Ohio County Fiscal Court
June 12, 2018 5:00 PM
Ohio County Fiscal Court
I. Call to Order Judge Executive David Johnston
I.A. Prayer and Pledge to American Flag
II. Approve May 23, 2018 Regular and May 30, 2018 Special Call Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved the May 23, 2018 Regular and May 30, 2018 Special Call Minutes excluding item number 4 motion of the May 30, 2018 Special Call Minutes concerning delegation of funding passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Sam Small.

Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved for then FEMA funding is received that a minimum of $500,000.00 will be split as follows; $80,000.00 to the Judge Executive and Remaining $420,000.00 to be split using the road formula. This motion reflecting rescinded motion of May 30, 2018 special call meeting item #4 passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Jason Bullock.

IV. HB 200 Funding
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved for HB 200 money totaling $480,000.00 to be distributed as follows; $80,000.00 at Judge Executive's discretion using road formula and $400,000 to be split using road formula. This motion reflecting rescinded motion of May 30, 2018 special call meeting item #4 passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Larry Morphew.

V. Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers stand approved as presented passed with a motion by Sam Small and a second by Jason Bullock.

VI. Treasurer's May 2018 Financial Statement
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received the Treasurer's May 2018 Financial Statement passed with a motion by Sam Small and a second by Larry Keown.

VII. Clerk's May 2018 Financial Statment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received the Clerk's May 2018 Financial Statement passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Jason Bullock.

VIII. 30 Day Notice Certification
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received the 30 Day Notice Certification passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Larry Keown.

IX. Close Bank Account (Fed/State Funds Grants)
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  authorize County Treasurer to close the Bank account Fed/State Funds Grant #10316 and to close the Federal/State Grant Fund passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Sam Small.

X. Purchasing Policies and Procedures
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved the Ohio County Fiscal Court Purchasing Policies and Procedures passed with a motion by Sam Small and a second by Joe Barnes.

XI. Administrative Code Ordinance 2018-4 First Reading
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved the first reading of Administrative Code Ordinance 2018-4 passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Larry Morphew.

XII. Road Department Personnel
XIII. Ohio County Conservation District 2018-2019 Budget
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received the Ohio County Conservation District 2018-2019 Budget passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Sam Small.

XIV. Resolution 2018-25 Rescind Lowering Expenses
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved Resolution 2018-25 Rescind Lowering Expenses passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Joe Barnes.

XV. Resolution 2018-26 Chick Rd Blacktop and Agreement
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved Resolution 2018-26 Chick Rd Blacktop and Agreement for $61,098.00 from Governor's Discretionary. Authorize Judge Executive to sign all corresponding documents passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Larry Keown.

XVI. Adult Education
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to waive the rental fee for the Adult Education office space for 2019 passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Joe Barnes.

XVII. Park and Recreations Rates
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received the Ohio County Park and Recreations sales tax and rates passed with a motion by Joe Barnes and a second by Jason Bullock.

XVIII. Relay For Life
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to donated $100.00 per district and Judge Executive to Relay For Life equaling $600.00. Authorize County Treasurer to issue check passed with a motion by Joe Barnes and a second by Larry Morphew.

XIX. Committee Reports
XX. Magistrate's Comments and Requests
XX.A. District 1 - Magistrate Sam Small
XX.B. District 2 - Magistrate Jason Bullock
XX.C. District 3 - Magistrate Joe Barnes
XX.C.1. JT King Extension
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to Extend J T King Road 300ft passed with a motion by Joe Barnes and a second by Larry Morphew.

XX.D. District 4 - Magistrate Larry Keown
XX.D.1. Aetnaville Rd Fire Hydrant
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to ad Fire Hydrant to Aetnaville Rd in the amount of $4524.00. Authorize County Treasurer to issue check passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Larry Morphew.

XX.D.2. Herbert Rd and Quarter Horse Drive
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to add .04 of a mile of Waterline on Herbert Road to the waterline priority list in the amount of $10,358.00. Also to add .05 of a mile to Quarter Horse Road to the waterline priority list in the amount of $17,812. Authorize County Treasurer to issue check passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Larry Morphew.

XX.E. District 5 - Magistrate Larry Morphew
XXI. Citizen's Comments
XXII. Adjournment