Crittenden County
April 13, 2023 4:30 PM
Special Board Meeting
1. Call to Order
2. Consider Approval of the Agenda for the April 13,2023 Crittenden County Board of Education Special Board Meeting
Actions Taken

Order #6878 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval of the Agenda for the April 13, 2023 Crittenden County Board of Education Special Board Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

3. CLOSED SESSION - Discipline Hearing

Closed:  4:35 PM

Actions Taken

Order #6879 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval that the Crittenden County Board of Education go into Closed Session pursuant to the authority of KRS 61.815 for the purpose of conducting a hearing which might lead to the discipline of a student, it being previously determined that no public hearing has been requested by a student or his/her parent guardian with such hearing and closed session meeting the exception of the open meeting law as set forth in KRS 61.810 (1)(f). passed with a motion by Mr. Tim Grau and a second by Mr. Ryan McDaniel.

4. Reconvene to Open Session

Opened:   5:43 PM

Actions Taken

Order #6880 - Motion Passed:  Consider approval to reconvene to open session to the Crittenden County Special Board Meeting passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.

5. Student ID # 2120533455 Be Expelled with Services

A motion by Tim Grau and seconded by Ryan McDaniel that Student ID # 2120533455 be expelled with services beginning April 12, 2023 until the end of the next school year

6. Adjourn
Actions Taken

Order #6881 - Motion Passed:  Motion to adjourn passed with a motion by Mr. Eric LaRue and a second by Mr. Tim Grau.