August 02, 2022 12:30 PM
Kentucky Board of Education Work Session
I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. United We Learn: A Vision for the Future of Public Education in Kentucky
III.A. Understanding the UWL Vision- Commissioner Jason E. Glass, Ed.D.
III.B. United We Learn Messaging - KDE Chief Communications Officer Toni Konz Tatman and Communications Consultant Tammy Schiff
IV. School Improvement Practices- KDE Associate Commissioner Kelly Foster
V. Addressing the Whole Child in a Virtual Learning Environment- KDE Chief Academic Officer Micki Ray, KDE Chief Digital Officer Marty Park and KDE Division Director Damien Sweeney
VI. KBE Goal Setting for 2022-2023 - KBE Chair Lu S. Young, Ed.D.
VII. KBE Legislative Priorities- KDE Director of Government Relations Brian Perry
VIII. Adjournment
IX. Group Dinner (No business to be conducted).