Dawson Springs Independent
September 06, 2018 7:00 PM
Tax Hearing
1. Call to order for tax rate hearing.


2. Roll Call

Also present: Leonard Whalen, Amanda Workman, Debbie Smith, Cassie Bruch, Barbara Warren

3. Hearing for discussion of tax rates for 2018-2019 at a rate of: Real Estate Rate: 70.2, Tangible Personal Property 71.0, Merchants Inventory 71.0, Motor Vehicle 68.7, Personal Aircraft/Watercraft 71.0, Utility tax 3%, Exempt in transit inventory.
4. Motion to adjourn from tax rate hearing.
Actions Taken

Order #6018 - Motion Passed:  Motion to Adjourn from tax rate discussion/hearing. passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Mr. Michael Ausenbaugh.