Call to Order
Move to Executive Session for Discussion on Superintendent search
Order #13427 - Motion Passed: Move to go to Executive Session at 5:00 pm passed with a motion by Ms. Jennifer Pusateri and a second by Mr. Glenn Ball.
Executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810(1)(f) for preliminary discussion regarding the appointment of Superintendent
Return to Open Session for discussion and possible official action following Executive Session
Order #13428 - Motion Passed: Approval to return to open session
Motion to return to open session made at 8:22 pm passed with a motion by Mr. Glenn Ball and a second by Mr. Steve Becker.
Approve Ron Ballard as Superintendent of DISD
Order #13429 - Motion Passed: Approve Ron Ballard as Superintendent passed with a motion by Mr. Steve Becker and a second by Mr. Glenn Ball.
Approve Superintendent contract
Order #13430 - Motion Passed: approve contract as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Steve Becker and a second by Ms. Jennifer Pusateri.
Approve Superintendent 4 year contract
Order #13431 - Motion Passed: approve contract as presented passed with a motion by Mr. Glenn Ball and a second by Ms. Jennifer Pusateri.
Adjournment of Special Called Meeting
Order #13432 - Motion Passed: Approval to return to open session
Motion to return to open session made at 8:29 pm passed with a motion by Mr. Glenn Ball and a second by Mr. Steve Becker.