Dawson Springs Independent
June 30, 2014 5:00 PM
Board of Education Special Meeting
1. Welcome and call to order
2. Roll call
3. Approval of the agenda
Actions Taken

Order #5360 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the agenda passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.

4. Recognition of citizens and delegations and anyone wishing to address the Board.
5. Approval of submission of BG1 to KDE to have two non-working HVAC units replaced on the gymnasium using funds from recent re-bonding refund and also using capital outlay funds.
Actions Taken

Order #5361 - Motion Passed:  Approval of submission of BG1 to KDE to have two non-working HVAC units replaced on the gymnasium using funds from recent re-bonding refund and also using capital outlay funds passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.

6. Approval for the High School to escrow and carry over approximately $5,000 of site-based funds to be used for school year 2014-2015
Actions Taken

Order #5362 - Motion Passed:  Approval for the High School to escrow and carry over approximately $5,000 of site-based funds to be used for school year 2014-2015 passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.

7. Approval of Board to enter into executive session to discuss superintendent evaluation
Actions Taken

Order #5363 - Motion Passed:  Approval of Board to enter into executive session to discuss superintendent evaluation passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Melissa Knight.

8. Approval of board to exit executive session and resume regular session
Actions Taken

Order #5364 - Motion Passed:  Approval of board to exit executive session and resume regular session passed with a motion by Ms. Tracy Overby and a second by Ms. Melissa Knight.

9. Approval to accept the 2013-2014 Superintendent overall evaluation with copy to be on file in the Central Office.
Actions Taken

Order #5365 - Motion Passed:  Approval to accept the 2013-2014 Superintendent overall evaluation with copy to be on file in the Central Office passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.

10. Motion for adjournment
Actions Taken

Order #5366 - Motion Passed:  Motion for adjournment passed with a motion by Mrs. Vicki Allen and a second by Ms. Tracy Overby.