Ohio County Fiscal Court
February 28, 2023 5:00 PM
Ohio County Fiscal Court
I. Call to Order Judge Executive David Johnston
I.A. Prayer and Pledge to American Flag
II. Approve February 14, 2023 Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved February 14, 2023 Minutes passed with a motion by Michael McKenney and a second by Bo Bennett.

III. Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers including a late list stand approved as presented passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Kenneth Calloway.

IV. Ohio County High School Project Graduation 2023
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to fund $600.00 to Project Graduation $100.00 from each district and the Judge Executive from their discretionary passed with a motion by Michael McKenney and a second by Larry Morphew.

V. Re-Class Budget Amendment 2023-2 and 2023-3
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  approve that Budget Amendment 2023-2 and 2023-3 be re-classified to Federal Grant Fund 07-4504 for revenue and 07-5075-741-0 for Economic Development Grant passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Michael McKenney.

VI. Rough River Clean Up Site Bids
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to table Rough River Site Clean-up bids for sites 4 and 6 pending further information on pricing and specs. 6 bids were received. Site 4 (Kyle Addington $98,400.00, BBrock Enterprises $135,000.00, Horner $50,065.00) Site 6 (BBrock $175,00.00, Horner $24,390.00, Extreme Excavation LLC $120,000.00). Bids will be reviewed, and companies will be contacted due to bid quote discrepancies passed with a motion by Kenneth Calloway and a second by Larry Morphew.

VII. Sheriff's 2023 Amended Budget
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved the Sheriff's 2023 Amended Budget (presented) passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Kenneth Calloway.

VIII. Washington Trip Funding
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved for Sheriff Adam Wright and Deputy Eskridge to Travel plans to Washington DC to honor Jerry Critchelow in a ceremony on behalf of Ohio County passed with a motion by Michael McKenney and a second by Jason Bullock.

IX. Committee Reports

Second District Magistrate Jason Bullock arrived at meeting and discussed the Buffer Zone Committee 2,500ft surrounding Beaver Dam and Hartford. Also the ATV Committee's proposal Ordinance which was handed out to the Magistrates and Judge Executive. Sample Ordinance was prepared by the County Attorney.

X. Magistrate's Comments and Requests
X.A. District 1 - Magistrate Michael McKenney
X.B. District 2 - Magistrate Jason Bullock
X.C. District 3 - Magistrate Bo Barnes
X.D. District 4 - Magistrate Kenneth Calloway
X.E. District 5 - Magistrate Larry Morphew
XI. Citizen's Comments
XII. Adjournment