Southgate Independent School
March 26, 2015 4:30 PM
Regular Site-Based Meeting
I. Call to Order
I.A. Welcome
I.B. Roll Call
I.C. Approval of Agenda
Actions Taken

Order #251 - Motion Passed:  Approval of meeting agenda passed with a motion by Ms. Melissa Herald and a second by Ms. Kinta Joseph and the consensus of the council.

I.D. Approval of Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #252 - Motion Passed:  Approval of February Meeting Minutes passed with a motion by Ms. Kinta Joseph and a second by Ms. Melissa Herald and the consensus of the council.

II. Recognitions
III. Principal's Report
IV. Student Learning and Support
IV.A. Spring 2015 MAP Report
V. Spring 2015 Needs Assessment
VI. Budget Report
VII. Second Reading of Revised Wellness Policy
Actions Taken

Order #253 - Motion Passed:  Approval of the second reading of the Southgate School revised Wellness Policy passed with a motion by Ms. Leha Schutte and a second by Ms. Shelley Hamberg and the consensus of the council.

VIII. 2015-16 School Calendar
IX. 2015-16 SBDM Allocations
X. Comments from the Audience

Mr. Palm updated council on the recent Finance and Law Conference he attended.
He will be grandfathered in with new School Finance Officer requirements. Will have to attend 42 hours of training.

Social Networking Laws will be discussed at a faculty meeting. Cell Phone policies are becoming a hot topic as some schools check messages and hold for extended periods of time.

New laws include EMS approving school safety zones. New training requirements for staff recognizing child abuse. Protection of classified to match certified personnel from abuse.

The General Assembly has not taken action on fixing KTRS.

XI. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #254 - Motion Passed:   passed with a motion by Ms. Kinta Joseph and a second by Ms. Leha Schutte and the consensus of the council.