Crittenden County
September 21, 2023 6:00 PM
Special Board Meeting

Crittenden County School District Mission Statement
"To empower every student to become a productive, lifelong learner who contributes to the community in meaningful and positive ways."

I.A. Call to Order
I.A.1. Welcome
I.B. Consider Approval of September 21, 2023 Agenda

A Board member if so desired may pull an consent item. It does not take a motion or a majority vote. The time to do this is prior to the approval of the agenda.

Actions Taken

Order #7039 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve the Agenda for the September 21, 2023 Crittenden County Board of Education Meeting with any changes voiced including the addendum and lifting of items from the consent section for discussion passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

II.A. Rocket Way Students of the Month

* CCES - Jagger Renfro

* CCES - Sam Morries

* CCMS - Lacey Birdwell

* CCHS - John Rose

II.B. Heart of Rocket Recognition - Tiffany Blazina
II.C. Construction Update - Craig Thomas of RBS
III.A. Director/School
III.A.1. SBDM Meeting Minutes
III.A.2. Monthly Food Service Report
III.A.3. Technology Report
III.A.4. Enrollment Report
III.B. Remarks by Citizens

Crittenden County Board of Education Policy 01.45 states,

"District employees and
members of the public may address the Board during the period set aside by the Board without submitting an item for the agenda. No action shall be taken during this portion of the meeting on issues raised by employees or the public unless deemed an emergency by the Board..."

Please note: Speakers are asked to step up to podium, state name, and be recognized by the Chairman. Speakers will not be allowed to make any disparaging or critical remarks about individuals or employees of the District. Critical comments or complaints are processed through the District's complaint procedures, which afford the individual to whom comments or complaints are directed, the opportunity for response and due process. Time limits will be set by chair if necessary to expedite the meeting.

III.C. Superintendent's Report
III.C.1. Notice to Board on Personnel
III.C.1.a. Employment - Certified

Rylan Thomas, Substitute Teacher, effective August 24, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

Eryn Pritchett, Substitute Teacher, effective August 31, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

III.C.1.b. Employment - Classified

Morgan Spiegel, Substitute Instructional Assistant, effective August 29, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

Autumn Beverly, Substitute Cook, effective August 25, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year     

Scotty Nichols, Bus Monitor, effective September 5, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

Morgan Spiegel, Substitute Bus Monitor, effective August 31, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

Dianne Adams, Bus Monitor, effective September 5, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

Michaela Latham, Bus Monitor, effective September 5, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

Melissa Conner, Substitute Bus Monitor, effective August 29, 2023 for the 2023-2024 school year

III.C.1.c. Extra Duties

Kara Markham, CCES Head STLP Sponsor for the 2023-2024 school year

Tara Kirk, CCMS Assistant Speech Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

Tara Kirk, CCHS Assistant Speech Coach for the 2023-2024 school year


Home Health Teachers for the 2023-2024 School Year

Howard Suggs            Shelby Werne


Crosswalk Tutors for the 2023-2024 School Year

Derrick Ford               Alex Benoit                 Casey Evans

Howard Suggs            Michelle Orr               Lori Glore

Elizabeth Rodriguez     Michaela West            Kaitlyn Berry

III.C.1.d. Resignations

Bayley McDonald, CCHS Girls Head Volleyball Coach, effective August 23, 2023

Stephanie Martin, FRAM coordinator for the 2023-2024 school year

Bryan Qualls, CCHS Assistant Football Coach for the 2023-2024 school year

III.C.2. Thank You from Family of Theresa Lee (Tess Brown's mother)
III.C.3. Thank You Card for Use of Rocket Arena for Community Prayer Meetings
III.C.4. 83 student’s desks, 3 teacher’s desks, 2 long tables, 9 chairs, 3 tables, 24 library chairs, one long metal cabinet – no bids
III.C.5. Community Foundation of West Kentucky Update
III.C.6. School Resource Officer John Shofner Resignation
III.C.7. Mileage Reimbursement Rate for Oct. to Dec. 23 - $.46 (no change)
III.C.8. Medicaid Certification for 2023-2024 Approved
III.C.9. Superintendent's News

* CCES Grandparent’s Day Luncheon

* Homecoming Week

* Chess Team Returning

IV.A. Consider Approval to Spread the Superintendent's Report on the Record
Actions Taken

Order #7040 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval to spread the Superintendent's Report on the record passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

IV.B. Consider Approval of the August 15, 2023 and September 7, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Actions Taken

Order #7041 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the August 15, 2023 and September 7, 2023 Board Meeting minutes passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.


Notice: All matters listed under consent are considered by the Board to be routine or sufficiently supported by prior or accompanying reference materials and information as to not require additional discussion. There will be no separate discussion of these items prior to the time the Board votes on the motion unless members of the Board request specific items to be discussed, added to, or deleted from the consent for separate action.

Actions Taken

Order #7042 - Motion Passed:  Motion to approve and/or ratify consent items passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

V.A. Operations Items
V.A.1. Monthly Financial Report
V.A.2. Regular Bills and Salaries
V.A.3. Fundraisers

CCMS Library

Scholastic Book fair – October 30-November 3, 2023


CCHS Yearbook

Ads – Sept. 20 to Jan. 10, 2024


CCHS Academic Team

Beef sticks – Sept. 20 to March 28, 2024


CCHS Speech Club

Bake sales @ H&H – Sept. 23, Sept. 30, Jan. 27 & Feb. 10



Coca-Cola machine – school year

Paragon – September to October 2023

School Mall – school year

Recorders – September 1-15, 2023



Candy grams/boo grams – October 30, 2023

CCHS teacher snacks – school year

Laundry detergent sales – Sept. 11 to Oct. 20, 2023

Fun Run – November 4, 2023

Pencil machine – school year

CCMS teacher snacks – school year

CCMS homecoming concessions – dance


 CCHS Band Boosters

 Fruit/cheesecake sales – October 23-November 10, 2023

LaTeeDa candle sales – Sept. 25 to October 9, 2023


Diamond Club

Golf scramble – September 30, 2023

Strawberry sales – February 2024

Dessert auction – March 2024

Concessions – March to May 2024


CCMS Lady Rocket Basketball

Camp – Sept. 27-29, 2023

T-shirt sales – October 10-31, 2023

Concessions – Oct. 17 to Dec. 16, 2023

Donation requests – Oct. 17 to Dec. 1, 2023

Camp – October 11-13, 2023

Pork chop sales – Saturday in Oct./Nov.


CCHS Lady Rocket Basketball

Concessions – September 2023 to March 2024

Flip calendar – September 23 to Dec. 23, 2023



Lap-a-thon – September 2023

Jim David meat sales – November 2023



Dues – Sept. 1 to October 31, 2023


Washington, DC Trip

Silent Auction – Dec. 1-20, 2023

Dungeons and Dragons – Oct. 1 to March 1, 2024


CCHS Boys Basketball

Fan Gear – October 9-18, 2023

Custom yard signs – Oct. to Dec. 2023

Pork chop sales - TBD


Lady Rocket Basketball/FFA/Quarterback/Golf/Soccer/HOSA

Helping with Siemens company picnic – October 14, 2023


V.A.4. FMLA/Sick Leave

FMLA/Sick Leave – Cindy Ivy, Custodian from September 7 to October 7, 2023

V.A.5. Overnight/Out-of-State Trip Request - CCHS HOSA

Overnight/Out-of-State Trip Request – CCHS HOSA Advisor/Students to Washington, DC on September 23-26, 2023 for a HOSA Leadership Academy

V.A.6. Facility Use Agreement - 1985 Rocket Football

Facility Use Agreement – 1985 Rocket football to have reunion on lot adjacent to bus garage on October 20, 2023

VI.A. Consider Approval of the Agreement With Blooms N Gardens for Crittenden County High School Prom
Actions Taken

Order #7043 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the agreement with Blooms n Gardens on April 13, 2024 for Crittenden County High School Prom in the amount of $3,000.00 (paid for by CCHS Prom) passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.B. Consider Approval of the District Funding Assurances for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7044 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the District Funding Assurances for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.C. Consider Approval of Accepting Quote for the Intercom System
Actions Taken

Order #7045 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of accepting the quote of the Intercom System to Wahsega in the amount of $106,440.00 without installation due to Schoolhouse Technologies withdrawal of their previous bid ($146,403.00 with installation) passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.D. Consider Approval of the Use of Drugs Dogs by Lyon County Sheriff's Department
Actions Taken

Order #7046 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the use of drug dogs in the Crittenden County Schools by the Lyon County Sheriff’s Department passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.E. Consider Approval of Amending the School Resource Officer Salary Rate
Actions Taken

Order #7047 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of amending the School Resource Officer salary rate from $21.25 to $25.00 per hour passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.F. Consider Approval of the AirMedCare Network Membership
Actions Taken

Order #7048 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the AirMedCare Network Membership for payroll deduction for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.G. Consider Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky Contract for Kentucky Comprehensive Literacy – Round 2, Year 3 (Striving Readers)
Actions Taken

Order #7049 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Memorandum of Agreement with the Commonwealth of Kentucky Contract for Kentucky Comprehensive Literacy – Round 2, Year 3 (Striving Readers) in the amount of $192,500.00 beginning October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024 passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.H. Consider Approval of the Proposal With Automated Building Concepts, Inc.
Actions Taken

Order #7050 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the proposal with Automated Building Concepts, Inc. in the amount of $7,600.00 to furnish and install new Web-based software for the Alerton HVAC control system and $5,100.00 to furnish and install a new Alerton ACM controller to replace the existing one that has failed passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.I. Consider Approval of the Annual Membership with Crittenden County Economic Development
Actions Taken

Order #7051 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Annual Membership with Crittenden County Economic Development in the amount of $2,500.00 from July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024 passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.J. Consider Approval of the Working Budget for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7052 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Working Budget for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.K. Consider Approval of the Continuation of an Essential Diploma
Actions Taken

Order #7053 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the continuation of an Essential Diploma at Crittenden County High School for the 2023-2024 school year which allows students approved by the principal to graduate with a minimum twenty-two (22) credits including demonstrated performance-based competency in technology and all other state and local requirements passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.L. Consider Approval of Two Day Stipend for HOSA Advisor
Actions Taken

Order #7054 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of a two day stipend for the HOSA advisor at her daily rate for September 23-24, 2023 (Saturday/Sunday) to attend the HOSA Leadership Academy in Washington, DC. (HOSA advisor’s expenses will be paid by LAVEC Grant) passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.M. Consider Approval of the 2023-2024 Certificate of Head Start Utilization
Actions Taken

Order #7055 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the 2023-2024 Certificate of Head Start Full Utilization to the Kentucky Department of Education passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

VI.N. Consider Approval of the Read to Achieve District Assurance Statement for the 2023-2024 School Year
Actions Taken

Order #7056 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Read to Achieve District Assurance Statement for the 2023-2024 school year passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

VI.O. Consider Approval of the Emergency Reading of Board Policy 09.1231 Dismissal from School
Actions Taken

Order #7057 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Emergency Reading of Board Policy 09.1231 Dismissal from School passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.P. Consider Approval of the Contract with Lakeside Venue
Actions Taken

Order #7058 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the contract with Lakeside Venue for the Crittenden County High School homecoming dance on September 23, 2023 in the amount of $275.00 passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.Q. Consider Approval of Adding 40 Days to Post-Secondary Readiness Coordinator
Actions Taken

Order #7059 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of adding 40 days for the Post-Secondary Readiness Coordinator for mentor and instruction/assessment leader for the 2023-2024 school year (This will be a total of 100 days.) (The additional 40 days will be paid by Title IV.) passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. William Asbridge.

VI.R. Consider Approval of the Revised BG-3 for the Crittenden County Middle School Addition
Actions Taken

Order #7060 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the revised BG-3 for the Crittenden County Middle School Addition passed with a motion by Mr. Ryan McDaniel and a second by Mr. Eric LaRue.

VI.S. Consider Approval of the Contract Documents with RBS Design Group for the Crittenden County Middle School Addition
Actions Taken

Order #7061 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the contract documents (drawings and specifications) with RBS Design Group for the Crittenden County Middle School Addition passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

Actions Taken

Order #7062 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. William Asbridge and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.