to the current amount due of $28,953.86

Actions Taken

Order #989 - Motion Passed:  Amendment to the Agenda Item 4.1.3 to reflect the amount of payment to be changed to the current amount due of $28,953.86 passed with a motion by Ms. Mylinda Jones and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
4.1.3. Discussion and possible approval of pay application 09 to Patton & Queen Construction, Co., Inc. for the Alumni Gym Renovation and Addition project in the amount of $28,953.86
Richard Oppenheimer
Recommended Motion

Approval of pay application 09 to Patton & Queen Construction, Co., Inc. for the Alumni Gym Renovation and Addition project in the amount of $75,389.60

Actions Taken

Order #990 - Motion Passed:  Approval of pay application 09 to Patton & Queen Construction, Co., Inc. for the Alumni Gym Renovation and Addition project in the amount of $75,389.60 passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
4.1.4. Discussion and possible approval of seeking bids for Ashland Independent School District's Fiber Request to begin July 1, 2019
Cary Williams
Recommended Motion

Approval of seeking bids for Ashland Independent School District's Fiber Request to begin July 1, 2019

Actions Taken

Order #991 - Motion Passed:  Approval of seeking bids for Ashland Independent School District's Fiber Request to begin July 1, 2019 passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
4.1.5. Discussion and possible approval of the KPC-1809-003 Bid for Intercom Replacements in the amount of $80,109.00
Cary Williams
Recommended Motion

Approval of the KPC-1809-003 Bid for Intercom Replacements in the amount of $80,109.00

Actions Taken

Order #992 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the KPC-1809-003 Bid for Intercom Replacements in the amount of $80,109.00 passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
4.1.6. Discussion and possible approval of approving payment to Hobsons for Naviance for high school and middle school in the amount of $22,158.03
Lisa Henson
Recommended Motion

Approval of approving payment to Hobsons for Naviance for high school and middle school in the amount of $22,158.03

Actions Taken

Order #993 - Motion Passed:  Approval of approving payment to Hobsons for Naviance for high school and middle school in the amount of $22,158.03 passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
5. Consent Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #994 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
5.1. Approve Bills for December 2018 as presented by Board Treasurer
Recommended Motion

Approval of the Bills for December 2018 as presented by Board Treasurer

5.2. Approve Head Start bills for December 2018 as presented by Board Treasurer
Recommended Motion

Approve Head Start bills for December 2018 as presented by Board Treasurer

5.3. Approve salaries for December 2018 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule
Recommended Motion

Approve salaries for December 2018 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule

5.4. Approve Head Start salaries for December 2018 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule
Recommended Motion

Approval of Head Start salaries for December 2018 in accordance with the 2018-19 salary schedule

6. New Business
6.1. Action Items
6.1.1. Discussion and possible approval of the Ashland Independent School District RTI Model
Lisa Henson
Recommended Motion

Approval of the Ashland Independent School District RTI Model

Actions Taken

Order #995 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the Ashland Independent School District RTI Model passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
6.1.2. Amendment to Item 6.1.2 to reflect approval pending board attorney approval that the agreement would not violate any statute or procedure
David Latherow
Recommended Motion

Amendment to Item 6.1.2 to reflect approval pending board attorney approval that the agreement would not violate any statute or procedure

Actions Taken

Order #996 - Motion Passed:  Amendment to Item 6.1.2 to reflect approval pending board attorney approval that the agreement would not violate any statute or procedure passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
6.1.3. Discussion and possible approval of the uniform lease agreement with Cintas within the U.S. Communities cooperative, pending board attorney's review that the agreement would not violate any statute or procedure
Recommended Motion

Approval of the uniform lease agreement with Cintas within the U.S. Communities cooperative, pending board attorney's review that the agreement would not violate any statute or procedure

Actions Taken

Order #997 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the uniform lease agreement with Cintas within the U.S. Communities cooperative, pending board attorney's review that the agreement would not violate any statute or procedure passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
6.2. By Consent
6.2.1. Approve fundraiser requests as listed
Recommended Motion

Approval of fundraisers as listed

Actions Taken

Order #998 - Motion Passed:  Approval of fundraisers as listed passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Abstain
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
7. Old & Unfinished Business
8. Personnel
8.1. Personnel for Board Information Only in Accordance with KRS 160.390
8.2. Amendment to the Agenda
Kristen Martin
Recommended Motion

Amendment to the Agenda

Actions Taken

Order #999 - Motion Passed:  Amendment to the Agenda passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
8.3. Discussion and possible approval of hiring a KDE Finance Consultant, not to exceed 7 days
Kristen Martin
Recommended Motion

Approval of hiring a KDE Finance Consultant, not to exceed 7 days

Actions Taken

Order #1000 - Motion Passed:  Approval of hiring a KDE Finance Consultant, not to exceed 7 days passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
9. Approve Surplus Items
Recommended Motion

Approval of Surplus Items

Actions Taken

Order #1001 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Surplus Items passed with a motion by Mr. R. Bruce Morrison and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes
10. Donations
11. Board Discussion
12. Adjourn
Recommended Motion


Actions Taken

Order #1002 - Motion Passed:  Adjournment passed with a motion by Mr. Mark McCarty and a second by Ms. Mylinda Jones.

Member Votes
Mr. David Latherow Yes
Mr. Mark McCarty Yes
Mr. R. Bruce Morrison Yes
Ms. Mylinda Jones Yes