Ohio County Fiscal Court
January 24, 2011 11:00 AM
Ohio County Fiscal Court
I. Call to Order
I.A. Prayer and Pledge to American Flag
II. Approval of Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion that the Court approve the minutes of the regular meeting as presented (on file in Fiscal Court Order Book, Clerk's office) passed with a motion by Kenny Autry and a second by Brandon Thomas.

III. Approval of Bills, Claims, Payments and Tranfers
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Bills, Claims, Payments and Tranfers as presented (copy on file, Clerk's Office) passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Kenny Autry.

IV. Resolution Regarding Application for a CDBG Grant for the Ice Storm CERF Project
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the resolution regarding application for a CDBG Grant for the Ice Storm CERF Project passed with a motion by Kenny Autry and a second by Brandon Thomas.



V. Approve Change Orders - Tarmarlane Building

There were public comments by

VI. Apprpriate $500 to Audubon Area Senior Services
VII. Second Reading and Adoption of Ordinance #2010-1B
VIII. Approve Treasurer's Financial Statement
IX. Resolution in Support of Loan from KACo for a Pothole Patcher
X. Approve to Advertise for Bids on a New, Slightly Used or Demo Model Pothole Patcher
XI. Resolution for Hopewell Church Lane
XII. Adjournment