Southgate Independent School
May 22, 2012 6:00 PM
Regular Site-Based Meeting
1. Call to Order
1.1. Welcome
1.2. Roll Call
2. Principal Selection Training

1. The Council received training for Principal Selection from Deneen Zimmerman who is a trainer with K.A.S.C.

2. The Council discussed using phone notification system and emails to notify parents and staff to get input for the new principal criteria. A box to collect comments will be place at school and at the rental office Canterbury House apartments.

3. The Council will use the following methods to make a decision as to the successful candidate: applications/resumes, electronic search, in-person interviews, reference checks by the superintendent, reference checks by the council member and written interview questions.

4. The council completed a review of all requirements of a open meeting.

5. The council reviewed the requirements of final steps of the Principal Selection Meeting.

6. The council will have a Special Meeting on May 29, 2012 at 6:00 pm to finalize principal position criteria, develop questions, review applications and schedule interviews.

3. Student Support Services
3.1. 2012-2013 SBDM Budget
Actions Taken

Order #68 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Mr. Bruce Mullins and a second by Ms. Veronica Dixon.


The Council reviewed the budget and discussed the remaining fund balance in the school budget. This item will be added to the agenda for the May 29, 2012 Special Meeting.

3.2. 2012-2013 Program Reviews
Actions Taken

Order #69 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ken Schutte and a second by Mr. Bruce Mullins.

3.3. 2012-2013 Master Schedule

The Council reviewed the proposed Master Schedule and did not approve it. The Master Schedule approval will be included for the May 29,2012 Special Meeting.

3.4. Principal's Report
3.5. Review Budget

The Council asked Mr. Palm to report on the fund balances for FY12 on the Special Meeting on May 29, 2012.

3.6. Review Comprehensive District Improvement Plan

Mr. Palm asked where is Council on the approval of the FY13 CDIP to be presented to the Board of Education for approval. The Council has not been presented a CDIP for their approval. This item will be added to the Special Meeting agenda on May 29, 2012.

3.7. Wellness Policy - first reading
Actions Taken

Order #70 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ken Schutte and a second by Ms. Kendra Franke.

4. Student Learning and Support
4.1. Approval of Minutes from April 24, 2012 Regular SBDM Meeting
Actions Taken

Order #71 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of minutes from the April 24, 2012 SBDM Meeting. passed with a motion by Mr. Bruce Mullins and a second by Kacie Browning.

5. Comments from Audience
6. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #72 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of adjourning the meeting passed with a motion by Ms. Veronica Dixon and a second by Kacie Browning.