Ohio County Fiscal Court
September 27, 2016 5:00 PM
Ohio County Fiscal Court
I. Call to Order Judge Executive David Johnston
I.A. Prayer and Pledge to American Flag by Brother John Cashion of Beaver Dam Baptist Church
II. Approve August 13, 2016 Minutes
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved August 13, 2016 Minutes passed with a motion by Jason Bullock and a second by Sam Small.

III. Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Bills, Claims, Payments and Transfers stand approved as presented passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Jason Bullock.

IV. Clerk's Property Tax Bills 2016
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received Clerk's Property Tax Bills for 2016 passed with a motion by Joe Barnes and a second by Sam Small.

V. Truck Bids
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved Truck Bid for the Ohio County Road Department for a 2017 Ram 2500 Crew CAB 4x4 from Moore Ford at $29,612.00. Authorize County Treasurer Anne melon to issue the check(s) passed with a motion by Joe Barnes and a second by Jason Bullock.

VI. Mack Truck Resolution 2017-3
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved Mack Truck Resolution 2017-3 and Agreement passed with a motion by Larry Morphew and a second by Sam Small.

VII. Library 2016 Tax Rates
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Acknowledged having received the Ohio County Public Library 2016 Tax rates passed with a motion by Sam Small and a second by Jason Bullock.

VIII. Senior Center - Brenda Renfrow
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved new hire George Howard as Substitute Meal Driver Part Time at the rate of $9.00 per hour effective September 25, 2016 passed with a motion by David Johnston.

IX. Cemetery Committee Appointment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to appoint Sam Kravetts to the Cemetery Committee passed with a motion by David Johnston.

X. Jerusalem Ridge Appointment
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to appoint Joe Barnes to the Bill Monroe Bluegrass Music Foundation passed with a motion by David Johnston.

XI. Jason Bullock

Beaver Dam was named best city of 2016 by GRADD.

XII. Committee Reports
XII.A. OCEDA Quarterly Report

Ohio County Live Work Play video has been completed. Update on OCEDA Revolving Loan.

XII.B. Jail Bid
Actions Taken

Motion Passed:  Approved to accept bid from Beaver Dam Building Construction for windows and labor in the amount of $8,000.00 and authorize county Treasurer Anne Melton to issue the check(s) passed with a motion by Larry Keown and a second by Jason Bullock.

XIII. Magistrate's Comments and Requests
XIII.A. District 1 - Magistrate Sam Small
XIII.B. District 2 - Magistrate Jason Bullock
XIII.C. District 3 - Magistrate Joe Barnes
XIII.D. District 4 - Magistrate Larry Keown
XIII.E. District 5 - Magistrate Larry Morphew
XIV. Citizen's Comments
XV. Adjournment